Latest Sam question!! (Sorry!) Questions

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by BeagleDad, May 15, 2009.

  1. BeagleDad

    BeagleDad New Member

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    Latest Sam question!! (Sorry!)

    So how do you teach a SIX year old dog to play!!!?????

    She takes no interest in anything apart from running with other dogs now! Ball - nothing, squeaky toys - nothing, fabric toys - nothing, dental bones etc - nothing.

    Not a clue where to start!!!!!!

    She does like chasing our 5 year old LOLOLOL
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  3. Shona


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    I have a rottie comeing to my training class at the moment hes a three year old rescue, he also didnt know how to play his owners have only had him for a few months, what I did was{and it more or less worked straight off}

    got a rope toy and started to play - the dog, made it look great fun, he only took 30 seconds to join in,

    I just stood there trowing it up and catching it, turning quickly and running off,

    but you have to make it look oooober exciting stuff.,{eg} make a bit of a clown of yourself lol
  4. Hali

    Hali New Member

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    Shona's way is good but some rescue dogs have been severely discouraged from picking up anything and getting them to play can be harder work.

    In Stumpy's case, she would watch me play with a ball and was interested in the movement, but she was too frightened to pick the ball up herself.

    As Sam is interested in food one of those treat dispensing balls might be a good idea. It will hopefully get her used to the idea of playing with a ball and then she may progress to playing with normal balls.
  5. BeagleDad

    BeagleDad New Member

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    Ok guys, think the treat ball as done the being a clown lol

    Thing is we can't even get her to play with us! Call her over she wanders, call her upstairs she walks, she is stil settling and finding things hard we know, but got to get her playing.

    Treat ball could well be a winner, thanks
  6. Hali

    Hali New Member

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    As a breed with a good nose, to get her to play with you, why not try a game of hide and seek?

    You could ask your daughter to get a really tasty dog treat, show Sam (but not let her have it) and then you keep a hold of Sam and your daughter goes of in another room. To start with your daughter shouldn't hide to well - perhaps just somewhere where Sam can't see her from the doorway but once she gets into the room.

    You go with Sam and in very excited voice 'where's (daugther's name)?'

    as soon as Sam finds your daughter, lots of excited 'well done' etc...and of course she gets the treat. The treat should be an extra tasty thing to make her think the game is worthwhile (and something she doesn't get very often).

    As Shona said originally, part of the skill in getting them to play is being really happy, bouncy and excited yourself...(which often comes easier to nutty women;-) ) so try and let your hair down when you want to encourage Sam to play :)
  7. BeagleDad

    BeagleDad New Member

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    Another easy and great idea, thanks.

    I'm nutty and partner is even more nutty (lol) so no problems there.

    We already use "where's ......" when out in the field and she runs after her no problem so a very good start there.

    Thanks guys very much.
  8. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    If she is keen on your daughter i would try and use your daughter to get her playing. My son managed this with a retired guide dog a friend took on, who was down as having never been interested in toys...tool my son about 2 minutes of enthusiastic play on his own... ;)
    Tango also was a non dog toy player...Cosmo has ensured that is no longer the case. In fact she took a toy out of the box today and wound him up with it to get him to play (it took about 2 seconds!!!) Perhaps if you know another dog that is playful that could long as they get on well.

    It is possible to get them playing as Tango was clueless about the joy of a toy 3 weeks ago,not so now. Just keep trying and you will find his 'thing'! Remember it has to be mega exciting. Perhaps it could be the reward for 'finding' someone when out and about??

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