100% Wolf X Dog Controversial

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by liz & kiesha, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Just proves that nobody who owns this type of dog can believe what they have been told, and strengthens SC case for all the lies.
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  3. Gnasher


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    She is no longer with us, and I would not like you to speak ill of the dead ... as you did my beloved Hal. :cry:
  4. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    You did lie about him including to me on this forum publicly while saying different in multiple pm`s, you pulled the feigned indignation then as well. You also keep calling Tai a Ute but have just said he is a crossbreed so that`s another lie. Please stop pulling the `how dare you` card, no one is insulting Hal, you are being pulled up for what you have said about his ancestry, you have tripped yourself up by lying and have been caught out more than once :018:
    Dawn has done nothing for you to call for her to be reprimanded for as far as I can see, you are the one who came out with lies, you denied what you say he was but now admit it [ though he has apparently changed from part Husky to part Mal somewhere along the way :-/ ] so you have no one to blame but yourself, you owe Dawn an apology for your outburst imo.
  5. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Fair comment, and I didnt speak ill of Hal, just that you lied about him and irresponsibly used him at stud knowing he was of an illegal type. The law goes a long way with me Gnasher, but I respect your point on Eddie.:001:
  6. Navajo

    Navajo New Member

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  7. tazer


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    Beautifull dogs. Can I ask who is who.
  8. Navajo

    Navajo New Member

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    There's no such thing as bad publicity but I don't see how my dogs or myself are receiving bad publicity, enlighten me.
  9. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Is there not? :044: :044: :044: :044: :023:
  10. Gnasher


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    Do you think I have liked all this cloak and dagger stuff with Hal for so many years? The relief of being able to say what he was is immense.

    It really is ridiculous, all this fuss and nonsense about wolf crosses. In your own words, you have said he does not look like a wolf. I replied that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but the bottom line is was my boy safe ... yes he was. Was he well socialised ... yes he was. Was he obedient ... no he bloody well wasn't, but when was that ever a cardinal sin? He was very aloof, only interested in pleasing himself, he was immensely intelligent, could dig for the Olympics, had the sex drive of an elephant ... ask the two bitches he covered, and the thousands he met and tried it on with ! His sense of smell was twice as great as a bloodhound's, and I know what I am talking about because I used to have a bloodhound.

    I will never have any other type of dog except for a wolfdog. Once bitten, you are a sucker for ever !! No more holidays, no more trips to restaurants, to the cinema, nowhere where you cannot take your dog. Their SA is second to none, Hal came everywhere with us, bless him. He is buried in my garden under the hawthorn tree in a beautiful grave which is alive with the most beautiful yellow primroses at the moment.

    when I told the vet what he was, after his sudden death, she just looked at me as if I was stupid, and just said "yes, we knew, he was a free spirit". What a lovely epitaph - my boy was a free spirit.
  11. Navajo

    Navajo New Member

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    Sorry, been so busy on this one, I hadn't checked the other, will go and have a look once I've caught up with this one!
  12. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Oh she does - and not in a good way given the total lack of record keeping, lack of health testing and lack of ethics involved.

    Dawn probably knows more about Ute`s/NIs than all the NI/Ute owners and breeders put together.

    Time for another polite reminder for you to read the forum posting guidelines methinks ?
  13. Gnasher


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    You are winding me up !! I wonder how you would react if someone had spoken to you like that about your beloved DEAD pet. But then someone who is horrible and deceitful enough to copy a PRIVATE MESSAGE onto the public forum ... well, what more can I say ?
  14. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    You totally miss the point!

    YOU lied all along about your dog, you called people liars on here as well as other insults, yet now its "cool" to have a Wolf dog, you come on here and shout from the rooftops! Im sorry Gnasher but that stinks! Not only was he a dog that would of required a lisence, but you advertised him at stud, allowed him to produce puppies and are now saying the owners of these puppies lied about them too! What an awful way to live your life, i cant imagine lying like that all the time, I honestly cant.
  15. Gnasher


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    It's obviously OK then on this forum for people to insult other people's dogs who died in tragic circumstances then.
  16. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    What are you talking about? You cant insult a dog for petes sake, its a dog! dont anthromorphosize!! Your dog did nothing wrong, Im sure he was everything you said he was, it was you that was at fault.
  17. Navajo

    Navajo New Member

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    Sure, none are Genova, I'll post pics of her in a mo if you like.

    The silver bitch is Lilly, the two with her are Brier and Bly (Brier's niece, out of Shoshone's Cedar), the darker one is Moto, he's the half Czech, the big kid and the pics show it! The bottom one is Kaiya, she now lives in Liverpool.
  18. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    Gnasher, I certainly haven't read all of this thread...it would take true dedication and devotion to do that :002:
    From what I have seen in the last x number of pages though, no one has insulted your dog. All that has been said is that he didn't necessarily look like a wolf (which you admit I think) and that YOU shouldn't have advertised then used him at stud, knowing he should have been licensed, as his offspring should have been.
    No insults to your dog at all.:002:
  19. Gnasher


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    Point taken.

    I guess I am being far too sensitive. It's only just over a year since we lost him, so I'm touchy and sensitive, but so would you be if I called you a liar.

    Look, this is my last word on the subject. I do not care whether you believe me or not. Hal was a wolf cross. End of.
  20. Navajo

    Navajo New Member

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    That did not answer my question.

    Once again, how are my dogs and myself receiving bad puclicity?
  21. Gnasher


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    Ramble : you cannot have read Dawn's extraordinary attack on me then. when she called me a liar and told me that Hal was not a wolf cross. She has never ever met the dog.

    That was bad mannered and horrible of her. I don't expect an apology.

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