The Malamute Way:-) Questions

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by SibeVibe, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    The Malamute Way:-)

    My big handsome cuddly bear Jacub is a husky x mal. He lives with 3 sibes an obviously displays sibey behaviour :roll: :grin: :grin:

    We were never lucky enough to know anyone with Mals until recently. Met a great guy with 5 breathtaking Mals and he loves the bones of Jacub. He is teaching me to respect the 'mallyness' in my boy ;-)

    It is amazing listenening to him view Jacub from a Mal owners prospective. J's always surrounded by sibe owners and have to admit it's the side of him that is most spoken about.

    J. is different from our other guys. Don't get me wrong he is having a ball living out his nonsense years at the moment, but there is a steadiness in the boy I don't see in his pack mates.

    Are there any Mal owners on the forum that would be kind enough to share an insight into The Malamute Way :)

    We've been told he has the Mally Paw thing going on when folks say hello to him and what on earth is the carpet pounding about :mrgreen:

    Please dont scare me folks :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Thanks ever so much.

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  3. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    Will be watching this thread with interest as well.. Always wondering which f Kismet's madnesses are Husky and which are Malamute:)

    Which of them leaps and bounces on grasshoppers and mice, thumping and pushing at the undergrowth to spook them out?
  4. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    I read the title as Marmite way!:roll:
    This could be my obsession with food or the recent anaesthetic:mrgreen:

    I love Marmite and Malamutes :grin:
  5. Cyrus

    Cyrus New Member

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    What I have noticed with my guys is that malamutes seem to be a lot more chilled out than sibes they are a lot less flighty they dont seem to have the same need to get somewhere at 100 miles per hour :lol:
    Loco likes nothing better than to sit there and have fuss and cuddles where as my sibe boys like them on their terms and are a lot more aloof
    Shes also not as vocal as the boys who will winge and whine every chance they get, she will join in a pack howling or wooing session but won`t sit in front of me whinging and wining, wind her up in play or show her her harness and then she becomes vocal with short, sharp loud woos

    To be honest I love siberians as a breed but I adore malamutes and think in the future I will only have malamutes unless a sibe I couldn`t live without is going to be bred :lol:
  6. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    Both :) But Jacub squishes the best :mrgreen:
  7. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:
  8. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    I see that in J too. He just sits and absorbs the day while Isaac dives around chasing wasps in his head :mrgreen:

    J's a vocal boy (sure he says mmmmmum :) ) His woo woo's are short, sharp and loud too. But Isaac has taught him how to join them together into a big long pack song when anyone comes to the door. Isaac sounds like a banshee on speed, Jacub just sounds deep and beautiful. Not the best vocal mix :mrgreen:

    Thanks so much for your input. That sibes out there somewhere :)
  9. queenwillow

    queenwillow New Member

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    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. queenwillow

    queenwillow New Member

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    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: nippy your a scream :p
  11. ingi

    ingi New Member

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    Just picked up this thread.

    How old were yours before they really got into the woo woo'ing (is that even a word?) Nanuq will occassionally give it some woo's but his fav thing is barking at us in the most high pitched girly bark he has. At times he will go and grumble very deeply at the back gate and occasionally gives his big boy bark.

    It seems he has some Sibe attributes in wanting to get places fast. Also can have moments when he lies down and takes everything in arround him guessing this is his Malness.

    Would love to know more of the different attributes of the breeds.

    Here he is:

  12. ingi

    ingi New Member

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    Should have added he is 8 mths old (today)
  13. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    Happy 8month birthday Nanuq:)...

    Kismet is very vocal, she 'talks' constantly especially while training and does a very good impression of a stroppy teenage OH BUT MUM... when she starts to have enough.. She was vocal right from a teeney puppy and has always had a very grown up bark, which she reserves for calling the neighbour for biscuits and shouting at the postman. Other than that all her other vocalisations are whoo whoos and growly singing... If you didn't know her you'd think she was mauling me when we have a cuddle:)

    She sounds like a hound from hell when excited and people move their dogs away from her growly howly sing songing... Which I always thought was sibey, as the only other time I heard anything like it was watching the Ititarod:) ...
  14. ingi

    ingi New Member

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    is that like the Iditarod only topless...:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Nanuq does do the growly mubbly teenager thing too when he does not get his own way, and goes mental with other dogs arround, it does sound aggressive but he just wants to play!!!
  15. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    Jacub is exactly the same. The noise he makes when he is excited goes right through your soul. Sounds like someone is trying to throttle him. Especially on the stake out if another dog passes by. The lad does 'well chuffed' with gusto :shock: :mrgreen: Although the first time he did it I dropped everything and ran, thought the boy had really hurt himself. Silly mummy...:mrgreen:

    Hope Nanuq enjoyed his birthday. Bet he got a spoiling :)

    Jacub's off to spend some time with his Mal Pals at the weekend. I'm gonna ask their owners about his coat. Never seen a sibe come out of coat the way Jacub does. Takes much longer to blow and even then it's still not ready to come out. Just finished his first 'big boy' moult. He looks fantastic :)

    Hope this finds you well.

    Take care.

  16. becs721

    becs721 New Member

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    Ayla doesnt really bark, she tries too but its more of a grunt! She does like to sing and woo woo, and she give little grunt when she doesnt get her own way :grin:
    But when she sees a cat then she will howl and then jump up and smack her big front paws on the ground while trying to get the cat (mainly sat on top of the 6ft fence!) even when the cat is gone Ayla will spend 10 minutes sniffing and pacing the garden! :grin:
  17. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    hi s :grin:
    re the sibe moulting(off topic,sorry)your lucky!!! my oldest bitch has just had a 3month(yes 3 month!)blow!!!!:shock: :shock:
  18. ingi

    ingi New Member

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    Nanuq seems to still be moulting especially after a wash, could this be his age, I suppose he won't have a full moult until next year. When they blow their coats does all the under coat come out?

    Also he has a very 'fluffy' head practically a main is this his Mal side? We have to brush his head every day bless him or he looks like something out of the 80's with his crimped head.
  19. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    It depends on the individual dog, my bitch blows hers completely and all her undercoat comes out in a short period of time where as the boys blow for longer and never loose all of their undercoat.

    No,this is not typical on a Mal either. I know of a handful of dogs that have had similar, but they are very much in the minority.
  20. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    Hello Tupacs2legs :)

    Same here, my first lad took ages. Looked like a burst couch for month :mrgreen: We really should keep the stuff and get some wool spun. Cosy northern hats and mits :mrgreen:

    Hope your good. Take good care.

    Seoniad :)
  21. SibeVibe

    SibeVibe New Member

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    :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:

    I remember 8O's crimped hair. Hope I burned all the photo's :mrgreen:

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