100% Wolf X Dog Controversial

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by liz & kiesha, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I think if you think about it you will see, the H&H thread, which a few people have been pointed too has enlightened them too!:002:
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  3. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Hang on one cotton picking minute!! We were told by YOU he was NOT a wolf cross, and now he was! How the flip should we know what to call him????? I would certainlly apologise if I had told lies about you, but I havent have I?
  4. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Pug is easier to type than Lurcher and Border Collie but it would`nt be accurate nor honest for me to call my dogs Pugs just because it was easier to type.

    So now he was a threeway cross ? All change again then :101:

    No I didn`t, anyone breeding so unethically is not someone I would have wanted to associate with.

    Therefore you lied about him.

    No, not all, that I do know and so do you.
  5. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    But that's what you said......
  6. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    So do I!!:002:
  7. Gnasher


    Likes Received:
    Absolutely I did ! Because one of you lot would doubtless have reported me to DEFRA if I had.

    look guys, its been lovely knowing you all again. I have not been on this site for a long time because quite frankly it is just about the nastiest dog site on the web. I visit another far far friendlier site where we have rational discussions without any jealousy coming through. We have the odd row of course, but nothing like the vitriol and poison on here.

    I am off to bed now, goodnight.
  8. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    I thought I was being nice myself and trying to reassure you no one had said anything nasty about your dog.
  9. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Wrong! Nobody would of reported you, we care about the DOGS!!! Thats the whole point!

    This site isnt nasty, but it has its share of people who genuinely care for dogs and their welfare, and those people wont stand by and watch people be lied to and lied about all in favour of trying to cover up their past. That goes for any thread.

    What you also have forgotten is that on at least one other forum you shouted that your dog WAS a Wolf cross, why didnt you think about the possible consequences then? Why lie about it on here, blatently and directly, and now turn tail (excuse pun) as its the "done" thing to have a Wolf Dog? Cant you see how that comes across?

    I would never ever nor anyone else on here put a dog in danger like that, if I would or any others on here were likely too, you wouold of been investigated long ago due to your own postings on other forums!
  10. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    I think tomorrow I am going to tell everyone that Lola is a wolf..Cos its shorter than saying Alaskan Malamute
  11. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Once and for all quit the beloved pet being insulted stuff, no one is insulting Hal, it`s about you telling lies.
    As for me posting from a pm, I did not invite you to pm me, you chose to continue sending many pm`s, and I did`nt copy/paste them I did no more than make a vague reference to a single comment you had pm`d which was under discussion in a thread already so don`t try giving people the impression of anything other than how it actually was.
  12. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    OMG I have just read 33 pages of well I dont know what to be honest :shock:
    Im so very very confused, who is Hal? who owns a wolf?

    Please can someone put it all in slow persons language for me cos I have no idea whats happening and I was genuinly interested now im just thoroughly thrown lol
  13. Navajo

    Navajo New Member

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    Point me in the direction, who has it enlightened and why?
  14. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I had a couple emails about the thread, I pointed them to the thread on H&H, they read it and were then enlightened as to the NI/BI crossbreeding changing the name scenario.
  15. tazer


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    He is a lovely big boy, I think I'll have to borrow him lol. and some pics of Genova would be nice.
  16. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    No one has done that, please stop dramatising for effect, it`s about things you have said.
  17. Navajo

    Navajo New Member

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    To be honest, I'm not accountable for past matings, the way certain things have been handled and what has gone on.

    I'm only accountable for the future of my dogs and what I breed. My dogs are health checked, I wouldn't breed from anything bad tempered (that I believed to be bad tempered through bloodline and not environmental reasons, either way none of mine are), I won't breed to profit myself, only to improve the lives of my dogs, I will at any point take any dog that I have bred back to be rehomed to a suitable home for whatever reason to prevent them from ever stepping foot in a rescue kennels (hence all pups being microchipped and leaving with ownership agreements), I won't breed from anything that isn't an improvement on its sire/dam, grandsire/granddam, (even if I thought I could make a quick buck at it) as that is the point of breeding, we aren't all backyard breeders as you seem to make out.

    I'm the first to admit the past is a mess. But that can't be changed, the future is important.

    If the government had sorted the act issue in the first place as I've said before, the inuit would not have even been created, those in europe wouldn't have to worry what was being crossed with what and we'd have two established wolfdog breeds in the UK.
  18. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    What extraordinary attack ?
    She called you a liar because you did lie, she did not tell you he was`nt a wolf cross you yourself denied it when you were outed about it but now you admit it, that`s what she was referring to.
  19. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Im not disputing your breeding ethics at all, pleas dont think that.

    That bit though I quoted, are you suggesting that there WAS Wolf in the original NI's? ;)
  20. tazer


    Likes Received:
    Please show me when I've been nasty or venomous to any one in this thread or on the site in general. You talk of not judging books by covers, and I couldn't agree more, and just because they might be a few on here that you don't like, is no reasond to judge us all the same.
  21. Lunakitty321

    Lunakitty321 New Member

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    seriously...this thread is lost...i don't see how any of this contributes to a real discussion...would someone please lock it up already...sheesh.

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