100% Wolf X Dog Controversial

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by liz & kiesha, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Especially when they will be crossed with Saarloos from a french kennel that even the cwd people shake their head at, most of them being semi feral dogs.

    We are expected to believe these wolves & dogs combined will help blind people? Yeah right, great plan.
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  3. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Welcome home Dawn :grin: I though you were undergoing some kind of temporary insanity and had joined the 'lets start another wolfy looking breed because we have fallen out with everyone else ' lot. Good to see you have made a recovery just in time before 'The British Saarloos' (yes folks another new breed) lot get hold of you.
  4. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    LOL.. you realise if ALL these dogs ever get recognised..Crufts is gonna have to have an extra day.. and the KC an extra group...

    "Created cos we wanted to Group"
    "wolfwannabe Group"..


    Welll I am away to take my Wolf and my AL Mal on a walk to the school..*yes both are malamutes BUT Wolf is easier to type*
  5. tazer


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    Got it on dvd. Another one to watch, of course only if you like bigcats is the eye of the leopard, its on nat geo wild sometimes, and the accompanying documentary living with bigcats, whitch is basically the story of the people wo filmed the leopard as they followed her for 3 years and when they returned to Africa some time later to try to find her again.
  6. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Well thats nice that he's keeping up with the Dogsey members thoughts, in keeping up with the postings he will already be well aware of what everyone thinks from both sides of the debate so nobody has any need to contact him.
    It seems to me that many cry wolf members are confusing this thread (100% wolf x Dog) with the (wolfdog discussion thread)
    As no members of Cry wolf to my knowledge actually have a 100% wolf x dog then i dont see why they think we are discussing their dogs, do you?
  7. Eko

    Eko New Member

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    James Darch
    No conservationalist or biologist worth any respect would deliberately mate a female captive wolf with one of her brothers to produce inbred pups so that his girlfriend can star in a staged tv programme. If Ellis resorts to bilge like this-how can anyone believe the ethics of his new 'project’ are genuine? Also we were led to believe in the programme last night that the girlfriend Helen had not interacted in the enclosure before with Cheyenne. But as Cheyenne and her brothers were born in 2006 (according to the Wolf Pack Management website), this 'documentary' was filmed in 2008 and she's been with Ellis for 3 years, she surely must have interacted with them when they were pups as they were hand reared when mum Elu 'abandonded' them. It's all staged lies. I find it absolutely sickening that he has in his charge these magnificent wild creatures and he has to degrade and exploit them like this. It's no better than a circus. They are wild animals and should be treated as such. How did the programme help with the conservation of wild wolves? Did he donate his fees for the documentary to fund a wild wolf conservation project, and I'm not talikng about the ridiculous rent-a-pack thing. That is nothing but Shaun Ellis 'talk' and will amount to as much as 'Project Poland'. Why doesn't he join the biologists to study and track wild wolves & do a documentary on that? Because a) no biologist will worth their salt will have anything to do with him and b) there's no money in it.
    Finally we are to believe CR (who thinks SE is the best thing since sliced bread- more fool him) when he says that no F1, F2 or F3's will be sold to the public? Who would monitor it anyway? The DWA officers wouldn't know the difference between a NI and a wolf let alone an F1 or F3 hybrid.
  8. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    100% wolf x dog?
    The whole thing sickens me. :-( Why would any genuine animal lover seek to cross a wolf with a dog.

    Dogs may have once originated from wolves but they have undergone hundreds of years of domestication since than . Wolves are now a different thing entirely to dogs they are wild animals still retaining their natural instincts to roam free and to shun man.

    When will people stop to consider the needs of animals instead of embarking on projects in order to satisfy their own vanity and greed .
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2009
  9. wolfdogowner

    wolfdogowner New Member

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    I wonder what the Dutchers would do if they couldn't handle a wolf? Kill it? Oh yeah of course they already did that didnt they!
  10. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Nooooo Ive NEVER been a fan of the crossbreding ever. I would support responsible breeding of CWD or Saarloos, or any other breed of dog for that matter, but a wild animal? Please!! Although I did rather fancy crossing my Cats with a wild cat, OOPS they did that didnt they, thats why rescues are full of Bengals!!:roll:
  11. wolfdogowner

    wolfdogowner New Member

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    And according to all those 'CWD people' people all those french Saarloos are Malamutes! I would ask French Saarloos owners what they think of English experts, but they're all rolling round on the floor laughing!
  12. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    SO they are realy just all NI then:lol:
  13. wolfdogowner

    wolfdogowner New Member

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    Just cut and paste your thoughts into an email (address on that 'other' site); can't do any harm. I would actually be quite interested in hearing about your dog but I guess that off topic... :)
  14. wolfdogowner

    wolfdogowner New Member

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    Is that what Malamutes are; I always wondered!
  15. The Master

    The Master New Member

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    How can anyone take Mr Ellis seriously after last nights cringe factor TV. It wasnt about wolves it was about him and his dippy girl friend who played to the camera and dramatised everything.
    And as for living in a caravan and being down and out as mentioned in a previous post well how then is it that he has just purchased a 60 acre farm park with lakes and houses etc etc on it oh yes must be the years of collecting for fake Polish wolf charities and recent cheesy TV docs. His image is one that is created for the camera.
    And as for the poor wolf that escaped this was not the normal wolf digs out of her enclosure due to change in pack dynamics as has happened in other zoos, this was a wolf gnawing her way through thick metal regulation DWA fencing!! This would of taken some time to do and she must have been stressed and agitated for some time so how come no one noticed especially as Mr Ellis spends night and day watching his wolves or was he off living it up abroad with the girlfriend once again while his unqualified volunteers did what they could.
  16. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    I certainly don't! Another lesson learned ...:-(
  17. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Good girl! :023: Money and greed again, and of course, ultimately the animals will suffer.

    I was told he had an NI off JK, and has now got rid. As much as JK and I dont get on, you have to feel for her if the agreement was to return it to her should he want to part with it, very unfair indeed. I didnt care for the conditions his JRT's were kept in eaither.
  18. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    No..dear... but it would seem everyone wants cross mals to make something else!!
  19. tazer


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    Fare enough. Was they an actual reason given as to why it was killed, apart from the one given on the other thread.
  20. wolfdogowner

    wolfdogowner New Member

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    I did a bit of asking around about this escaped wolf and it was apparently a wolf that had been recently taken if from another local wildlife park who were having difficulties with the animal.

    Did he purchase the place or is he renting it? Does it come with a house, I was told he was taking his caravan?

    Would have loved to have seen the program though.
  21. wolfdogowner

    wolfdogowner New Member

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    And there was I thinking they were perfectly good as they were! ;-)

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