Concerned: STB or PBT? Photos

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by surferchappie, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. surferchappie

    surferchappie New Member

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    Concerned: STB or PBT?

    Ok our little bundle of joy (and pee and poo and attitude) has been getting some odd remarks from other dog walkers and friends here and there.
    People seem to think that she is either a Staffy, a Jack Russel, a Dalmatian (i don't know don't ask), or a Pit Bull...oh dear.
    Two people now have given us the ''I know what you are up to'' look and said; ''That's a very nice Irish Staffy you have there''.
    We looked into it and found that it's simply a cover name for Pits so that the breeders in Southern Ireland can sell them over here where Pits are illegal (frickin BSL i hate it!).
    We've looked at pics for hours on end over the last week and one minute we're happy she's simply a Staffy, then we stumble across another pic that pushes us to think she's a Pit...just don't know anymore so i figured i'd ask you guys and see what you come up with.
    I thought that the vet would have said something if she looked like a Pit to her, but then again from looking at the pics they are immensly similar!

    The guy we bought her from mentioned that she was a pedigree, without going on about it, yet didn't have papers as the male who had the pedigree line belonged to his friend who'd recently gone away with the forces. We weren't fussed about pedigree lines, just happy to have a pup, and didn't pay pedigree prices either. The bitch was brindle and very Staffy looking, very gentle too, and the dog was reportedly an Irish Blue.

    Here are some pics to help you guys have an idea of the dog i'm rattling on about:

    Missy at 6 weeks


    Missy at 10 weeks


    Missy at 11 weeks


    Missy at 12 weeks


    Missy at 13 weeks


    Missy at 14 weeks


    Any feedback much appreciated, plus any help if you think she may be a Pit...she's grown on me a hell of a lot and I'm not giving her up for love nor money no-matter what she is!
    Please say she's just a long legged SBT...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2010
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  3. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    TBH she looks like a staff x collie to me. :grin: Why are you listening to these plonkers? Strangers always know more about your dog than you do - my GSP has been confidently called a Springer, Great Dane, Chocolate Lab etc. etc., and nothing will tell them differently. :roll: Oh, and my 4yo GSD is a puppy.
  4. labradork

    labradork New Member

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    Cute pup. I love her markings.

    With the Pit thing, it is hard say. Pits are not a recognized breed over here and as such it is difficult to define what they actually look like. Without having papers for your pup (or seeing the sire) I guess you never know exactly 'what' she is, but from the pictures I think she looks more Staffie than anything.

    Just socialize the pants out of her, be a good ambassador for her breed and I really don't think you have to worry about it. :)
  5. Shona


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    staff at the most staff x somit black and white,

    what colour of brindle was her mum? this could tell you a lot about the background of the dog, if the male was blue, someone who knows lots about colour genetics may come along soon and help out here
  6. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    She is gorgeous, whatever she is!! Over the last few years, I've noticed that Staffies generally come in lots of shapes, sizes and colours. Plus, she is only a baby yet, so her shape etc could change dramatically.

    The GP (general public) are clueless when it comes to dogs!! I've had both of my Boxers called Pit Bulls before, as well as Greyhounds and Mastiffs :roll:

    As said above, socialise her, be a brilliant dog/breed ambassador and don't worry about the GP!!
  7. Moli

    Moli New Member

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    She looks typical staffie pup to me...
  8. surferchappie

    surferchappie New Member

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    Thanks guys.
    Her momma was somewhere inbetween a dark and a tan brindle, more like a deep ginger brindle i suppose.
    Her temperament is coming along just great, she's very curious of other dogs, but from a distance, she waits for them to come to her and it seems that she makes sure they are polite with her, then starts to play. She's been set about by 2 pugs and just sat there not wanting to get into trouble for being aggressive and/or defensive, and she has a confidence in us, allowing whoever is walking her to be boss of the situation, looking to us for our reaction as to whether she can go play or not. So she is socialising well and i couldn't ever see there being an issue with her, just that looking at puppy pit bull pictures, i sometimes wonder!

    She did the Leeds 3 mile sport relief run yesterday with us and loved it! Other dogs barked at her and she just ignored them, running alongside us enjoying the 'awes' she was receiving from the sides haha.
  9. alexandra

    alexandra New Member

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    haha! she looks a stunningly cute, gorgeous little staffy pup!

    And sod the rest of them...My staff is very lean and long legged, her ears dont fold properly , but she is just a badly bred chav staffy we got from rescue!

    She has been called a basenji, a jack russel, a lab pup (!!!WFT????) and a pit bull (but that was by a woman who had two labs that had me pinned to a tree who thought her dogs didnt come under the DDA!)

    forget them! dont let them question the bond and love you have with your pup!
  10. Brundog

    Brundog New Member

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    what everyone else said. and by the way she is beautiful but then I am a sucker for a pied dog !!!

    gorgeous xxxx
  11. tillytheterrier

    tillytheterrier New Member

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    She is gorgeous. And I'd say staff as well. They do tend to come in all shapes and sizes so I wouldnt worry to much. Lots of training and socialisation and I'd say you've got a lovely little girl with a bright future ahead of you. Just ignore the man in the street with no clue!! :grin:
  12. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    She is lovely.
    She is at the gangly age were different bits are growing at different rates.
    Mine all grow very fast upwards until 16" at six months then don't increase in height any more just start to fill out
    As everyone else has said make sure she is the best socialised dog around and enjoy her.
  13. Kerryowner


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    I think you could do what we do when people call our dogs other breeds than what they actually are- someone at work suggested this and we tell people they are "Hungarian Haemorrhoid hounds" when people say "Is it a Poodle?" (No-Kerry Blue terrier). You just get a mystified blank look when you say this so just think up your own name and hey presto!

    My dogs have been called Labradoodles, Schnauzer-miz even a Scottie (I did have to comment don't you think they have long legs for Scotties LOL!).

    Just cultivate thick skin and continue to ensure your dog is well-behaved as even if other people's dogs start something you will get the blame if they think it is a Pit bull.
  14. Toby

    Toby New Member

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    She's adorable, she looks like an everyday staffy or sbt cross to me. Don't take notice what people say......she's lovely!
  15. Lou

    Lou New Member

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    I agree :D

    She's beautiful x
  16. lilypup

    lilypup New Member

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    Well speaking as the owner of an alleged Mini German Shepherd, who is actually an unusual coloured Jack Russell, I agree with everyone else on this thread. Missy is a beautiful bull terrier no matter what and she will grow into a happy, sociable adult under your care. :mrgreen:
  17. Velvetboxers

    Velvetboxers New Member

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    Looks Staffy to me too. She is gorgeous. Ive had folk ask me what our White Boxers are, quite a few think that Harvey is a Dalmatian or Dalmatian x as he has dark pigmentation showing threw his coat and one man even asked me if I was sure he was a Boxer! Most say they have never seen or heard of white Boxers but are outraged when told that until very recently white pups were culled at birth.
    Enjoy your pup - she is a little sweetheart.
  18. Mum To Many

    Mum To Many New Member

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    Shes very cute.
  19. kat14778

    kat14778 New Member

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    shes lovely dont worry i have a staff but i also have a staff cross american bull dog that looked like your pup when she was 6 months old i got all the comments is she a pit etc but she is now a lovely well behaved 2 year old dog and i just ignore any comments ignorent people pass
  20. Krusewalker


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    the police dont even assess for type until around 9 months of age anyway, as they cant perform their checks and measurements reliably before then
  21. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    thats a joke in itself,well, id laugh if it wasnt so tragic:roll: :roll:

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