Wolf lookalike breeders Controversial

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Mar 10, 2009.

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  1. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    Oh dear god no :shock: :lol: :lol:
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  3. Cheyenne


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    Pmsl good night, got to recover now lol :grin:
  4. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Sandra can you please stop all this nonsense " I dont make a penny" malarky.
    You do make money as we have pregnant dogs and am well aware how much food ect costs and I bet you dont fully vax before they go, which we do and £120 donation covers all costs including vets bills when they ill which most are.
  5. banji

    banji New Member

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    quote abby
    Could I ask if any owners of cwd, sarloos or crosses of these dogs have had any experience of training and working these dogs. i.e competitive obedience, agility, working trials, schutzhund etc.

    This is a genuine question and in no way a dig at the dogs or owners.

    these dogs would be fantastic working as assist dogs for autistic people with the correct training,unsure about other disabilities, but they have a great natural awareness of people on the autistic spectrum. this has been shown time and time again.
    having worked with several of these dogs in this field i am amazed by there natural ability to connect with an autistic person.
    the dogs in question were crosses.but have experianced similar with pure saarloos.
    they are far happier being given something to do as are so intelligent.cant comment on agility etc but im sure anything that gives them a purpose. what a challenge and fun for the owner.
  6. banji

    banji New Member

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    if sandra or anyone is making money from breeding dogs and they are doing so with the welfare of the dogs a priority then whats the problem.
    blimey we have been breeding and selling animals for hundreds of years,its the people who do it and dont consider the dogs that are the problem.
    i know from experience that i would rather pay £2000 for a puppy and start with a new pup than pay £120 to a charity, that in my opinion encourage people to buy puppies because they charge for a rescue dog.surely the charge should be minimal and not a similar price to pups advertised on the internet etc.
    saying that some dog rescue,are fantastic and take that ino consideration. i would most definately support them and think they do fantastic work for dogs.also i admire the people who take on recue dogs but dont think they should be charged so much for being compasionate.
    getting back to the point, if breeding is done correctly then why object about it if dogs are happy.
  7. geezer

    geezer New Member

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    Banji your wasting your time there. After my positive postings regarding cry wolf I invited Kcjak aka Julia Liddle to reply on numerous occasions as yet she has chosen not to. It is plain from her postings she is not interested in any "reasoned" debate but prefers to sling accusations and innuendo. Basically her view seems to be-"Breeders are bad, particularly successful ones". There is no changing her views on this
  8. **Leanne**

    **Leanne** New Member

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    Does it matter what she makes?? That is her business not ours, so long as the welfare of the parents and pups are top notch and that Sandra is a sensible breeder, why do you feel the need to keep badgering her? This is not the first occasion I have read a thread started by you regarding wolfdog types, and you seem to attack breeders left, right and centre.
    I think it is rude to ask some one how much they earn... I mean I would never ask anyone what their wage is, even if it is their own business, it's called respecting some one's privacy.
    Do you have any infinite proof that Sandra does not vaccinate her pups or just a guess? From other adverts I have seen some breeders dont vaccinate (even though I think they should) will you condemn them too?
  9. Shona


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    I really dont understand this, how can a shy dog, who is not confident in many situations or new inviroments be of use to a child who for all intent and purposes has the same problems?

    I love my rotties because they are bold, confident, fearless dogs, surely they would be better at it, my rotties are brill round disabled kids, Kids can handle my dogs do obed with them, I also have a couple that go to old folks homes regularly.
  10. Shona


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    Im going to agree with this, breeding is a gamble, you may end up out of pocket, you may break even, or you could make a few pounds,
    AS A BREEDER :grin: I have to say, the whole vaccinating pups thing is debatable, My close friends got there pups early, {so not given vacs} the other pups I did vaccinate, but I did not let those pups go untill 11/12 weeks, I feel its unfair on pups to be handed to a new home when they may have a few off days due to there vacs, pups also have a fear period at around 9 weeks, so to have a pups done at just over 8 weeks, then give him to a new owner when he's coming in to a fear period and feeling low due to his jabs..is not fair,.
    so my view is, you either keep the pups untill both vacs are given, do all the socialising with them, lead train them all that stuff...
    OR let them go to experianced homes{close friends} before there jags
  11. MickB

    MickB New Member

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    Just on the rescue aspect. The Siberian Husky Welfare Association (UK) has a recommended donation of £100 per dog rehomed. Note the term "recommended" - this means that our local area co-ordinators have discretion in how much is actually charged, depending upon the circumstances. For the first year (we were established in Feb 07) we didn't charge at all and teetered on the edge of financial disaster. The charge was instituted after our first AGM but even if we rigidly charged £100 for each and every dog, we would nowhere near cover our costs. The majority of dogs which come in need to be speyed/neutered, vet checked (and often treated). Those that come in as strays need vaccinating, flea and worm treatment etc etc. Even with the £100 donation, we still have to spend a large proportion of our time fundraising to cover our costs. Without a standard fee for rehoming, we would be hard-pressed to survive.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2009
  12. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    I was out with Inka and Kain one day at Drumpellier park there was a disabled girl sitting on a bench and Kain freaked out, couldn't get away from her quick enough...Your completely right Shona a confident steady dog like the Rottie would be much better at that type of thing...
  13. Sansorrella


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    KCJack - stop making wild assumptions and accusations about things you know nothing about - my pups are vaccinated, vet checked, microchipped, DNA profiled and insured, as stated very clearly on my website, but I am not going to waste my valuable time explaining myself to the likes of you.

    There are people on here who genuinely want to know about the dogs and I am happy to talk to those people - but not timewasters like you. I suggest you get a life.

    Incidentally, Julia, you didn't answer my question to you - where did you get the figure of 16 bitches at Shoshone? I can assure you that figure is wrong. So I guess you made assumptions or jumped to conclusions about that too.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2009
  14. MickB

    MickB New Member

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    Sorry - I know it's a bit late to respond, but I had to laugh at this one. I've met lots of wolf-lookalike dogs, lots of wolves and probably the majority of the breeds around in the UK and I have to say that jealousy really isn't an issue. As I have said before, although many people go on about how gorgeous and beautiful the wolf-lookalike breeds are, to me (with the very occasional exception) they don't look attractive at all. I'm used to looking at my sibes and in comparison, to me (just my personal opinion) they just don't cut it. Judging by the number of times wolf-lookalike owners have asked to use my dogs at stud, some of them seem to agree also.:lol: :lol:

  15. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    I have to say when we are out on walks people ALWAYS comment on either Ela or Kiska first. Its them people want to see and are often the reason they come over . . . BUT its always Cassie that they want to take home in the end.

    People who are jealous are often the ones who don't have a clue and are just going on looks alone.
  16. banji

    banji New Member

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  17. geezer

    geezer New Member

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    Hi Shona,

    The Saarloos have been used in the past on the continent as seeing eye guide dogs but the general consensus is that nowadays with heavy traffic, busier towns they would not be any good. So in this respect I would agree with you.

    However, I think Banji was talking about autism which is an entirely different role for the dog. I agree that any dog can be great in this role for the child but do have rather more experience than many.

    My girlfriend's son has Asberger's syndrome which is a form of high functioning autism. The dogs' sensitivity is actually of great benifit here.

    A dog used for assistance with autistic people is typically useful in bringing there emotions out through the dog- not in leading them around in public. i.e. there are cases where autistic children who have never spoken or responded well to their parents begin to speak through the dog. What I mean is parents can say "Fido would like you to do this"etc. The Saarloos sensitivity is particularly good in bringing the child out of his shell-although I agree it has its limitations in busy areas.

    Just had the boys out for a nice wee walk up at plean by the way-beautiful day:grin:
  18. spot

    spot New Member

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    Mini I occasionally troll through some of the pages on these threads and I too found that comment to be either a joke or rather patronising. I totally agree with you – wolfdogs have no appeal to me and while I may have a shy a bit aloof dog I prefer mine to be pointy and gentle. Oh and I have met one or so I was told.

    How very sad that the only people you meet do not like their own dogs Ive never been really jealous of anyones dogs (I love Eunices dogs but I still would never ever swap mine) to me anyone who is jealous of someone elses dogs shouldn’t be a dog owner in the first place. I take it these people are not just jealous over their looks but also personality.

    Im sure I could meet your dogs and certainly not be jealous

    This not about rescues though is it – we have already had this discussion here


    Maybe you would like to contribute there about how rescues should raise funds if by not requesting donations.
  19. banji

    banji New Member

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    if you had an insight into the breed you may know what i am talking about.
    if the wolfdog could tell us why its has an exceptional level of empathy with these people then we would all know why.same as if your rotties could tell you why they are better at doing other work.
    dogs are bred for different purposes,what should be that purpose.
    it just happens that from my experiance and others that they are remarkable in that field.
    i am talking form experience.
    i also did say the crosses, but have also had similar reaction in the saarloos but not worked with them.
    believe it to possibly be the higher wolf content in the dogs.
  20. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Geezer what questions I can assure you I will answer any question because I have nothing to hide.
    And regards Sandra it has been mentioned many times she is not the total professional breeder she makes herself out to be.
  21. Shona


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    why would anyone need to be jealous? if they wanted one, they could just go out and get one.

    I meet many dogs that I admire, I train many dogs that I really like care about, lets face it you wouldnt make a good dog trainer if you didnt like whats on the end of the lead...I can think of only one dog in the last ten years I really did not like.......
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