Beagle Thread! Photos

Discussion in 'Beagle' started by AmyH-Cornwall, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. honeytone

    honeytone New Member

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    Lovely photos, Tink.

    Whilst searching back through the forums for anything Beagle related, some time ago, I came across Alfie's story. It was so incredibly sad. He was obviously a very special little hound. :)
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    JIMMY LAW New Member

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    This is my little nightmare JEZ trying to look as ever the little angel, but as we all no for a Beagle thats a lie:shock:
  4. tink

    tink New Member

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    Thankyou Honeytone, He was one in a million and stole my heart,not sure i will ever get over losing him.My others whilst little darlings are just not him but i can remember him with smiles now as well as tears,i know he is still with me :)

    Don't worry Jimmy :) :) Made me chuckle :)
    What great pics you take of yours,they are fantastic :)
  5. EgyptGal

    EgyptGal New Member

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    Hi everyone having a smile at your stories of off lead walking with beagles:grin:One of the first time we let Darwin off was on holiday with relatives who had had spaniels in the past and said where can he go....? miles of beach away from roads and very steep sand dunes running the length of the beach:roll: We had taken him to training classes and he had been loose on a long lead and come back for food.Ok we thought 8 people one dog spread out no probs:lol: Within a minute he was up the vertical sand dunes and gone my cousin looked horrified and we scrambled up the sand dunes to see our beagle sitting in the distance watching sheep:shock: Not chasing thank god ! We used to let them off close to where we live but deer moved in, so that became a game of avoid the deer or have our youngest beagle chase them untill he collapsed, :evil: he also paid a visit to the pub one day so gave up on that walk:blush: we now have one place we let them off which is usually event free although we have to get them onlead before getting to the pond because their favourite food ever is there, BREAD anyone elses beagles mad for bread? The one day we didn't get Willow on lead in time but didn't worry because we knew he'd be with the ducks ,but i had a call on my mobile" have you lost a dog?" I said yes but i know where he is and will be there in a sec she was really puzzled that i was unfazed that this dog wasn't glued to my leg i know in an ideal world he would be but hey hes a beagle.Perhaps i'm making excuses for them but once that nose kicks in they can turn very deaf.
  6. Snorri the Priest

    Snorri the Priest New Member

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    Thorgrim Thorgrimsson
    Hmmmmm, it's not so much posting links (they're usually welcome) - the disapproval is for links which lead to other sites like this one!

    My mother's cousin had a Beagle called Mickey, who wasn't a great advert for the breed, as he was bad-tempered and disobedient. One day, he lost an argument with a coal truck and lost a back leg - it improved his behaviour, but not his temper!

    I'm a Border Collie freak; sadly, I lost two recently, one to old age (15) and the other, I think, to a stroke (aged 12). I
    have a one-year-old BC puppy now, who is a lovely wee boy. All three were born on farms here in Orkney, two as sheepdogs, one as a chickendog :!:

  7. honeytone

    honeytone New Member

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    Oops! Double post!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2010
  8. honeytone

    honeytone New Member

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    Well, after months of wracking my brains and staying eagle (or should that be 'Beagle') eyed for safe places for non heart attack inducing, off-leash, Beagle fun, I think I've found the perfect place. There is a beach about an hours drive away that is totally hemmed in by sheer cliffs, only one way on and off via very steep steps. Well, there's also an elevator... My Beagle's clever but not THAT clever! I think we'll go check it out today. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2010
  9. tink

    tink New Member

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    Hi egyptgal :)
    Reminds me of a trip to Ferry Meadows with mine,we were passing the bit where everyone feeds the ducks and geese and there in the middle of them all was a Beagle doing his best impression of a duck sitting on his hind legs begging it was hilarious :) :) He got plenty of bread too :)

    Honeytone,enjoy yourselves today,Hope all goes well :)

    Nice to hear from you Snorri :) Hope you're well :)
  10. EgyptGal

    EgyptGal New Member

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    Thanks Tink, nice to know it's not just mine!:roll: Have you thought anymore about the fostering ?
  11. honeytone

    honeytone New Member

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    I didn't get to check out the beach the other day, as the weather was awful but we managed to get there today and I'm chuffed to bits to be able to say I have found the perfect place to let Murph off-leash. We had an absolute blast! It was great seeing him just being a Beagle, with no worries that he was going to get himself lost. Sadly, the beach is too far for a daily trip, but hopefully I'll be able to make it once a week.

    I'm hoping it will do his social skills good too, as I stated earlier in the thread, Murph is a rescue and wasn't socialised properly as a pup. He has occasional issues meeting other dogs head-on when he's on-leash. he will lunge and make a dreadful racket. Off leash, however, he's definitely a happier, friendlier dog. He had lots of positive meetings and greetings, today. :D

    Here's a short video... Apologies for my screeching, I was just trying to get him to pose for the camera.
  12. Bonwillan

    Bonwillan New Member

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    Glad to hear Murph had a blast at the beach. We are so lucky with ours as they all have good recalls and we can let them off in most places.
  13. bookmarc

    bookmarc New Member

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    Have a look at the article I wrote [link removed]
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2010
  14. Bonwillan

    Bonwillan New Member

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    That was a good informitive article. It was very true to the breed. Bookmarc, thanks for the link.
  15. bookmarc

    bookmarc New Member

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    Thanks and you should see this little guy. He is pure beagle--and I would know.
  16. bookmarc

    bookmarc New Member

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    Thank you and you probably do not know what it means to someone like me to hear that sort of thing from English beagle people. Thank you very much.
  17. AmyH-Cornwall

    AmyH-Cornwall New Member

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    Sorry.... but what do u mean from English Beage People??
  18. Bonwillan

    Bonwillan New Member

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    English Beagles are much softer on the eye than American Beagles. Alot of American Beagles are bred from hunting stock so therefore look more like English hunting Beagles.

    The american show dogs look like English Beagles, they have a softer and more rounded features.
  19. AmyH-Cornwall

    AmyH-Cornwall New Member

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    I thought he was talking about people rather than the dogs?? :? 'English Beagle People' Sorry am I reading something wrong?? :blush:

    Yeh I know the American and English Beagles do a look a lot different don't they? I remember seeing one on a american TV programme once and I couldn't believe the difference!

    Oh can you please post some pics of your gorgeous three?? :grin:
  20. Bonwillan

    Bonwillan New Member

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    Here are a couple of shots of our trio.

    Rasha willow and Bonnie

    Bonnie Rasha and willow.
  21. AmyH-Cornwall

    AmyH-Cornwall New Member

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    They are lovely!!

    Thanks for sharing! :grin:

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