Attacked General Chat

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by gazza56, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. gazza56

    gazza56 New Member

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    hi we have had two greyhounds for the last 5 years ,millie and jo jo . when we first got millie she was a wreck you could nt lift your hand above your waist without her cowling and crying she was afraid of other dogs ,people ,cats and birds,she cried alnight and was a complete mess,you see she never raced ,yes she can run but only when she wants to. any how due to love care and understanding she changed .yes it took a long time and there was times when hair was being pulled out, also her health has nt been great and she only has 3 teeth but she is a brillant friend . a year after she arrived we got jo jo as a companion for her .they have had there up and downs with them both being bitches but nothing out of the ordinary.them last sunday afternoon we took them for a run at a local country park(one tree hill) . we pulled up in the carpark lifted the back of the car up and they jumped out then almost immedity two staffs appeared from no where and tore into millie my wife screamed and tried to seperate them millie just sreamed ,then after about 2 minutes a couple walked into the car park and called the staffs off luckily we had managed to them apart to keep the physical injury s to a minium but we are left with a dog that is to afraid to go out for a walk ,is petrifried of all other dogs and has reverted back to the dog she was 5 years ago . now i m an animal lover and find it hard to hold a grudge against any animal but the owners are beyond that ,they did nt even have the manners to ask how millie was.
    any how this is a heart felt plea if you have a dog that you are not sure about and want to let it off the lead please please use a muzzle next time it could be a child .
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  3. Vicki6344


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    How ghastly.......

    So sorry... after all your hard work

    Hugs x
  4. monkeydonkey

    monkeydonkey New Member

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    Thats just awful for her and for you. I guess you need patience and time which i can see you have a lot of, good luck with your girl. I am about to pick up my greyhound girl from the vets today after surgery from being bitten on Sunday night by a German Shepherd.
  5. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    I'm sorry for what happened to Millie, but next time it could be a child .....please...
  6. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    With all due respect, you don't know the dog in this circumstance and it may well be fine with people, because a dog is aggressive towards other dogs it doesn't necessarily mean its people aggressive but we don't know that. The fact is the they should have been muzzled if they have aggressive tendancies. Use a muzzle then theres no chance of these sorts of occurances towards people or other dogs.

    Why should innocent dogs owners be saddled with vets bills because of irresponsible, often clueless owners. Why take the risk with children/people either when thats all it takes. Not hard is it.

    I have a dog thats not too good with some other dogs - he's kept on lead and muzzled.
  7. gazza56

    gazza56 New Member

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    as i said i don t blame the dog because i believe they only mirror their owners but what i omitted at first was the fact that one of the dogs bit my wifes hand and talking to the ranger we found out that they had attacked a rotweiller the week before
  8. richwsmith

    richwsmith New Member

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    Sorry to hear about your unfortunate encounter, a story that seems to be told all too often. :-(

    An escaped Akita Inu (accompanied by a Husky) attacked my parents Yorkshire Terrier whilst being walked on the lead by my younger brother, who at the time was only 14.

    The Yorkie suffered a punctured lung, a neighbour had to intervene (with his boot) to get them apart. Whilst he recovered well from the wound, he started to suffer fits after being attacked. When the dog warden showed up it was revealed the only weeks previously it had attacked another Yorkie and had attacked and killed a Lab pup. The owners had still failed to secure their garden to prevent escapes.

    Our much loved family pet died 18 months later just shy of turning 8 due to liver/kiddney failure (I forget which) as by this stage he was being medicated for gastroenteritis and diabetes as well as the ever more frequent fits. Did the attack hasten his death? I’m not sure, but it was certainly detrimental to his quality of life for his remaining time with us.

    Giving the local authorities, the RSPCA and welfare groups more power and assistance to prosecute irresponsible dog owners makes prefect sense to me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2009
  9. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    I think its disgusting that irresponsible people like this are allowed to have dogs, something should be done about it. The RSPCA should take the dogs off them if they can't control them.
  10. gazza56

    gazza56 New Member

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    the problem being where we take ours is quite a big area with only a couple of rangers to police it so they have to be in the right place at the right time. up date on millie ; took her out yesterday for a walk on her lead very wary when we got to the local park there was a jack russell on a lead maybe 100 yards away she would nt go in the park, still at least we managed to get her out .
  11. greyhoundk

    greyhoundk New Member

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    I know One Tree Hill quite well i lived not far from there and used to go there dog walking myself. Maybe the rangers should report these attacks, it may have more weight behind it so to speak ? After all if the rangers are responsible for the park i can't see why they can't mention out of control dogs.

    Hope your dog is not too traumatised by this
  12. Daddy bison

    Daddy bison New Member

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    Hey gazza;

    I feel for you; one of my boys was attacked by a staff, there is simply nothing worse than having to apply field repairs before you can get your hound away home and properly looked after.

    I am a dog lover as well but staffs are an abused race; there is a significant minority (though sometimes it feels like a majority) of staff owners who allow and or encourage violent behaviour from thier dogs.

    You absolutely have to report this to the local dog warden; to the park rangers if you have them and most importantly to other dog owners you bump into. After Charlie was bitten I did this and very swiftly the staff owner stopped walking thier dog in that area. Dont stop taking your hound there though it will be baby steps for a while but his time its different, the aprehension doesnt surround you but other dogs so your lead will count for a lot, if there are any local hound rescue charities near you get in touch and see if they mind you socialising with thier hounds as an entry point back to normality

    take care

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