Boxers - please tell me about yours! General Chat

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by x-clo-x, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    im confused to where they are no lol but i could swear they arent far away from me, may have to go for a drive later n c if i have the right place lol :roll: i told the OH that had puppies and he was like "oh well give me the number, i will phone and we can just go see" now i know what he is like, he wont just look at all. however i am tempted to say yes we will look cos i could talk to them and meet a lot of boxers all in one go and see what they are like to live with. and i could get a cute squidgy boxer fix :grin:

    aww if you are getting broody then maybe you will have a new addition sooner than you think :grin: dont worry you can blame me :lol:
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  3. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    If you are really serious, it might be worth giving them a call!!

    I'd have a 3rd dog no problems, however, think my OH would have something to say about it! He thinks 10 stone of dog is enough!
  4. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    yeah im not saying im going to rush out and buy the first dog i see. but it would be good to see them and talk to a breeder. i hear they are quite a decent breeder too :) i think my OH would be fine with a dog now as he wants a bigger one to play with lol :roll: although i could keep going and going :grin: i got told to get a hobby so i did! :grin:
  5. bugzy

    bugzy New Member

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    What they are like to live with??

    Oh dear I could write an essay on what it's like living with Aura lol.

    I'm only going on comparing her to my Dobermann's...
    As a puppy she was incredibly quick to house train. It literally took me 2 days and that was it, she was house trained, now whether this was because she followed Ice and Embers lead or not I dont know, But she has been the fastest dog i've ever had to house train.
    She's more energetic than my dobes were, she normally has 2 modes... sleep mode ( where she can snore louder than a drunken old man) and nutter mode!
    She is far slower to mature than my dobes were! Aura is almost 2 years old but is still very immature in her brain,(where as with my Dobes, by 2 years old they were basically mature adults) .
    She knows all the commands, like sit, down, leave, come etc, but she can be hyper excitable and tends to forget what you've asked her to do.
    she isn't crated when I go out now, so I have to make sure all doors are shut where I dont want her to be, other wise she has a habbit of going into the girls rooms and stealing their stuff, and leaving a nice chewed up mess in the middle of my bed ( today's present off her was shredded wellies on my bed this morning, as Sharnah has obviously forgot to shut her door when I took her to college this morning and Aura took full advantage to see what she could steal)
    she's also partial to emptying out the recycle bin and scattering it about the house so Mummy has to play a game of wrestle the recycling off of Aura.

    She's great with the 2 min pins in the house although she can be a little "full on" with other dogs out on a walk.(she wants to jump about, boxer splat them and slobber them all over, and some dog owners seem to frown on that ;) )
    She can also open crates.. So I have to shut the living room door where Bugzy and Meeka are when I go out, cause other wise Aura lets them out to party whilst i'm out! ( we only allow the min pins out with Aura when we are there so we can monitor them and make sure she doesn't play too rough with them ) A splat from a Boxer paw HURTS!

    She's very very loving, and likes to squish her face right next to ours and snuggle in for cuddles, Unfortunately I think she thinks she is a Min Pin as she tries to snuggle right up on my chest like the Min pins do, bless her she just doesn't understand the size difference :)
    I wouldn't swap her for the world, she makes us laugh so much, she is so loving and sweet, but for me... one Boxer in this house is all I can cope with :)
  6. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    awww they sound so fun! there never seems to b a dull moment. i will have a word with the OH 2nite as he wants to go see some puppies. :grin: we are just looking mind ;-)
  7. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Ok, where do we start, lets start with the negatives, of the breed, if you can get past them then they may be the breed for you.

    Be prepared for many people not liking them , you can get the same reaction to a Boxer, as you would a Rotti, Staffie, they will see them in not a very good light. mostly because of irresponsible owners, allowing them to be too boisterous with other dogs and people, and sometimes because they will have had a bad experience with them

    Dont be taken in with the myth, Boxers lover everyone and every thing, some will , some wont, just like any dog/breed they will all be indeviduals, and unfortunately many Boxer are not very tolerant of other dogs of the same sex.

    Also they are inclined to be picked on by other dogs, again this will be because they give off such a "macho" persona , other dos , will attack first and ask questions later.

    An unruly Boxer is your worst nightmare, again, dont be taken in by the "they cant be trained" way of thinking, Boxers are highly intelligent, and if not trained correctly will cause you havoc.

    As others have said, they are not a breed to be left to their own, they are people dogs, they need their people.

    When buying a Boxer, please do your homework, for some of the reasons I have already mentioned, temperament is particularly important in this breed, a well balanced Boxer is a dream to own, a nervous one is a nightmare.

    They will destroy a home within seconds if bored, they can chew their way through doors (believe me, I know) if given the chance.

    They NEVER grow up, they mature into adults , but they will always into old age be as active and boisterous as when they were pups.

    Now you may think, all I am saying is doom and gloom, but I am passionate about my breed, and to many are in rescue, because people buy them, because they like the look,and not do adequate research, I would much rather make a perspective Boxer owner , think twice, three times before they take one on... if anything I say, makes you think twice, them great, I have done what I intended.

    To many people will just give you the positives about the breed, and forget the negatives, and believe me, there are plenty.

    They will test your training skills, give them an inch and they will take a mile, but when trained they are a delight, they do suffer with selective hearing, something you need to always keep on top of... there is always something more pleasurable over that hill to play with than, listening to you,

    Now that done, the positives............. well were do you start,

    As all the others have said, they are a fabulous breed, (people will either love them or hate them) they give you a thousand times back what you give them, they make fabulous family pets, they adore their people to distraction, they will make you laugh every single day you share your life with them.

    They will exasperate you, enthrall you, make you a devotee of the breed, make you feel some days......"what have I done" and others, so grateful to share your life with them.

    They have boundless energy, they will run you ragged on walks, they will show you up, on many an occasion, they will make you many many friends along with some enemies:roll:

    But on the whole, they are a joy, no two Boxers will have the same expressive face, they have sad looks, happy look, mischievous looks, and sheer devilment looks.

    As others have said, you must only buy from breeders who heart score their dogs, do not let anyone tell you it does not matter.

    Because white is classed as a breed fault, although they are as equally a Boxer as any coloured siblings, white can suffer with skin problems though.

    Millie is a Marbelton, and the Hambletons live Liverpool, just of the M57.

    They are a very large successful show kennel, and many of their pups are from imported dogs.

    Her dogs are stunning.

    Mary more or less always has a litter on the ground, if you wish to PM, me, I will give you a little more advice.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2009
  8. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    if anything reading your negatives have made me want one more. you havent put me off them. everything you have mentioned about the negatives seems to be down to being a responsible dog owner. :)
    they sound a very entertaining breed even if they can be hard work, cresteds can be hard work even though they are only small :) they are just sooo stubborn!
    im going to have to go and see what this kennel near me is called then cos its bugging me now! i could of sworn it was marbleton pugs and boxers but im nowhere near liverpool :?
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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  10. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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  11. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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  12. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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  13. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Boxers will vary, you can get them from £400, up to £1000,

    But a good average price will be around £7/800

    Mary`s will be the £800 upwards, I knwo some of hers go for £1000

    Put it this way, I paid £800 for Millie 7yrs ago!!!!!! when other breeders were charging £4/450
  14. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    thanks for that, round about the same price for cresteds.
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Let me know who the breeder is that is by your gran, I think I may know who it is!!!
  16. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    i live near macclesfield, but i think theyre closer to leek. pm the name if you like.
  17. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    yes please.
  18. Moli

    Moli New Member

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    Why do the prices vary so much, Maggie was ££650, but at the same time there was another litter advertised for £250.....Which I felt was too cheap for a well bred Boxer...
  19. tabsmagic

    tabsmagic New Member

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    Boxers are WONDERFUL!!
    My Gran has always had one- first there was Jessy, then Janey after we are onto Jonesy.........
    They have all been loving and kind dogs.
  20. kathy

    kathy New Member

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    Are you thinking of the Roylark boxers They are in Macclesfield
  21. x-clo-x

    x-clo-x Member

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    yes it is roylark boxers down the road from me. what are these like as a breeder? i knew there was on somewhere lol :) looked on the website but they dont have the pugs on there, although i looked at the address and its the right one. i think im still going to go and look at the marbelton puppies though :grin:

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