100% Wolf X Dog Controversial

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by liz & kiesha, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. wolfwannabe

    wolfwannabe New Member

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    OK whatever, I guess that comes down to a personal opinion, I know she has wolfblood it's very obvious if you actually met her.

    But what is confusing me now..... On one or more of the many threads here about the Saarloos, Wolfdogs, Shaun etc. I apologise I can't remember which one it's getting confusing...... I can't remember who actually said it... sorry...

    Anyway it has been stated that the Saarloos is a specialist breed BECAUSE of the wolf content, it's part of the big arguement, but now your saying they have no wolf content at all. In which case surely they are just a dog and a breed anyone can own, not a specialist breed at all.

    Perhaps I worded it wrong when I said wolfblood I should have said wolf content, I personally don't see a difference.
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  3. Golden Wolf

    Golden Wolf New Member

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    So why do I get, on a more or less daily basis, "What have you got there - a pair of wolves?" when people meet my Saarloos/Inuit crosses? Obviously what looks like a crossbreed to you (whatever that means) doesn't to many people I encounter. Photos only give a two-dimensional record of an instant in time.
  4. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I think its the same for any dogs, they have been bred to exhibit certain characteristics, like the Collie creeping on the floor, the Labrador retrieving, the GSD guarding etc.. I keep reading they are NOT a Wolf they are a domestic dog breed, I agree with that totally. You could say my Terriers are Wolflike in the way they hunt down "prey", work as a team to outwit their quarry, but Im happy to call them a Border Terrier.

    Joe Public isnt it, mine get called Jack Russelll crosses, Cairn crosses, and invariably when people visit the kennels and we have Mals or Sibes in that people havent seen they will comment on how they look like Wolves, sometimes with GSD crosses too.
  5. Golden Wolf

    Golden Wolf New Member

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    Ah, I see. When all these stupid ignorant 'Joe Publics' pass opinion it's a worthless opinion. That'll larn me.
  6. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Who said it was worthless?:roll: Im saying how it is! I also didnt say stupid or ignorant did I? Stop saying things I never said! There are thousands of people who look at a balck and tan type dog and say Rottweiler, likewise a black and white long haired dog and say collie, just like a Husky and say Wolf and in my case look at my Borders and say Hedgehogs!!:mrgreen:

    Im not being rude, but 16yrs managing a boarding kennels does allow one to see a fair few dogs, especially when that can be up to 116 at any one time. When people view the kennels with a view to boarding their dogs you would be very surprised at what some of them say and these actually own dogs.

    I do also think that breeders of such animals (wolfy) they prey on such things and advertise them as Wolf lookalikes etc.. why is that necessary if these people actaully know what they are looking at? I might also add if they dont, they are not the correct owners for these dogs anyway!
  7. Shona


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    I wouldnt say they are a breed for just anyone to own, as an owner, you really shouldnt be giving that impression, not even for arguements sake,

    The same could be said of many breeds, rotties are specialist, they are not the dog for everyone,

    most breeds are specialists if you think of it,
  8. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Good post Shona, spot on!:001:

    There is nothing "special" about any breed of sog, they differ because of what they are and what they were designed to do, thats what pedigree dogs are all about.
  9. wolfwannabe

    wolfwannabe New Member

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    Oh for gods sake, isn't amazing how you can avoid part of a post you don't want to answer. Here I write it again......

    it has been stated that the Saarloos is a specialist breed BECAUSE of the wolf content, it's part of the big arguement, but now your saying they have no wolf content at all.

    Either you believe these dogs have wolf content or they don't....

    The Saarloos Wolfdog was created using Wolves and GSDs, wolf content was added up until the last wolf breeding in 1963. It is believed up to 6 female wolves were used in creating the Saarloos wolfdog. After 1963 NO other new genes were added not Wolf nor GSD and the breed has been line bred.

    To say the Saarloos Wolfdog has no wolf content is preposterous.

    I am not saying the Saarloos wolfdog is a suitible dog for a novice owner, I think that probably depends on the individual person and individual dog. I was just trying to make a point I'm sorry if that wasn't clear, I was obviously crediting the users on here with to much intellegence.
  10. wolfwannabe

    wolfwannabe New Member

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    Oh and I'm still waiting to be shown where I've contradicted myself earlier and where was I inconsistent. A couple of you have said it so come on show me....
  11. wolfwannabe

    wolfwannabe New Member

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    I have to agree with you Golden Wolf I get that all the time, also everyone who has asked about her seem completely suprised when I tell them she is a cross breed.

    I even had one Saarloos Wolfdog owner from the continent (who was visiting and walking with a friend) say "Wow I didn't expect to see a Saarloos wolfdog I thought they were illegal in this country." She wouldn't believe me when I told her Zena was a cross breed. This lady had owned Saarloos for many many years, she actually had photos in her handbag. We had a very interesting chat about Saarloos.

    So I guess Zena can't look that much like a cross breed.
  12. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I didnt avoid it at all, whats your point? I answered by saying that all dogs have breed characteristics that make them the dogs they are, Saarloos are no different! They are not "special" they are a dog breed with specific charcteristics, whats specialist about it? If the dogs are homed with the right people, whats the problem with them? Most of the Saarloos owners are novice owners, I mean like only owning a high prey drive type for a few years, but then when they are adverised on freead sites what can you expect? They think they are getting something special and they are not, its a domestic dog breed with breed traits and characteristics, furthermore they are crossbred with a selection of other breeds making an NI, BI whatever etc...

    Is it true that because of the people that have imported the Czech and Saarloos into this country and the fact they have crossbred them, nobody on the continent will sell to the UK now at all?
  13. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    I'm going to ask a very stupid question now so please bear with me :shock: :lol:

    Are Sarloos and Czech actual wolves?
  14. Shona


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    thank you for your thoughts on our intellegence, but that aside, you must remember that not only us members read these forums, members of the general public also read them, they could take your comments the wrong way, as such an intelligent owner of the breed you must know that people will look to what you say as being truthful.

    ETA: some of us less smart folk are currently picking up the sh1t form the NI/UTE breeding, where far to many dogs were sold to the wrong homes, I have a few such dogs now coming to me for training, with owners struggling to cope with there "easy to train dog" never aggressive dog, backs down when challenged dog...."
    sadly they found out the hard way, how long will it be untill us less smart folk are picking up the damaged dogs from the sarloos x matings....?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2009
  15. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    No jem, they are recognised pedigree domestic dog breeds juslt like the Labrador and all the others.
  16. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    So excuse my idiocy (sp) why are they called "wolf dogs" then?
  17. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Its just a name, like the Irish Wolfhound. Probably because they originally used Wolves to create them, I believe they were called something totally different to start with.
  18. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    Oh ok thanks hun x
  19. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Youre welcome. :)
  20. wolfwannabe

    wolfwannabe New Member

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    Mr Leendert Saarloos originally named this breed as Europese Wolfhond it was later renamed to Saarloos Wolfhond (Saarloos Wolfdog in English) in honor of it's creator.
  21. wolfwannabe

    wolfwannabe New Member

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    OK...... so what you are saying is they are nothing special they are just a dog, they are not a wolfdog, do you honestly believe they do not have any wolf content. I'm not sure how the wolf content just disappeared considering no other new wolf or dog genes have been added since the 60's

    If that is what you want to believe then OK..... You have obviously never met a Saarloos or Saarloos x dog.

    As for this bit
    well I really have no idea about that, but isn't that what you and many others wanted. I thought most people think the Saarloos and Czech wolfdogs should be banned from the UK Which is strange considering the are supposedly just dogs and have no wolf content.

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