was just on here thought i might say i own a bordeaux and would love to chat to ppl with the same or similar breed or not i have has loads of different dogs so just chatting about dogs ismy thing so fire away !!!!
Hello my brother has a bordeaux and bullterrier,and i have chihuahuas,doberman x and 2 new pups a english mastiff and bull mastiff.We have also had many breeds in throughout our large family,and also rescues that we used to help when i was younger and before i settled with my gang i have now.
Im a rescue bordeaux owner Betty is a six year old bitch.Ive had betty for 18months now she is wonderful,stubborn and a clown!
my dogue is a rescue as well and daft a brush but love her to death she tries to play with my cats but forgets how big she really is lol but yours is well cute