Wolf lookalike breeders Controversial

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Mar 10, 2009.

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  1. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    Hee hee, addictive thats wot Tattoo studios are :lol:
    Dogs are great thanks, had them at the snab brae in bo ness last night, Inka loves it up there, plenty room for a good run around, kept the wee one on the lead though,shes still recovering from her op a couple of weeks ago...
    it'd be a great place for a run with your big guy :)
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  3. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    personally (sp?) i don't like the fact these dogs are being crossed so much. I don't think its good for the CWD or the Saarloos and certainly not for the NI!

    All this about expanding the gene pool is a load of bull IMO as its not being done with any sort of control which is needed for this kind of breeding. All it seems to me is producing a cross that is cheaper then the pedigree for the pet market while keeping the look. I think in the long run its going to do the opposite of the desired effect and limit the gene pool of all the breeds invloved . . .
  4. batmandy

    batmandy New Member

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    Hi could be a one off but a rottie, don`t know about saarloos x`s, but you get good and bad in every breed, i have to say my two dogs are very sweet natured, the inuit x is a quicker to learn.
    I rearlly don`t want to get dragged into any arguments but we all speak as we find. I like rotties and most breeds. my jrt`s are little ******s but i love them dearly.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2009
  5. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Hi Geezer :) I was speaking in the context of a family environment not a school. I think you are also missing the point that it is the welfare of the dog which concerns me here as much as that of the children. A shy nervous type of dog IMO would not be suitable to work with Autistic children,there are plenty of other breeds far more suited to the purpose and this should not be used as an excuse for breeding these dogs.

    ... so is that the purpose of your posting here Geezer, to make excuses for the behaviour of others and put them in a good light? Although I don't need to ask really, it is quite clear to see the people who have joined here not to be part of our community and to post in threads all over the site but to push their own agenda. They are all quite obviously 'singing from the same hymn sheet'.

    Forgive my saying so but most of us are able to form our own opinion and will do so without taking into account people who come on here just to post '' positive postings regarding cry wolf'' .

    From my own perspective I have no respect for anyone who breeds large numbers of puppies of any kind to sell in the free adds to any person who comes along with the urge to own a dog which looks like a wolf (regardless of the fact that these Wolf x breeds may not be the most suitable of pet companions). Neither have I respect for the sort of person who comes to this site and instantly starts posting crude vulgar remarks resulting in a ban as one Wolfy looking dog site owner did recently.

    I hope you don't have cause to regret your 'positive postings' Geezer. Just wait until a few more of these dogs get into the hands of people who have no idea about their special characteristics and handling requirements and as a consequence of this tragedies occur.

    Then we may well see these dogs added to the DDA as happened with PBTs, an action which affected other bull breeds and many dogs which had a passing resemblance to PBTs too. Not only Wolf Xs owners could be affected but all those owning northern breeds/some cross breeds and GSDs may find restrictions put on their dogs and more fear and hysteria from those who have no particular liking for dogs anyway.
  6. geezer

    geezer New Member

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    Julia Liddle (Kcjak)

    I have no intention of hiding-my name is Jon Wylie. You will no doubt now spend the rest of the afternoon sifting through all my threads on cry wolf attempting to pick out any innacuracies or contradictions-I wish you the best of fun in this activity:grin:

    I, for one, am gonna take the big guy up a hill and have a cracking walk.

    You have still left no reasoned reply to my thread. Your silence is, most definately, golden:)

    all the best

    Jon (satisfied cry wolf Saarloos X owner)
  7. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Just wondering if you sorted out the problems you had with your dogs, and has his testicle dropped yet?

    ETA, I dont miss much hun knew who you were just weas letting you dig your own hole about your wonderful sociable dogs that didnt want to come near you.
  8. geezer

    geezer New Member

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    As you will see my posting was directed at Julia Liddle (Kcjak). It was not directed at you or anyone else on this site. People are entitled to their opinions-AS I EXPRESSED. It is Julia's modus operandi that I disagree with.

    Furthermore as I have already explained. The Saarloos are not nervous around family members. I have experience of Saarloos Xs which I assume you dont. I also have real experience of a Saarloos X interacting with a child with asberger's syndrome. Again, I assume you dont. You are more than entitled to your opinion and more than entitled to disagree with me.

    I would also like to say that a Saarloos in the "wrong hands" is highly unlikely to bite or show aggression. This is BECAUSE of the higher wolf content. They ALWAYS BACK OFF from confrontation. The other breeds you talk about on the DDA are a completely different kettle. However, I would agree that ANY dog particularly large breed should never be left unattended with young children.

    As a note of interest if you look at the german "Schafferhund" stud book (GSD studbook). You will see that after the second world war wolf matings were re-introduced to REDUCE AGGRESSION in the breed as they were becoming too bold. This is fact not cult.

    Please do not infer that I am part of some sort of cry wolf cult with that agenda. I am a 31 year old man who has seen more of the best and worst parts of society (through my profession) than many will see in a lifetime. I act and think independantly and am also more than entitled to my views
  9. Shona


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    Im still not with you hun, when you say "it could be a one off", do you mean you know of one rottie doing SAR?

    are there many inuits doing SAR now? Im afraid SAR is something im not really up on.
  10. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Geezer/ Jon Wylie

    Did you ring me for Landywoods foods at one point??
  11. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Quote Jon "The Saarloos are not nervous around family members."

    Quote Jon "I couldnt put him on leash, he wouldnt recall for me. He showed signs of stress (yawning,licking lips, anxious eyes) any time I approached him. This was totally different behaviour from the dog we met at cry wolf- he was really struggling. "

    Which of your 2 statements are actually correct Jon?
  12. geezer

    geezer New Member

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    Julia Liddle (Kcjak)

    It is interesting that you are taking such a keen interest in my dogs genetalia:grin:

    Is this a regular passion of yours?

    As you have no doubt read I have had difficulties with Kalluk's recall which are improving all the time. Leadership and trust are two things which are difficult to attain with these dogs but im happy to say that both have now been gained.

    I am surprised running a "rescue centre" you are not aware of the need to work with and gain a dogs trust on re-ownership.

    Anyway, were off for a walk- its gonna be the dog's bollox:grin:
  13. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Geezer, how much exercise does your big guy like?

    (You ought to come and join in on other forum topics too:mrgreen:).
  14. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Can you answer my question Jon? and working at a rescue centre its very rare I have a dog quaking in corner scared of me yet seems very common in the saarloos.
  15. banji

    banji New Member

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    quote minihaha.
    Just wait until a few more of these dogs get into the hands of people who have no idea about their special characteristics and handling requirements and as a consequence of this tragedies occur.

    Then we may well see these dogs added to the DDA as happened with PBTs, an action which affected other bull breeds and many dogs which had a passing resemblance to PBTs too.

    dont beleive that this would happen with this breed as the wolf content is too high and wolves would rather run than bite.
    totally different breeding.wolves evolved over millions of years, pitbulls and the like are a hundred years or so of human selective breeding.
    the high wolfblood content makes them different.
  16. Shona


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    but what would happen in a home enviroment if these dogs are backed into a corner, surely they will defend themselfs.
  17. banji

    banji New Member

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    i think if you read the posting you would realise that the said dog was being taken away from what his family who he new and was being taken home with geezer, his new family.makes perfect sense to me.the dog now sees geezer as his family and pressume by his recent postings that the dog is very happy and not shy of his new family.
  18. banji

    banji New Member

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    why the heck would they be being backed into a corner in a family enviroment.
    but if they were i have only ever seen them being submissive.so cant really comment and would hate top think of anyone finding that a necessary way to treat a dog.
  19. geezer

    geezer New Member

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    Cheers for pointin that out Banji. Off for a wander now:grin:
  20. banji

    banji New Member

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    as am i. much appreciated for your support on an earlier posting by the way.
  21. banji

    banji New Member

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    Originally Posted by kcjack
    Just wondering if you sorted out the problems you had with your dogs, and has his testicle dropped yet?

    ETA, I dont miss much hun knew who you were just weas letting you dig your own hole about your wonderful sociable dogs that didnt want to come near you.

    i am a bit confused by you kcjack.
    i dont really have much to do with humans, appreciating more the company of dogs.
    the few people i do know are kind caring dog lovers also.
    your attitude has reminded me that all is not well on the human front.
    you say you work in a rescue place dealing with people and dogs.you dont really apear to be a very compasionate or caring person with the content of some of your postings, more of taunting.i for one would feel very intimidated by your behaviour and very uncomfortable.
    very odd.
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