I think there may be a good NI breeder!! General Chat

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by kcjack, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Hi Jo
    Thats great you have 2 dogs your very happy with, it is nice to see new members joining but i'm sure you have to admit its a bit odd that in the space of 24hrs 3 people with Stormlake pups not only joined but found this thread. what's the chances of that? :shock:

    I think maybe some of the wording on the thread could be changed but the questions raised are most certainly relevant. Kate is afterall the health co-ordinator for the NIS so one would expect her own dogs to be above reproach.
    If you set out to be a breeder and join a forum you have to expect to be questioned, good and bad which seems to be what's happening here, not unusual for a forum.
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  3. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    You put that so much better than I did;-)

    And you have to admit it is a huge coincidence that in the space of this thread we get 3 new members and the breeder all joining independently of each other.. and all falling head first into this thread.

    If a breeder is ethical they will have no need to be backed up by others.. their records will show for themselves..and the question about Hip Scoring is relevant , as the breeder advertises she breeds from an above the breed average scoring dog...

    This will be picked up on... whether you like it or not.

    [QUOTE by ziggykenco]Maybe you should get off of the computer and go and walk your dogs, [/QUOTE]

    I did at 8am this morning, not that it has anything to do with this thread.. the same could be said to you... if you dont like reading what is written.

    Just another question..just peaked at the site.. cant see where it says any of the dogs are KC registered??

    Pardon if I missed it... and this is from ignorance regarding the GSD... are solid colours such as black expectable for breeding??
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2009
  4. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    You said it better than me Liz.:grin:

    When people come on here all guns blazing, singing the praises of people, then one would expect when things like high hip scores are seen (sent to me via a link I might add) that they may question this person wouldnt you? Nobody has been nasty or anything else, merely asking questions. When you are the health co-ordinator for a club, you'd expect the health to be paramount in their breeding wouldnt you?
  5. Jo Andrews

    Jo Andrews New Member

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    If you bothered to look at my profile, perhaps you would notice how long I have been a member, I just read what is posted, I have little to add to what is said on this forum, I read it most days but tend not to chip in, afterall I am just a pet owner probably the same as you! Do not include me in your numbers as a new joiner please.

    I think you will find that the owners of Stormlake pups actually talk to each other quite a lot and chose to get involved - Dogsey is not a private club, it is after all a forum, I honestly believe that we were all chuffed to see a nice post about an NI breeder, I know you will all agree that it does make a change.

    Kate is not the health co-ordinator for any GSD club so to keep switching between NIs and GSDs is not very fair comparison. I have no need to defend Kate, I was just pleased to see a nice post about an NI breeder, and especially proud it is the breeder of my two girls, hence my posting.

    BTW I too own a black GSD, not bought from Kate, who is KC registered, she is 10 years old, as far as I know you can KC register any coloured pup from two KC registered parents, please try to check your facts before making assumptions about people's pups and dogs.
  6. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Why do you assume Jo, that the NI and GSD should be viewed differently to eachother in respect of health?
  7. Jo Andrews

    Jo Andrews New Member

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    I dont assume, I have two GSDs and two NIs, I wouldnt compare them at all as they are completely different, like I would not compare terriers, collies etc etc

    An old saying is to assume is to make an ass out of u and me - hence why I dont do it!
  8. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    You may not compare the breeds themselves, but surely the health of BOTH breeds is just as important? Why wouldnt it be, and afterall thats what this thread is about, somebody claiming to care about breed health.
  9. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Actually i did look at your profile and prior to this thread your last post was 23/7/08. The three people i was reffering to were ziggykenco, rising friend and linda sutcliff, i was not classing you as just joined. I asked you what you thought the chances of these people all joining at the same time and finding this thread were if they had not been told about it. You have answered that by saying you all talk to each other a lot so obviously told each other? Yes i am a pet owner same as you. Yes i agree its hard to find a nice post about NI breeders, makes people question why and thats when you tend to find out.
    I have no idea what you are going on about with black gsd and kc reg of them, where did i mention that?:shock:
  10. Jo Andrews

    Jo Andrews New Member

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    Yes of course I do, I have my dogs to be part of my family, health and temperament is paramount to any pups that join our family. I completely agree with you there.

    Actually this thread was started by KCJack about finding a good NI breeder - ummm now it seems to have gone awry, I am beginning to wish that I had sat on my hands as I have done since I joined in 2007 - oops :cry:
  11. Jo Andrews

    Jo Andrews New Member

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    I post a little, I think I posted in Feb this year when I put pics of my girls on an NI thread, maybe wrong, perhaps it didnt load! How could you not expect Linda to join after meeting KCJack, although I think Linda has been reading Dogsey for ages. We do post on the same forums, its nice for littermates to get together dont you think, Linda and I both own a dog from the same litter. I dont know who Risingfriend and Ziggykenco are - I know what dogs they own but I have never spoken to them personally.

    Sorry about the black GSD bit, that was Jackbox's posting, just mentioned that at the same time :shock:
  12. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    And what facts may they be.. I did not ask if you could register Black GSD , I asked if it was considered ethical to breed from them.......NOT whether they are eligible for registration.

    A simple question , not getting facts wrong..

    But one thing you have explained is why we suddenly had 3 new members , all with the same intent to defend their breeder.

    But still no answer to whether the breeders dogs are KC registered or not... I mean the GSD , not the NI
  13. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Dont get upset Jo, its just a forum and just a thread. Words on a computer screen you can switch off anytime.
    Try looking around the other threads, Dogsey's a fantastic place for advice and information on all things dog related. :002:
  14. Jo Andrews

    Jo Andrews New Member

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    There really is no answer to that, you obviously dont have a clue about GSDs or black one's at that - I am sorry to be so blunt but perhaps you could go and look them up, there is nothing wrong at all with a black GSD, unless you are of course racist! I recommend a forum about GSDs and ask the questions there, I am sure they will give you the right advice :grin:
  15. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Hi Jackbox
    Your going to have to excuse my ignorance here but i know nothing about GSD. What's wrong with breeding black one's?
  16. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Are Kate's GSD's not KC reg?
  17. Jo Andrews

    Jo Andrews New Member

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    And white ones and blue ones and sable ones and of course the standard black and tan :grin: I am sure all colours acceptable to the breed and where you show them obviously depends or if you want them for pets, its a personal choice XX
  18. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Must defend Linda Sutcliffe she was an innocent lady who I met at vets. Before she knew who I was she told me that she read Dogsey and had been reading the threads for a long time but was to scared to post.
    She was a very genuine dog owner who you could tell adored her dog and I believe very genuine.
    I dont know the other 2. But is feasible they stay in touch as many people who adopt pups from a rescue litter do stay in touch. But also feasible are banned members posting so with Nis you never know.
  19. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Ok the last couple of posts are confusing me. Jo are you saying black GSD are not for showing but people do want them as pets only?
    Also could you clear up if Kate's GSD's are KC reg? Are Kate's GSD's black? Sorry but ive never seen them so i dont know.
  20. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Dont be silly .. I said in my post I was not up on GSD.. and asked a perfectly reasonable question.. please someone who is less defensive answer my question.. as to breed standard coulors..

    Yes I could go look it up, but as this thread is about a breeder who breeds GSD , I did not think it would be such a hardship to answer the quesation.

    Like you regarding GSD I am ignoranant on colour..

    I know there are many colours from the sable/tan to black or white... but I wa sasking from the spospective that you only see the sable /tan in th eshow ring.. so was just wondering if it was an excpetable colour to KC breed stanard to breed.. not raciam involved:?

    I dont know, no one will answer that?? I have looked at the site, and cant see if they are..

    I twould be nice for someone to answer , instead of avoiding the question.

    Does that mean they are not KC registered
  21. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Perhaps this thread should be spilt as it is now a convo ref GSDs............

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