Does anyone own a Working Cocker Spaniel General Chat

Discussion in 'Cocker Spaniel' started by Wyrd, Jan 3, 2010.

  1. magix

    magix New Member

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    Working cockers are fantastic little dogs. I have 2 atm and am planning no'3 this year:grin: Many people say that the working cocker is hard work but they are fun little dogs and I would reccomend them to anyone as pets so long as they are prepared to give them the walks they love. They are no more work than most dogs and a lot less than some:grin:
    I think there are photos of my two on here somewhere. I will check and if not I will post some.
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  3. MerlinsMum


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    They seem to be catching on as pets. I met one last year which I thought was a young Toller at first (oops!).

    Someone locally has a lovely pale blonde one - not sure what you'd call it really, not lemon - and a few months ago I met a really really stunning pup, rich deep red with black ears and tail. Utterly gorgeous! And this time I got it right - the owner was flabbergasted I knew it was a working cocker!
  4. honeysmummy

    honeysmummy New Member

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    I know someone with one. They are unexperienced with dogs and chose a working cocker as their first dog!!!! He is obviously a little too much for them...but I can see how he could be an amazing dog.
    After meeting him a few times I have decided that they are not the dog for me (and I like pretty active dogs....just not that on the go the whole time!).
  5. magix

    magix New Member

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    Young dogs can be a bit OTT, many end up in rescue between the ages of about 7 to 18 months. Its a shame really coz once past 2 yrs they are brilliant. I wouldn't swap my two (one of whom has some problems) for anything. I totally adore them both and they me.
  6. Sprocker

    Sprocker New Member

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    I have two Working cockers along with the rest of my gang. my Working Cockers are by far the most intelligent of the 5 dogs I have.


    Tilly-Bob is 15 years old and only started slowing down about 18months ago ... she would still go rough shooting with my OH up until about 2 years ago .... despite dodgy back legs and arthritis in her shoulders she still insists on mad walks where she hunts for bunnies and tries to keep up with the youngsters. She was rescued by my OH when she was about 9/10.


    Then I have Wellie who came to me at 11months old after 5 homes. He is now 2 years old and I can genuinely say I can not physically tire him out he is ready to go all day long. He is incredibly switched on and has boundless energy. When he first arrived he would do the "wall of death" round the room and thought nothing of jumping onto the kitchen table if you were eating..... alot of patience and hardwork he is now calmer and knows how to behave.

    Working cockers have become very "trendy" not just in shooting circles but also with pet owners. This shows in the number who are coming into rescue ... a couple of years ago there would be 2 or 3 in rescue in the whole year .... now certainly with NESSR there are 2 or 3 a month sometimes more. They are not suited to many pet homes and unless they have the right amount of mental stimulation and physical exercise they can have behavioural problems. I know a few very good breeders of working cockers but they will only sell to working homes.
  7. Me&MyDogs

    Me&MyDogs New Member

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    I've got 2 working Cocker Spaniels both 5 year old. Brother & Sister. Fabulous pets - Yes they are house dogs, I dont use them for working.
    Once i've got a PB account shall add some pictures up, they are very cute!!
  8. Ace_Animals

    Ace_Animals New Member

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    We have a Working Cocker Spaniel - trying to upload some piccies.

    She is very intelligent but I must say, our Collie far outdoes her on her intelligence level. Having said that, our Cocker never stops (aside from briefly when she's flat out on her back sunbathing!) The Collie is far more of a "sit in front of the fire" dog than the Cocker. Between them both, they keep one another very busily occupied. I can't imagine just having one Working Cocker Spaniel - it would involve endless walks and non-stop playtime! :lol:

    So long as you've got a very active lifestyle, I'd say this breed is fine as a pet. :mrgreen:



    (Fab with children - although care must be taken whenever anyone comes to the door as she gets so excited she sometimes forgets her manners - thats the downside to this breed..... completely crazy and nothing ever stops them!! :grin:)
  9. Helipops

    Helipops New Member

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    I have a working cocker. I did not know there was a difference in look and intelligence when I bought her, just thought that a working bred dog would be healthier long term.

    They are extremely active and I think mine would drop dead before showing any signs of being tired. She is just a pet but if anyone wants her 9-5 Im sure she would love the days work. She usually goes with my husband to work but she cannot join in so to speak.

    I cannot say it is always easy because she is hard work but would I ever consider a show cocker over working. Absolutely not. She is always looking to help you in whatever way she can. If she cant she will go and play on her own. They are just a total bundle of fun and will cheer you up no matter how crappy your day was.

    They do not like being left alone though and will destroy anything in sight until you return (even if its 5 minutes). I am hoping to get working cocker no2 in order to ease her stress when we are not there.

    And please before anyone starts yes my dog gets left on her own sometimes.

    I got mine from a breeder in Doncaster. I live in Bolton so it was quite far. Hoping to find someone closer for next time.

    Walking time you are looking at an hour in the morning and an hour at tea time. At the weekend we take her on one long walk per day (about 2 hours) and she just has mini walks for toilet only the rest of the weekend.

    Zero aggression, never have her on her lead as she is totally submissive. Never had an issue with any dog or child. They just love everyone they meet.
  10. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    I am not generally a small dog person, but do love the little working cockers. I know plenty of gamekeepers favour them, as they are such busy little dogs, but also knew a breeder who said they make great pets for active families and need more mental stimulation than their show cousins, but not necessary more physical exercise.
  11. Helipops

    Helipops New Member

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    that is a really useful piece of info and makes total sense now you say it.

    I may try a game next time she is hyper rather than just going out on a walk.

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