Cruelty To Dog's In Police Care Controversial

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by liverbird, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. liverbird

    liverbird New Member

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    Cruelty To Dog's In Police Care

    this is appalling :shock:

    London dog owner, Glynis Walker was left shocked and upset after collecting her pet dog Kodee from a North London Police station last week. Kodee was returned after being seized from her son as a pit bull type on the 26th August under the Dangerous Dogs Act legislation; West London Magistrates court had ordered Kodee be registered and exempted as the law allows for dogs who are responsibly owned and deemed not of any danger to the public.
    Glynis Walker and family were relieved pet dog Kodee would be allowed to live and excited to collect him from the Police Station car park last Thursday, however, feelings of joy and jubilation soon disappeared on the big day, Glynis explained:
    “The van doors opened and there was this awful smell, the van and Kodee smelt of excreta and there was Kodee trembling, thin, he’s legs kept shaking and he had cuts on his nose, he looked so sad I hardly recognised him.” Glynis’s 22 year old son was in tears and said: I would have rather Kodee was put down then to have suffered like that.”

    Kodee was taken home and his owner Glynis telephoned the Endangered Dogs Defence & Rescue for advice, upon further examination it was also noticed that Kodee’s scrotom is red raw sore, he has stitches in from being neutered and the skin covering three of his huge tattoo numbers has torn.
    Glynis said:
    “What you can’t see from the photos is the smell, we had to bath him twice to try and remove it. I haven’t received any information about the stitches, they look tight and sore, the inside of his ears are black with dirt, the pads on his feet are yellow, he has scraps on top of his head, I don’t know if he needs anti-biotics, we are seeking medical advice from our own vet now, my grandson saw him and just cried, he’s lost his spirit and just sits there with his head low, I can’t thank the EDDR enough for their understanding and ongoing support, they have also provided a behaviourist to help Kodee.”
    Kodee is just 18 months of age and has lived happily with his family from the age of eight weeks, he had never been in trouble and had been in kennels since August; a brief time compared to some dogs, but had the Index of Exempted Dogs be open for owner-led registration then he wouldn’t have needed to endure any time at all away from home.
    Glynis Walker is contacting her MP to discuss her case and is making a complaint to the Met. Police concerning her dog’s condition.
    Amanda Dunckley of the Endangered Dogs Defence & Rescue said:
    “As more DDA cases come though this month with pet dogs held pending legal proceedings the instances of dogs being returned in poor condition instils further fear into the hearts of these already extremely anguished owners, responsible owners are caught in a living nightmare this Christmas as so many will be without their cherished pets locked away behind bars and all on account of how they look, it is a national disgrace.”

    Glynis is asking other dog owners to please support the petition to re-open the Index of Exempted Dogs at


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  3. tinkladyv

    tinkladyv New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oh goodness :-(
  4. muttzrule

    muttzrule New Member

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    OUCH! Poor dog! I would be hopping mad. Hope some change comes of this.
  5. Loki's mum

    Loki's mum Member

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    OMG that's disgusting! Poor boy. Why does the tattoo have to be so big anyway? It looks like it's been done by someone who doesn't have a clue. I would be furious and very upset for my dog to be in that state.
  6. liverbird

    liverbird New Member

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    I cant begin to imagine
    what these poor dogs are going through :-(
    their only crime!! being born :cry:
  7. Toby

    Toby New Member

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    Poor poor dog, what on earthgoes on in these kennels, looks like he has suffered a lot. Why can't they show a bit of kindness, does not cost anything.....
  8. random

    random New Member

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    How sad, poor poor boy, his tattoo and his penis look awful. :(

    I don't know if anyone seen animal 24/7 this morning but the police were driving about on there picking up anything that looked remotely 'bully'. One sad case was a lovely bitch who was seized, even the police and kennel staff - EVERYONE, said she was a lovely friendly dog with a lovely temp, her owner seemed to be distraught when they took her but apparently he failed to fill out the paperwork and a young, perfectly healthy and friendly dog with a SUPER temp, who did NOTHING wrong, was PTS on account of how she looked, and she was no pit IMO.
  9. liverbird

    liverbird New Member

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    I am watching it now on BBCi player, not sure if I can watch it all tho.:-(
  10. spaznchevy

    spaznchevy New Member

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    thats just so sad poor boy! Whats going on in the world today why cant these people show these dogs alittle bit of kindness?! It doesnt take much! I had a friend who had a rottie and it was in a neighborhood that rotties had a bad reputation.this dog was friendly a awesome temperment and someone called complaining saying hes agressive because he barked at them he had to get a tattoo looked nothing like that it was WAY SMALLER and not near as painful looking poor boy:( sorry Kodee
  11. shirls

    shirls New Member

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    Thats a disgrace. What are the RSPCA doing about this cruelty???? Nothing i suppose
  12. liverbird

    liverbird New Member

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    there is no need for this is there Shirls, :cry: a little bit of kindness while the poor dog is in an unknown place through no fault of it's own and very stressed has to go through this :evil:
  13. Shona


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    who are responsible for looking after these dogs when they are taken?

    that dog is in a shocking state, poor pup.
  14. shirls

    shirls New Member

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    You would expect at least the would have decent basic care:-(
  15. liverbird

    liverbird New Member

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    you would :-( and this is just one case.
    if any of us did this to our dogs we would be charged with cruelty, and rightly so. it's inhumane :twisted:
  16. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I have a couple pictures of a dog that belonged to a friend from another forum, he was seized as a suspect Pit bull, you should see the state he was in when he came home, INNOCENT! I could post them again if anyone is interested.
  17. liverbird

    liverbird New Member

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    are they really shocking tho Dawn :-(
  18. *SJ*

    *SJ* New Member

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    They are not usually kept at Police kennels but placed in boarding kennels where they are paid to be cared for whilst awaiting the outcome of Court cases etc.
  19. liverbird

    liverbird New Member

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    the rspca near me has loads of bull breeds in kennels. most with signs up 'not for rehoming' now I know why :roll:
  20. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Well they arent good, but it typifies and backs up what you have said.
  21. liverbird

    liverbird New Member

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    ok can I see them then, thanks

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