Mr & Mrs Wolf Tonight on 5 Shaun Ellis! General Chat

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by Helena54, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. Gnasher


    Likes Received:
    BD, you seriously need to get a life mate ! When do you EVER have time to take care of your dogs !! ;-)

    The mystery has been solved - I PM'd Azz last night actually about it, but my further investigations have revealed who Hollieandmum is and I will be contacting Azz again. I doubt this person will be posting again.
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  3. Shona


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    well if anyone would know, it would be you ;-)
  4. Gnasher


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    For reasons of confidentiality, I CANNOT say on here publically what has happened, however Shona, as long as I can trust you not to reveal the details, I am about to send you a PM, but you will appreciate this is confidential and not pass it on please. You can just reassure everyone that you have accepted what happened.

    God, it IS like a Miss Marple mystery !!
  5. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    I don't really know much about computers - is it possible for people to share an IP? Or can it be hijacked?
  6. Eko

    Eko New Member

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    James Darch
    Anyway back on topic....

    From Education4Conservation
    Denise Taylor

    There are many people throughout the world who work with both captive and wild wolves, and nearly everyone in this situation will tell you that it is a two-way process built on mutual respect, trust and acceptance, and tolerance. The people who have these values are the true heroes of wolf conservation. They don’t need or seek self-proclaimed glory.

    Colleagues at the UKWCT and in the scientific world of wolf research feel that Ellis has done wolves and their conservation a great disservice. It is time that we moved away from the worrying increase in “documentaries” that show humans wrestling with dangerous animals. These archaic attitudes that prevail from centuries of classical science and Judeo-Christian beliefs of human dominance over nature should be consigned to the dark ages from which they stemmed. If we want to truly co-exist with other creatures, then we need to accept them for what they are and what they do, and this can only be achieved through true knowledge, understanding and respect
  7. Gnasher


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    If someone hacks into your computer, yes, but this is not the case with us. I have explained to Azz what happened in a PM, and to Shona, I really cannot put here the reason, but hopefully Shona will read my PM and put your mind at rest that there is a reasonable explanation.
  8. Lionhound


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    I am wondering if there are any experts, in this field, who do back SE and his methods?
    Also has he had anything published (TV Times does not count:))?
  9. Shona


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    hahahahah you picked the least comp savy person on the forum, honestly im rubbish, clueless,
    but even though most of it is wayyyyyyyyyy over my head, what I will say is...................while your still active on the forurm, I would think that Azz is happy with your side of things??? as multi accounts normaly lead to being banned...
  10. Gnasher


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    I don't view it like that Eko. I view people like Shaun Ellis, and Craig thingey, the Lion Man, as opening Jo Public's eyes to the truth.

    Before watching Lion Man, I have always been very mistrustful of big cats, viewing them to be just that, larger versions of our pussy cats ... evil bloody creatures, unpredictable, totally unloyal etc. etc. The Lion Man has changed my opinion of the big cats, showing that ... as with Aslan ... if they are taken away from their mum at 3 weeks, they can be "tamed". Now, you may view this as totally wrong, immoral and obscene. And you are not alone. I believe as long as the cub is captive bred, not taken from the wild (unless it was rescued because the mother was killed by poachers or whatever), I view this is acceptable meddling, for want of a better phrase, for the purposes of education. The more people, like me, who are fascinated by the Lion Man, the more people who will sign petitions against legal culling of big cats in the wild.

    Look, I've got to go now, a pair of reproachful eyes are staring at me telling me he must go for his walk .... NOW !! So much for Cesar Millan !!

    I will pickthis up again later on today, must do some work after the walk.
  11. youngstevie


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    I think that is so well put. I agree whole-hearted:lol:
  12. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    No mystery Gnasher, you have been sussed well and truly! Do you REALLY think it takes a brain surgeon and three years to work out the similarities on peoples posts? Come on now!:mrgreen: I mod on two other forums (dog ones) and we see this on occasion, but not once have I seen people agreeing with themselves!!:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2009
  13. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    :D Dawn I have been on a forum where someone had 5 identities - so funny once you figured it out - 3 agreeing with each other and the other 2 fighting
    Really just sad that people do that

    - not saying that is or is not what has happend in this case - I have no idea really
  14. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Blimey 5 identities!! I have trouble using one!:mrgreen: Some people eh!
  15. Shona


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    DITO :shock: it takes me long enough to check all the threads and respond with just one id....
  16. CheekyChihuahua


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    I don't get it:? why would you have more than one identity, unless you are insane and have a split personality, so don't realise you are the other people (wooooo, I've got a headache now:lol: ) If it is so that you have someone to agree with you, that really is sad:?
  17. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    Unfort since the invention of forums some sad people really like to get involved in big rows with people they dont even know - then they discovered that it is even more fun for them if the argument isnt going the way they want they can bring in a totaly new personna and get everyone even more wound up

    Sometimes I have even seen the new personna making friends with different people on the forum and pming all nice and friendly so these new 'friends' jump to the defence of the new pesronna and argue with the origonal person - who is the same person if you know what I mean

    Really really sad, but you can usualy spot them quite quickly, same writing style, same spelling, logging on at similar times

    I agree, I wouldnt have time for my dogs at all if I had to do forums as several people!!
  18. CheekyChihuahua


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    Wow, I never realised you could do all that - be different people. It's enough trouble finding time to come on as one person:? Strange! I think I'm naive on this Forum stuff. Have only recently learned how to post a pic without major trouble:blush:
  19. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    :101: :101: :101: :101: :101: :101: :101: :101: :101: :101:
  20. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    Wait til it's a saddo bloke who also logs on as his"girlfriend", like I had on another forum :lol: Gets interesting though :mrgreen:
  21. Shona


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    my writing style would be oooober easy to spot on forums if I had multi acconts, Im so lazy.

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