Fact of the matter is this fella has had himself in the publics eyes for being someone who is an "expert" in the field of wolves/dogs and their behaviour, the average person /general public, would think of him as being a bit of an icon, no body can tell me he did not make a few bob, either from the TV programmes or promotional events, or royalties from the programme being shown? to give up his dogs at a drop of a hat is IMO very irresponsible and sends out a major bad message to people that its OK to have dogs as part of your life and then get rid when things arnt going as well as you expected. I for one will not be watching any future re runs of his programme, I hope the ratings drop due to lack of viewers, as for sleeping rough if thigs turned out bad for myself, well I have a van fitted out for my dogs and a bed and stove in it, I too will go live in my van if required, there is no way I will give up my dogs, they are my life. mo