Got my Rotts pedigree today... General Chat

Discussion in 'Rottweiler' started by Callum, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. youngstevie


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    Just read through this thread.
    Shona, first I would like to say how sorry I am you have had this upset and what must be a awful shock.

    Knowing Shona (have met up) and they way she is with her dogs, I can only say I know how upset she is going to be over this. Vinnie, as Shona has said isn't working stuff, he is a lovely, gentle, soft, boy, who adores Shona, and I mean adores her.
    Callum I can see that you have done a good job, and luckily you managed to get the pedigree, so you at least know he is not a BYB, I hope that you can both speak and sort something out.....rather the pm's.

    I hope you can come to a agreement.....Shona I am here if you need to call and just want to have a shoulder.

    Callum I hope he gets a forever home...whether with you or back with Shona.......after all it's the dog's happiness that is at stake....not just whether he's capable of work

    Wishing you both a happy resolvment
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  3. Shona


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    does anyone have the breed record suppliment for the last quarter of 2007?
  4. Shona


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    Hi just got an update form the breed record supliment from jessie, the last male pup is lord of kyle, there was only the one bitch in the litter,
    so still hunting for this lad.
  5. Jessie

    Jessie New Member

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    Good luck and best wishes Shona x
  6. ShaynLola

    ShaynLola New Member

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    Just a thought....I know the KC can't give you the details of owners but, assuming that the new owners of the one missing pup have transferred him into their name, could you perhaps write a letter and ask the KC to pass it on to the owners? Just a friendly letter letting them know that you are intersted in how he's doing and that you're always available for advice & assistance etc? Might be worth a try?
  7. Shona


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    good idea thanks for that ;-)
  8. Anne-Marie

    Anne-Marie New Member

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    Well I guess looking at the positives, at least Shona is able to keep updated on this boys progress and development. Weird how this all transpired and if it wasn't for Dogsey probably wouldn't have found out!

    Whoever the breeder was needs a slap for letting him get into such irresponsible hands:evil: :009: I hope he doesn't have any more future Rottie litters planned:-(

    I can totally understand why Shona is so upset and angry, I would feel the exact same way myself if Marius had been the stud dog used. It's as she said a dog-lovers/breeders nightmare to hear that they have been pushed from pillar to post:cry: I have to say I totally applaud you Shona for being such a brilliant example of what a true Rottie breeder should stand for.

    If things don't work out, I truly hope Callum does take you up on that offer of having him back.
  9. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Unfortunately, when selling pups (or rehoming through rescue) you can only go by what the prospective new owner tells you and also largely on gut instinct. Once a pup is sold, it is in the lap of the gods. Perhaps this Mr Ross believed the first home to be a good and permanent one, and would be as horrified as everyone else to hear that he has been passed around? Just a thought.
  10. magpye

    magpye New Member

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    I do hope everyone can work this out and find what's best for the dog involved...

    It's a real dogsey soap opera isn't it. So the unusual long coated rottie turns out to be handsome Vinnie's long lost son?!! You wouldn't believe it if it was a TV plot!
  11. Shona


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    I managed to call Mr Ross this morning, I have to say, he was quite surprised by all thats happend, the dog is in partnership with him and Mr McAlister who I have also had a brief chat with this morning, Mr McAlister is going to contact me tomorrow morning with all the details of the first owner and so on,
    he was also very surprised, he felt the owners were desprate for the pup, they had there own buisness and seemed very responsible, he also said they had not contacted himself or mr ross when they had problems, this was the first they had heard about issues with this dog.

    I will update when I get details,

    thanks to all for the support over this, Im feeling a bit calmer today, it came as such a huge shock yesterday.
  12. Shona


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    thanks ever so much jessie, I have now managed to trace all the steps, so here is hoping. x
  13. Callum

    Callum New Member

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    Just so everyone is aware I have been in "PM" with Shona over this situation. I have been discussing things with my family and looking at whats best for the dog in Q. As that IS whats most important.

    I would like to make it clear that the dog is great and has the temperament I said he had in the intro thread.
    He has I believe potential as a working dog BUT I also believe he does not need to be a working dog to be happy (This is a critical point for me). I have a few behavioural issue's with him in relation to moving him onto being a working dog but given that he is quite happy to lollop around being fussed I have been working through the details of what to do with Shona.

    That said, at this point I DO NOT NEED to be rehoming this dog at all, I hope everyone is remembering this. He is not Shona's responsibilty and is safe and well here. I understand how Shona does feel responsible and I think thus far I have demonstrated such. We took this dog on and ARE responsible for him, he has had a bad start and we will do whats best for him because the dog is most important.

    I do need a dog for working whether thats approved of or not, and currently any change to my plans for this dog are an inconvenience. I do feel given the original thread introducing him that a big turnaround is apparent in this thread, is this becuase we now know he is from Shona's stud? I dont know, and it is irrelevant.

    I have just been contacted by the person I got him from after Shona contacted them, she is unhappy that there is a need to be moving him anywhere and is more than willing to take him back herself if the need was there.

    I shall continue to sort things out with Shona via PM, but wanted to make my position clear as I FEEL it may have been overlooked. Jmo.

    Thanks all,

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2009
  14. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    Callum for what it's worth, I think the dog is a very lucky dog right now. Yes, he has had a bad start, but he was taken from that by the lady you got him from and now he has you as well as Shona and this lady who all would love him and care for him. What a lucky lad. I have no doubt that you will do what is best for him and that he is in a good place right now.
    I also know Shona will help you with any aspect of his training, that you need help with. It's great just to bounce ideas around.

    A good result...lucky dog...and very weird huh? DOgsey magic at work again
  15. Benzmum

    Benzmum New Member

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    Hi Callum,

    It is good that you are in touch with Shona and that you intend to remain in touch with her. You also have to be commended IMO for taking on the Rottie and removing it from what was CLEARLY an unsuitable environment, and also for teaching basic manners etc.

    I do firmly believe in light of that that he should, IMO, not be returned to that person if his training does not work out or your workload is not as forthcoming as you hope it would be, as who knows what would happen, he may be passed on as a guard/protection dog to someone with less scruples or knowledge, who does not have the dogs wellbeing as much at heart as yourself.

    I also think Shona has to be commended for having the interest of one of the pups her dog sired so much at heart and it IMO just shows how much she cares about the breed and those pups she is partly responsible for bringing into the world.

    As she also has a great deal of experience with not only the breed but also the industry into which you wish to work this dog, along with the knowledge of the sires temprament, I can understand her concerns about whether he will "happily" meet the mark, and more so, what will happen if he doesn't.

    I think at the moment he is well cared for, well fed and happy, and that is most definitely a good thing. I think the most important thing is that that is the way it stays ( I am not for a minute suggesting you would treat the dog in any other way - I followed your thread about your staff :grin: ) but I can totally understand Shonas point of view in that she wouldn't want one of her dogs pups to be working in an environment to which he wasn't 100% suited nor to be passed back to someone who could pass him on.

    I think it is a very unfortunate set of circumstances and I wish you all well. :grin:
  16. hayleybella

    hayleybella New Member

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    I just wonder if the dog has ended up with that pedigree by accident? If the Breeder thought he was going to a good home maybe its a case of identity theft !
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2009
  17. youngstevie


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    I don't feel (in my post on the subject) that I overlooked your position. To be fair it is a postion I wouldn't like to be in.
    In favour of yourself, you have openly admitted what and why you have taken him on, and you say he has settle, quite happy to be fussed and loved.
    However having said that I know Shona takes using one of her dogs as stud, very very serious, and would of asked for the reassurances that any puppies would be for pets only.

    I think that it is very commendable of you to work with Shona on this situation.

    Dogsey powers weird that in just the short time you have had him, you joined Dogsey.

    I think someone(up there)was steering you and Shona together:017:
  18. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    I think this is an horrendous situation for Shona and Callum to find themselves in and I think they should both be commended for handling it with dignity and patience.
    Well done both and good luck.
  19. Callum

    Callum New Member

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    As far as Im aware he can be traced from the breeder to me without any troubles, and now I know who is relatives are. There are similarities IMO.

    I did join in Nov 2007 you know ;-)

    Thanks for the replies everyone. At least we know the outcome will be a positive one.
  20. hayleybella

    hayleybella New Member

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    Oh I only ask as I am sure I read a little while ago about rotties being given fake peds with a sire who had passed away on. sure it was rotties.
  21. CheekyChihuahua


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    What an awful situation! Shona, I understand why you are devastated. I would feel exactly the same:-(

    I am glad that the Rottie boy has now not only found a caring owner/home but has Shona there, as his guardian angel, should his present owner feel unable to keep him for any reason (not saying that you shouldn't Callum - sounds like you are doing your absolute best for him):)

    If only all breeders/stud owners were as responsible as Shona, the doggy world would be heaven, instead of the hell that some poor canine souls find themselves in, through no fault of their own:cry:

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