Wolf lookalike breeders Controversial

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Mar 10, 2009.

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  1. Cheyenne


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    I keep my dogs lean too cos that is how they should be and it's healther for them in many ways, but there is lean and there is skinny. Them two dogs are so skinny it's not just the ribs you can see but their hip bones are sticking out :shock:
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  3. wolfdogowner

    wolfdogowner New Member

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    You got one hell of a problem woman! Leading your personal witch hunt against every breeder of wolfy dogs.

    Wow what did they all do to you?

    As Charlie has retired from breeding guess it don't affect his business much!

    It is really pointless anyone answering any questions on this forum as almost no one is actually interested in the answers!

    If only you actually knew anything about these dogs!

    I am off to leave you stewing in your own world of vitriol, haven't you got animals to look after like the rest of us?

    Have a nice life.:grin:
  4. banji

    banji New Member

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    yes tazer, i know, i was generalising which isnt always correct.
    i know there are some concientious breeders but im going on my experiences of dog breeders i have met.
    there were only one or two who had a clue what they were doing with the dogs.
    the others were awful with there dogs.
  5. Collie Convert

    Collie Convert

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    If you care to read back you will see that I have contacted andre with regards to the hips and have not been told the full story as yet...awaiting reply.
    This is the email i sent charlie after i was banned and his reply lol

    RE: why bannedThursday, 19 March, 2009 4:27 AM
    From: "cry-wolf" <mail@cry-wolf.co.uk>Add sender to ContactsTo: "'layla hudson'" <laylahudson@yahoo.co.uk>Layla

    Go away you are just another dogsey trouble maker and all your future emails will go to junk


    From: layla hudson [mailto:laylahudson@yahoo.co.uk]
    Sent: 18 March 2009 21:54
    To: cry-wolf
    Subject: RE: why banned

    I apologised for not introducing myself- Can you answer the question that i posted on your forum that you have since deleted?

  6. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Hi Wolfdogowner
    I am very interested in the answers and i'm not on a witch hunt and neither are most people at Dogsey, it causes me great sadness that 'some' people are unable to research or debate a topic without being nasty, please think of us that are not like that. There is an ignore function here which you are able to access if one or two people's posts offend you that will blank any replies they give.
    If you have any information helpful to this thread i will be more than happy to discuss it with you in a polite manner and i'm sure there are others who wish to do the same given that you actually have wolfdogs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2009
  7. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    Now I understand that these dogs are totally different build and shape to Isis BUT i have been told by 3 vets that no dog should be any slimmer then this unless for a medical reason -


    She is at her ideal weight and body size and i would be very very concerned if i went to view a puppy and saw the adults so thin.
    Oh and i've read all this thread again and nowhere were andre's dogs called skinny :roll:
  8. Heather and Zak

    Heather and Zak New Member

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    Isis looks slim and not skinny like the pics of the other dogs, she looks ideal Jem.
  9. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    If a cvwd x or a saarloo x were to be hip scored in Britain what would it come under, I know how difficult it was trying to Hip score N.I's as a breed on its own ?
  10. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    Alot of Inuits have a skinny look to them, its not a bad thing, when I run my hand down stinkys back I can feel his back bone but he is not out of condition, he is well walked and fed a natural diet, his treats are hand baked, he doesn't get additives, has a really good diet, nothing at all wrong with lean and ribby...
    my EBT is barrel shaped has the same diet as Inka only less of course, and all I hear from my vet is maybe we'll see a bit of a waist the next time you come, I'm afraid she and me will just have to differ on that one, Toros natural breeding line is barrel shaped, just the way I like em ! :grin:
  11. tazer


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    Agree with this completely.
  12. tazer


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    She looks lovely Jem. I'd say my Storm is on the skinny side, but he's fed and exercised correctly. But then I think some labs are to fat anyway. I'd post a pic of him, but I don't know how.
  13. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    I'm interested in the truth...but we don't seem to get any of that..
    SO I suppose I am more interested in proving the crap spouted is mostly lies and half truths made to look like the truth to dupe people into beleiving the lies..

    If what is said here makes potential buyers aware of the mess and the lies then thats fabulous
  14. tazer


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    It's understandable if you've had some bad experiences. I guess we've just been lucky here, in that no one we've got a dog from has been like the people you describe. Not that'd get a dog from anyone like that.
  15. batmandy

    batmandy New Member

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    Kcjack my dogs are the correct weight. Sakari is full grown and weighs 38k Ace is 7 months and weighs 28k. So NO they are not overworked they are my pets. As for all the answers to your questions go ask the people involved i`m sure they would love to hear from you. I can`t give you the answers as i don`t know them, all i can speak for is my own experiences of owning 2 of these dogs they are great dogs to own i have no problems with my two at all.
    I also own 2 jack russells, who are fistey but they all get on. I get fed up of hearing the same thing and it gets my back up when people put this wonderfull breed down, at the end of the day we all have choices and we make them for ourselves in what ever we do in life some good some bad, so why not leave people to make their own choices. I just feel that some people are out to hurt others WHY.
    Isn`t there enough war and blood shed in this world with out adding to it.
    I will not be answering any more on this subject call me what you like i have broad shoulders and i don`t care anyway. As i have a choice weather to answer or not, and before anyone starts slaging me off your wasting your time as i rearly don`t give a dam
  16. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    What a shame Batmandy is scared to ask questions on Cry Wolf who she defends, obviously realises if she upsets one she upsets the pack.
  17. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    This is a valid question if any one would like to answer please ...
  18. Navajo

    Navajo New Member

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    What do you mean by 'What would it come under?' ?
  19. banji

    banji New Member

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    but what makes you think that what you and some others are saying here is the truth.
  20. banji

    banji New Member

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    where you a bully at school.you seem to spend alot of time taunting.
  21. banji

    banji New Member

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    if there was any truth in what was being said on this thread i would believe it.
    you are collecting information from a forum with people who have no actual experience with crywolf or shoshone, and the people that have then they are generally very good posts where the people are saying how great they are.
    so would you believe unimformed people who collect info from pictures which can be made to always look bad and stories.or from people who have met these people and there dogs.
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