Mr & Mrs Wolf Tonight on 5 Shaun Ellis! General Chat

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by Helena54, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. youngstevie


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    Excuse me.....I have only just come on this, and asked a perfectly normal question. Sorry I assumed....wrongly the way you said things, that you had experience, you asked someone on here.....''have you had experience with wolves'', which actually implied to me that you had.

    I actually have a real passion for wolves, and had the opportunity last year of being behind the scenes at The safari Park West Midlands with one of my Foster children, who wants to work with big cats, I asked about the wolves, and the rangers took us in and I was as close to them as I have ever in my life had the opportunity to be. However when things between 4 of them got rough and one ended up on the ground with the other three standing over it, I made sure I was back in the rangers truck. I have a 3/4 hour DVD showing our experiences.

    Sorry you sounded like you have had first hand I asked , sorry I got it wrong then
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  3. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Its you turn now, dont worry, if you ask a question you get slammed!:002: :grin: Perhaps we will hear about her Wolf experience at some point.
  4. youngstevie


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    I will say one thing, the ones at the Safari Park, seem wild to me.....when things got ''hairy'' I wouldn't of stayed there without those rangers.:shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. The Master

    The Master New Member

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    Sabina Nowak a well known polish biologist is preparing a statement on Shaun and investigation into his claims about work in Poland.
  6. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Oh ... thanks for the insult. :shock: Are you a qualified expert then, to be able to teach us?
  7. lovezois

    lovezois Fondly remembered

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    I usually don't get involved in this type of thread but from what I have seen here recently felt I had to say something . I think it is a case of when the going gets tough Gnasher gets going . It is sad for you Steph ,that when you ask a genuine question you don't get an answer.

    Gnasher, I am really dissappointed that you do not have any respect for this forum and tar everyone with the same brush.
  8. youngstevie


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    Never mind LZ....I have broad shoulders. I have to say that I am not a fan of SE, I have to say as I feel sad for his pack of wolves, they seem to me to be to reliable on him, before going to The West Midland Safari Park, I thought all captive wolves were, but I was impressed with thiers, as they do not intervene, we were just told to walk backwards slowly and get back into thier truck, they provide a barrier between us and them, but it was so lovely being so close, I could smell them, then the rangers got into the truck and we watched until it was all over....very scary:shock: Fortunately the ''underdog (so to speak) wasn't hurt, only his pride.;-)
  9. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    Gnasher, unless I have missed some posts I havent seen you giving us any other real veiwpoint and a different way of thinking
    To people not involved in the discussion but reading along it really just looks like you have some kind of axe to grind with borderdawn

    If you have other information that proves shauns work to be correct and shows all the other wolf experts - and anyone who studies animal behaviour - to be wrong then I would be interested in seeing it - truly

    It is wrong to say that someone who hasnt had experience of wolves cannot comment on this matter - I have no experience of babies but if I saw, for instance, someone dangling the baby over a balconie, then I would still have the common sense enough to see that that wasnt correct

    I am sure Shaun dosent want you getting all worked up on his behalf, I doubt he would care at all about our oppinions - more important to him should be the oppinions of the experts in the field
  10. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Just as well your shoulders are broad - yours was a genuine question and the reply was uncalled for.

    As you say, never mind.

    I've not seen the Midland Safari Park. :grin:
  11. lovezois

    lovezois Fondly remembered

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    Steph ,I know you have Broad Shoulders but you asked a genuiine question and I felt this had to be pointed out to Gnasher, as Gnasher does a appear to have the iimpression that no one on here is genuine.
  12. youngstevie


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    You should, they had a website tooWe were very lucky to spend the whole day with them, my 3 best things were...the Wolves, being shown how to train the seals...I learnt how to ask for a kiss (very fishy):roll: and bottle feeding a young antelope:lol: We meet a small (4) pack of wild dogs, although we were not allowed in the enclosure as the girl who had reared them was ''mom'' and they are obviously not friendly.;-) The big pack of wild dogs are wonderful, all have different marking which identifies them to each other (which I didn't know) and I didn't know either that the pack of wild dogs are lead by a female only.......girl power eh! We went in with the white Tigers, and stroked them (brother and sister) HUGE hun HUGE....and bottle fed a white lion cub, which was due to be introduced back into the pride...hopefully. A wonderful day, not to be forgotten, we saw and went behind the scenes with many more animals...except the elephants, which apparantly will not except strangers.
    Thanks Hun, I have to say I was abit :shock: :shock: to be told to GROW UP;-)
  13. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Wow, sounds amazing. Was this an 'experience' day?
  14. youngstevie


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    Well it was for us...thats for sure.

    It was a birthday present for him, as he had a a bad life experiences, we hoped to give him something he could remember. So I contact a few places and The West Midlands Safari park, contacted us first with this wonderful offer.

    He's since gone onto working at Longleat for a work experience and The Nature Centre for another.;-)
  15. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Sounds excellent! I love the Bham nature centre too.:001:

    Id like to know Gnasher where you were when Charlie was ripped apart for shooting one of the Saarloos and importing 7 bitches which were bred from near immediately resulting in several puppy deaths and indeed the shooting of one of the bitches? What makes it OK for you to go on the defence now, where were you then? I took a hammering for defending Charlies decision on shooting that dog, one Id do again as I believed it was right, but where were you, I mean you seem hellbent on defence now dont you?

    Is is just Shaun Ellis that you are wanting to defend really, but Charlie now comes with the package, so to speak? Interesting eh, I can only assume you didnt agree at all with Charlies practices before, but now think he is super cool with his connection to Shaun Ellis.

    See another thing that strikes me as weird is the fact you only joined the CW forum in October, I joined over a month before you in respect to another thread I was pointed to, seems to me your interest in "Wolfdogs" and Charlie Richardson is very short lived indeed, but now you leap in all guns blazing.:002: It wasnt untill mid december yu even contributed to a thread to do with Charlie or his dogs, so it leaves a lot of us a little confused.
  16. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Does that mean he might have had a wash next time we see him?
  17. Eko

    Eko New Member

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    James Darch
    Anyone who wants to do something constructive about CR & SE's project can p.m me and I will give you the council's contact details.
  18. Shona


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    write them on a bar of soap then,.:lol:
  19. youngstevie


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    Originally Posted by Gnasher

    And on that note, which you may like to think about, I shall say goodnight. Just rest assured that all your remarks made about Shaun Ellis will be passed on to him in full.


    Personally I can not understand why it would really bother him, surely he gets enough remarks passed where he lives, as he is ''extreme''

    What fasinates me is Gnasher telling me to ''GROW UP'' to be honest I think the above remark....All your remarks made about Shaun Ellis will be passed on....sounds very childish.

    Surely he himself can see that allowing inbreeding is not really the way to do things....then again maybe it is all about money and fame:roll:

    ps you have my permission to pass this on to him by the way.
  20. Shona


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    sniffs......Yeah like coz Gnasher is a close personal friend of SE ....NOTwhats she gona do??? email him the link.........y
  21. youngstevie


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    Hey hun the guy can telephone me if he likes.....I have no probs with that, I'll tell him myself:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Take me to court, sue me......he'd be hard pushed to get ''pennies'' out of me.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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