Hello (your experience of SBT's wanted) General Chat

Discussion in 'Staffordshire Bull Terrier' started by babeeree, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. hades

    hades New Member

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    Goooooo brundog goooooo brundog!!!!!:023:
    Totally agree with you...people in glass houses and all of that!:lol:

    Staffys are lovely dogs and great with people and kids, but as with any dog should never be left alone with any child, looking forward to seeing some pics of them.:)
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  3. Petticoat

    Petticoat New Member

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    Personally I love Staff's but I will be honest what has been done to a breed that I once adored makes me sick and upset... I was about ten when I met Bosun and he was wonderful, a white staffie with brindle markings and he would run to me and lay at my feet for cuddles, he was my neighbours dog. He loved our female setter, but hated boys because he had been attacked badly by a male GSD over a female Irish setter:-( When Bosun died it broke my heart and I have loved Staffs ever since... now they are over bred status symbols for pathetic numpties who do not know what wonderful dogs these are in the right hands...
    There are a few on here I would love to meet and cuddle, (Brundog) Dani's Bruno is one, when I see him and Luca her son, it gives me a warm glow, because that is a true Staff to me, a dog who loves his owners and not the publicised viscious brute.

    Eta, I have met a staff recently that hid behind his owner cos my puppy whimpered at it!! Most other Staff's I meet are lovely to people and can be funny with dogs, apart from one who used to play with my Remy, both oldies together aww!!
  4. Brundog

    Brundog New Member

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    thankyou what a lovely thing to say, and if you are ever up this way you make sure you come in for your cuddle. :)

    and i agree with you, it pains me to see whats been done to the breed, and believe me I see too much in rescue i really do, and the numpties....well dont get me started.:twisted:
  5. Darren

    Darren New Member

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    QUOTE:just cant resist - this is my ugly dog !! LOL
    pretty gorgeous to me !!
    and a gentler beast with children I have yet to meet.

    I have to say they are some of the nicest pics i have seen. Thankyou for sharing them with us! :grin:
  6. Brundog

    Brundog New Member

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    glad you like them, your welcome xx
  7. em_er_li

    em_er_li New Member

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    We had a staffy X called Shandy when I was only little and he was the most loving dog I've ever known, so now I hold a torch for all Staffys :)
    We're in the process of adopting a 3-4 yr old Staffy bitch now called Rosa, who is yet another soppy staffy who just wants fuss. I've introduced her to my youngest nephew (nearly 3) and she was just as gentle and patient with him as Shandy was with me. It helps that I've always taught my nephew to be gentle with all dogs (no ear or tail pulling thankyou very much!) he just hugged her and petted her, which she loves.

    On top of that all the Staffys I've had the pleasure of meeting have all just been big fusspots who wants a kiss and a belly rub.

    I still think it's all to do with the individual dog though, each has it's own personality. But as I say, all Staffys I've known have always been wonderful, ESPECIALLY with children.
  8. em_er_li

    em_er_li New Member

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    Also, Staffys aren't ugly in my opinion, but I'm soft for them :)
  9. andy65uk

    andy65uk New Member

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    i have had staffords for nearly 25 yrs now and have yet to own a bad 1, i too have had 1 that has been dog agressive only, and that was because she was attacked by a dog when she was a puppy, like most dogs if they're brought up right then you shouldn't have a problem. They're not called a nanny dog for no reason

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