I think there may be a good NI breeder!! General Chat

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by kcjack, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. GSD_Steve

    GSD_Steve New Member

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    Exactly, well said.
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  3. GSD_Steve

    GSD_Steve New Member

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    I came on here just talk about Addisons as it has been mentioned heavily in this thread and hopefully the experiecne I have been through recently could be beneficial to others

    It's a shame that you would rather have this thread target an individual than contain useful & factual information, says alot about a person!
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    I did not make the decision to test for Addison's , my vet did... after my boy was severely ill and spent 3 days in hospital on a drip..

    Thankfully the test came back negative ,

    Incase you missed it, this thread is about an individual... and I did not start this thread!!

    As for the Addison's, I was replying to a member who made the point of splitting the thread , as she said.

    Some useful information could be gained for anyone interested..

    As to achieve this, you could start your own thread on the disease..

    This thread has gone from NI to GDS to Addison's ,HD , as they do in many a post.

    If one subject is worth a piece on its own, it is worth a new thread, as Lorraine suggested, not sure why you are getting grieved about it.

    As to be honest , it is a good idea!!
  5. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Nobodies hounding.

    The thread starter , mentioned the disease, and that the breeder tested for it.

    But as others have said, there is no point...

    So why does a knowledgeable breeder feel the need to test ??

    Simple questions to a statement brought up by a someoen who said the breeder is knowledgeable!!
  6. GSD_Steve

    GSD_Steve New Member

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    blimey would be interested to see 'hounding then'!

    you're clearly entitled to you opinion but what Kate tests for is her business, not yours

    I do know Kate and have met many of her dogs but i haven't come on here to defend cos I don't need to, her reputation and her countless number of happy puppy owners speaks for itself, its a shame that you choose to look at one very small area of what she does or doesn't do to make a judgement
  7. GSD_Steve

    GSD_Steve New Member

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    i will put a separate post re Addisons on the forum though!
  8. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    To bring an end to it..

    You are missing my point... I am not having a go at Katie at all.... noR am I hounding her , I have no interest in what she tests or does not test for..

    That is her business and if her owners are happy with her dogs , thats all that matter.

    My involvement in this thread, was not whether Katie does or does not !!!

    It was a referral to KCjacks... posting that Katie was going to test, then was testing..

    Those statements conflict with each other, and it would give cause for suspicion to anyone reading them.

    And as Katie has not confirmed or denied the facts.. it just seemed an odd thing to say, when it is abundantly clear to those who know about the disease ,that pre testing is not going to show anything.

    Katie , just to make it clear, if those conflicting statement had not been made, it would never have sparked an interest from me.

    But the world of forums is a funny thing... we pick up on what we read.. and threads will not always go the way the starter intends...

    P.S good idea about the thread on "Addisons"...
  9. GSD_Steve

    GSD_Steve New Member

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    the problem with something like Addisons is that there actually isn't thay much research out there, as we have found out!

    There is advice out there, even from vetinary professionals which says that you should test and there is advice saying you shouldn't

    no-one is 100% knowledgeable about every condition out there but doesn't make them a bad or un-knowledgeable breeder imo but those that do what they think is best for their dogs are the ones that should be respected

    & oh yes forums are funny places lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2009
  10. Lunakitty321

    Lunakitty321 New Member

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    She answered your question...Storm is the sire of her litters. He was already tested for it.

    RE: why she felt she needed to test...

    what would you do if everyone is saying that the dogs are prone to it? just sit around and hope that your dog doesn't have it? I would want the test to set myself at ease...as a breeder, I bet she would be even more concerned that she wasn't passing something on...especially if she could test for it and prevent it....

    I really think you are just fishing to discredit her...she has answered your question, and i don't see why it would be a problem for her to test even if the test is kinda silly because the dog would be showing symptoms if he had it...it just shows that she is concerned for her dogs and wanted to make sure...wouldn't it have been worse if she didn't test at all?
  11. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Storm is the sire of ALL her litters?
  12. Lunakitty321

    Lunakitty321 New Member

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    I can't answer that, as I don't really know...but as she has an outstanding example of an NI, I don't see why she wouldn't have him as the sire...

    And just in case this was/is implied wrong...I meant to say that he is the sire for her NI litters....
  13. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    LOL...Sorry didn't realise it was a PRIVATE conversation..What with it being a public forum and open to billions of people:roll:
  14. CheekyChihuahua


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    Actually, I feel a bit ashamed, on behalf of some Dogsey members. There are several new members joined on this thread and they are being met with bitchiness and nastiness.

    I looked up your website Kate and your dogs are beautiful!

    To the Newbies, I hope the attitude of some Dogsey members does not make you run for cover:002:
  15. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    Ive just read through this thread...Apparently the breeder in question tested her dogs for addisons?...regardless of whether it was done before or after breeding....if they were showing no signs of addisons, what vet in the country would do a pointless test? it doesnt make sense to me....
  16. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    I think what gets people backs up on here is half truths and things not adding up when it comes to breeders....good breeders should be transparent
  17. CheekyChihuahua


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    From my experience on here, gsdmad, no matter what kind of Breeder you are, you'll get ripped to shreads (by some) if you are not one of the "clique" - me, I'm happy not to be one of this particular clique:002: In fact, I'm positively ecstatic:grin:

    Trouble with some Dogsey members; they make themselves Judge and Jury! Innocent until proven guilty and all that................ :001:
  18. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    I just want to support this as there is Addison's in my dog's lines but I was told not to think about testng unless he showed signs of it.
  19. Seelpup

    Seelpup New Member

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    What is wrong with Storm being the sire of Kates NI litters.
    Storm is one of the best examples of an NI out there with the lowest hip score and relevant health tests .
    He ticks a lot of the right boxes would you not agree.
  20. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Hi Cheyenne - I'm not sure who you are referring to but I hope you realise that any issues I have with your plans are purely because of the incidence of epilepsy in the lines - I do not care to 'score points', nor do I care to attack anyone. My concerns are always genuine and with the health of the future dogs in mind.
  21. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Thats not true at all. BAD breeders will be picked up on, Dogsey promotes RESPONSIBLE breeding!! I am 100% PRO breeding and ALWAYS have been, I just detest bad practice and ethics and people producing puppies purely to supply the pet market and line their pockets!! I aint changing either!:002: :mrgreen:

    Apart from breeding from a high hip scored bitch, which I think is a disgrace anyway, NOBODY has ripped anyone to shreds!:evil:

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