I have a basset hound called Mr Finn who i love dearly he is now 4. Heres the question: Do i get him a Puppy friend? Every time i think seriously about it i end up talking myself out of it, Its not the extra work or expense the problem is i am worried about it changing my realationship with Mr Finn. Has anyone done it and has it been a sucess??
Not with Bassetts - but it sounds like a good time for a pup if you are up for it. Yiour other dog is a nice age, and (if) he is well behaved he would be helpful in training the pup as well. It comes down to you really - you have been through it once - you know how much work is involved. I don't see any reason why it should change the relationship with your other dog - you just ahve to make a bit more time for 1-on-1s. Good luck in your decision.
I had two Bassets and would definitely recommend it. I still have my male Harvey and he absolutely adored Millie my other Basset - I think they are much happier with another dog - definitely go for it!
hi i dont have any bassets but i know a few(and swam a few but thats another story!! full of personality! i agree with tassle,your dog is a good age to get another one.i know how you feel though,i thought i had ruined my old beloved dogs life at first, when i got another dog,but quess what ...it didnt ,it actualy showed me what he was missing in his life and now,i am a firm believer that a dog is happier with fellow canine company,as well as ours,and ,imho i would of thought 'hounds' are too.i know this may not be the case for you. good luck
I agree with Tupacs. I don't know if you have decided to have another male or female? All the male Bassets I have known don't take too kindly to other male dogs in their house. Mr Flynn maybe different? Harvey is 4 and would be very unhappy if I brought another male in. He is very happy with females and Bassets have always surprised me at how welcoming from day one they are with another puppy. Bassets love the company of other dogs and to see them play together - you know you have made the right decision. I wouldn't worry about your relationship with Mr Flynn with another Basset in the home, male bassets always get the most cuddles and attention as they are always more attentive and needy than any other dog I know. When I had two they both managed to squeeze themselves on my lap, until my legs went dead with the weight. They always slept together, sniffed the same blade of grass for 10 minutes - it really is a joy to see two Bassets together, because lets be honest, other dogs just don't understand them and they really shine with another of their kind.
Hi Emily, I notice you're in Fareham, not too far from me There's a trainer over here in Pompey who has two Bassetts! She is also a behaviourist, trained by COAPE [Peter Neville]. Now, she would be a fine person to ask...lol I'll try and pass on her details (if I can) if you'd like to contact her.