Chihuahuas - are they fragile? Questions

Discussion in 'Chihuahua' started by Vicky, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. Vicky

    Vicky New Member

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    Chihuahuas - are they fragile?

    Hi all,

    I've wanted a chihuahua for a couple of years now and should be in a position to take one on next year all being well however i have a few concerns that i wondered if someone could help me with.

    Mainly the fact that I have a german shepherd and I have read that chihuahuas normally dislike dogs of other breeds is this true? And how fragile are chihuahuas? Is it likely to get hurt if my shepherd tries to play with it?

    I would appreciate any advice/replies I just want to make sure before i go into this that all the dogs are going to be able to get along well and more importantly without getting hurt!

    Thanks :001:
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  3. miz66

    miz66 New Member

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    I'm guessing if you have a Chi pup it'll soon get used to the other dog. I have a 8 month Chi he's never been fragile they are dogs when all said and done. My Chi prefers people to dogs but he is the only dog in the house. We take him to people's houses he's fine but no one in the whole family has a dog so he goes to puppy school he's not bad but did have a go at a rottie the other week.
    I'm sure if he was more used to other dogs he'd be fine. I also found a cage is a great investment you know where they are and what they're doing at night.
    Keep us informed how things go.
    Miranda x
  4. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    My Alaskan Malamute regularly palys with 7 chis :)
  5. Vicky

    Vicky New Member

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    Thanks for the replies :grin:

    Do they not get hurt? Does your mal playfight with them?

    My GSD loves to playfight and has done so with my sisters cat and has never hurt her its normally the dog that ends up running off wen the cat pounces on her, it just worries me about the soft spot that they have on there skulls, i read that even a tap could kill them :shock:
  6. nikkip104

    nikkip104 New Member

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    I have just got an 8 wk old chi. I already have a 4yr old NI and a border terrier x beagle who is full of beans! My chi 'cuddles' with the NI and 'plays' with the terrier. However I have a crate and crate her at night and at any point during the day when I am not there 100%. ie if i nip to the loo, answer the door etc, unless I have her in my arms. If I do do hold her, I have to make sure I am talking/petting the other dogs so they are not feeling overtaken by the new arrival. My dogs are brilliant with her, but until she is big enough to defend herself, I would not risk leaving any dog alone with a new pup, no matter how tolerant, as jealousy etc could spark at any time. With a small dog/pup all it takes is a misplaced paw and you would be left to live with your decision/failing as a carer and I for one, could not live with that. Common sense as ever should prevail.
  7. CheekyChihuahua


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    I would never have my dogs with large breeds. Accidents happen, no matter how gentle the larger dog may be.
  8. Vicky

    Vicky New Member

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    Awww have you put any pics up of your new addition nikki?

    It's good to know that people do have chi's with bigger dogs, I will have to have a good think about it as your right cheekychi accidents can always happen and I'm really not sure whether its wise but even if i do decide to take on a chi i will obviously be asking the breeder what he/she thinks about it and if the general consensus is that its a definite no-no then i suppose I will have to be chi-less unfortunately :(
  9. CheekyChihuahua


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    I don't like to be the voice of doom but no matter how gentle a large breed can be, there is always space for a freak accident. I know of a Chi that got it's back broken by a larger breed accidentally landing on the Chi's back, when both playing and chasing a ball!

    Personally, I wouldn't let any of my Pups go to a home with a large breed. Different Breeders have differing views about it, so I'm sure you'll find one.

    If you do get a Chi, I take it you won't be going down the "teacup" route (find it hard to type that word, grrrrrr). You'd be surprised at the amount of people enquire for a "teacup" from one of my girls!!!! If you do get one, get one that is likely to make a good fully grown weight, so that it is a little bit stronger. A couple of my girls are so light boned, their legs are like chicken legs!:lol: Others are thicker set and could take a bit of a run in with a larger breed, so long as it was playful, rather than aggressive.

    Anyway, hope you don't see me as being negative. Chis are wonderful, wonderful, fantastic dogs! If you get one, you'll love it to bits!:mrgreen: Just try to make sure that it isn't likely to be a real "tiny" is all I'd advise:001:
  10. Vicky

    Vicky New Member

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    Don't worry your only saying what I have been going over and over in my head and don't worry I wouldn't be going to any breeder that was advertising a "teacup" of any breed anyway, if i were to get a chi i woudn't go for the daintiest one it would be even more stressful!

    I have been in touch with one breeder who said that she has rehomed to people with larger dogs and didn't see it as a problem but obviously everyones opinions vary.

    Arghhh its so frustrating, I have wanted a Chi for so long and now I'm in a situation where i could have one if i wanted I'm not sure that its the right thing to do, as much as i'd love one i would never forgive myself if i got a chi and something happened to it by accident and left it permanently disabled or something :(

    The other breed I was thinking of although I love vhi's and desperately want one was a Bichon Frise. Do you have any knowledge of this breed? Do you think it would be more suitable to live with larger dogs?
    They seem to be a lot more hardy if you know what i mean, still a toy breed but not so delicate as the Chi.
  11. nikkip104

    nikkip104 New Member

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    I can only echo what Cheekychihuahua has said in that you need to get a chi that will be a good standard size and not a 'teacup'. Is there even such a thing? I thought they were 'runts' bred down the line to become smaller etc, which any good breeder would not have anyway as the ethic is supposed to be to breed for the improvement of the breed, not breed dogs with potential health problems. Anyway, I saw both Parents at the home I got my Chi from and both were normal size, sturdy little dogs. I also saw a 2yr old Chi from the previous litter the parents had, who was normal size etc. You just have to make sure you're ahead of the game. Be aware of boisterous situations before they happen, you know your dog and the signs are always there. If in doubt, wait until yr other dog has passed on and then get a Chi. I have a cracking photo of 2 my Chi and NI. If I can work it out, I'll get it on here.
  12. CheekyChihuahua


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    No, there is no "teacup" just a term some Breeders use!!!! I get asked about "teacups" on a daily basis. I even got verbally abused the other day because I said that I would never home a puppy with someone who enquired for a "teacup" - apparently I'm rude and have no right to judge. Errr, yeah, I do actually:grin:
  13. nikkip104

    nikkip104 New Member

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    Good for you CheekyChihuahua. These people are likely to be the ones that only want the dog because it looks cute, can be dressed up etc but give no consideration to the actual dog itself and when the novelty wears off can't be bothered. I can't remember the amount of stuff I've seen about Chi's just needing a large garden to play in?? They are dogs. They need a walk, no matter how small. How else can they socialise and get stimulation??
  14. nikkip104

    nikkip104 New Member

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  15. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Although I understand the concern of toy breed breeders, over injury with larger dogs, and accidents... freak accidents can happen regardless of size...

    I have a friend who had 8 large breed dogs and 1 very tiny Pom.. the Pom, rules, the only accident that has happened is to one of the larger dogs by on of the larger dogs... one running into another and displacing the hip.

    I think accidents are just that,, they will happen no matter how careful you are.

    BUT I do understand the worry, placing small breeds in with large... but it would be a shame if the right home was one with a larger dog already in place.

    P.S I also know of a Yorkie that was jumped on by his friend (larger dog) in the park, resulting in a spinal injury... so it is difficult , and sometimes even the best prevention, can not stop it happening
  16. miz66

    miz66 New Member

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    I was going on the size of my Chi when I replied the other day, In the thumb size photo which is the only one I can get onto here, he is only 4 month old and looks pretty big, he's now 8 month and a good size dog he weighs about 8 pounds he's about the same size as his mum. Nobody said thery're as mad as hatters but about 8-9pm he just goes to sleep and only wakes up when he needs the loo, he's a darling though.
  17. Vicky

    Vicky New Member

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    Hi all,

    Its always interesting to hear everyones different opinions as its helping me to weigh it all up in my head! (still undecided about it though!)

    Awww Nikki your dogs are both gorgeous and obviously get along great! With regards to waiting til my GSD passes on, she's only 5 and will hopefully be with me for many many years to come and TBH whilst i can see what your saying I think I'd feel like I'd been waiting for her to go so that I could get a cute little Chi puppy :(

    Obviously thats not how it would be but if anything happened to my GSD I dont know whether I could just go and get a Chi without feeling guilty about it. Sorry I'm waffling hope that makes sense!
  18. CheekyChihuahua


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    Of course, you are right that a Chi and a large breed could live happily together for years without any problems. I'm such a worrier though and though I would love a large breed (could certainly do with one for security with several Chis in the house and the house being in quite a vulnerable position next to a field, no immediate neighbours and so on) I'm just such a worrier, My Breeding Mentor homed one of her Chis with a Dogue de Bordeaux (sp?) and they have lived happily together for a couple of years with no incident. She did know the owner of the Dogue though (and knew that the dog was very gentle) otherwise I don't think she would have let her go to that home.

    I am such a worrier and if I can do anything to avoid an accident I will, probably I am OTT though, I'll openly admit that:blush:
  19. Naomi

    Naomi New Member

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    I'm dog sitting my friends chi x , jack russell and rottie with my pup Marley and it's funny to watch them as the chi will start on Marley. Marley is so gentle with her and will lay down on the floor to play with her. She is more than happy being with Marley.

    I did have to keep an eye on them when she first came to stay and Marley soon learnt that she was a lot smaller than him, now thay get on like house on fire.
  20. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    Neighbours of ours have a pair of chi's and a lovely big blue great dane (opposite ends of the spectrum or what? Young newly married couple, the chis are hers the dane's his!) and they seem to get on like a house on fire! Guess it's down to setting fairly firm boundaries of what is acceptable mutual behaviour.
  21. Vicky

    Vicky New Member

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    It seems it can work for lots of people then :)

    Does anyone have any recommendations for good chi breeders?

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