Breed choice (what are NIs like as pets) General Chat

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by Skooshbag, Dec 20, 2008.

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  1. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I have never come across such lies and bad practice in the creation of any other breed Phil, which one have you found this with?

    NI are not popular at all, but they are being bred by a few in high numbers with a genetically small gene pool which has relatively high incidences of certain inherited diseases. This is bad breding practice, very bad. Whilst I do NOT agree with the use of the Czech Wolfdog and Saarloos and crossbreeding them to create more crossbreeds, you have to applaud the fact that some breeders have actually woke up to how bad the NI really is and are now trying to breed healthier animals.
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  3. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    I want to see more health tests getting beyond a joke all these numptys breeding for quick cash. Either breed properly or go get of your butt and get a job.
  4. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Prejudice, deception, ulterior motives..... There is a great lack of founded evidence from those who claim this breed is in so much trouble: facts, figures, statistics...?????????

    Yes, there are some issues (as with any breed), yes 'relatively' there is a small number of dogs but considering the breed has only been around a short time (in the scheme of things), this number isn't actually that low.

    What does go on in this breed , as with any breed is some bad breeding practices, unfortunately there are some nasty people out there who simply look at their dogs as money making machines. They have little/no regard for the breed. Some even now claim the breed has issues but instead of never breeding from their dogs again, they want to cross other breeds to their dogs???? This does not sound like the actions of geniuine people. More like the actions of those motivated by money, who think , how can I still make money from my dogs with the bad press out there.....why don't I cross my dog with something lets say a GSD or maybe a Huskie would be good........You also get pet owners like myself but instead of being satisfied that they have a couple of nice family pets, they think... let me have a litter and make a few quid. They have a litter, a litter that isn't well planned, little regard as to which stud dog is used, inbreeding may accur, pet quality puppies which look little like a NID should look like ...... and yet again the breed gets a bad press.

    Don't get me wrong, I am sure all of the above accurs in most breeds but this breed does seem highly exploited at times.

    My advice, if you want a NID, do alot of personal reseach and seperate the back biting from reality. The dogs speak for themselves.
  5. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Well said xxxxxxxx
  6. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    No there isnt Nes, but even if that were true, people such as yourself support breeders and buy from them even when they use animals with severely dysplastic hips, how does this bode well for the future of healthy dogs? Cant can it? You knew about that yet still bought from a breeder "exploiting" these animals in the name of making money from them.:-(

    That statement also answers the entirety of your post. Money money money!!!
  7. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Nes, im sorry if I said that with as much tact as a house brick, I meant to say it in a way which shows, while people support and buy from breeders who use bad breeding practices, then these breeders will continue to breed animals with massive potential of inheriting the faults their parents have. With this in mind, the breed stands no chance at all.
  8. Skooshbag

    Skooshbag New Member

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    righty ho, I't my opinion that this thread should now be left to die a death, some of my questions have been answered. It wasn't my intention to start a fight that coverd ground that has been covered on a number of other threads, and I really don't see the need to go over it again and have folk fall out over it.
  9. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Nobody is falling out over it! There are other threads that answer your question, but you obviously saw the need to start another, so people responded. When things are said that are not agreed with, people will respond to it.
  10. Woodstock

    Woodstock New Member

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    I would have said for a NI thread it's remarkably restrained ;)
    As far as i can see people have just expressed their opinions about NIs as pet which is what you asked them to do! Unfortunately, not everyone agrees but that's what forums are about - different opinions being discussed :)
  11. honeysmummy

    honeysmummy New Member

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    I havent read the whole thread but have read and re read the whole NI debate!!
    I am no expert at all.

    But As lovely as some of the NIs look to a potential pet owner I would have to say I would never own one.
    Purely because there are plenty of other dogs around that surely would match what a potential owner would want in a dog.

    Why risk the health issues or supporting a breed with no ethics, not to mention that the vast majority are just after a fast buck.
    No NOT all but A LOT.

    Why not get an established breed or go down to your local rescue?

    please dont shoot me down on this, as i say i am no expert, but just a view of an "average" doggy pet owner!!
  12. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Dawn, the breeder you are talking about used that stud before he was scored because she listened to bad advice, given from someone who was the head of TIDA at that time, someone who had a history of breeding without hip scoring. The stud was used once , when his score came back he was retired.

    My girls breeder is not a bad breeder or a bad person and is certainly not in it for the money. I am not going to argue about this but I wanted to say my piece. Sorry if I have drifted off topic a little.
  13. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    So you are saying with all your experience and dog knowledge, you knowingly bought a pup from somebody who doesnt hip score? Given what you already knew about these dogs you went ahead anyway? Seriously? You have said yourself on many occasions you dont listen to "others" why would this be any different in listening to "what she said etc.." You preach about finding breeders that health test, moan about other people who dont advertise their dogs scores, then buy from somebody who obviously doesnt give a toss!!

    I just feel so sorry for these poor dogs.:-(
  14. Cheyenne


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    If the breeder of you your dog is not in it for the money then why didn't she refund the money to a puppy buyer who bought a pup that suffered from severe HD and was pts at 7 months old? She didn't even bother to go and see the pup herself.
  15. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I know Nes was told about the dogs hips BEFORE she bought her, it was totally her choice to buy from such a person.
  16. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Were ALL the pups from the litter he sired spayed & neutered??
  17. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Gets better and better doesnt it!!!

    Was this a pup from the litter as mentioned with the "retired" stud??

    In my opinion if it was ALL of the puppy owners should have been refunded..should never have been sold in the first place!
  18. Cheyenne


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    No it was from a different litter, in fact I remember a phone call conversation with the breeder about this pup, believe it or not she made out to me that it was the onwers fault the pup had HD because the pup was allowed to go up and down stairs... so what could the owner expect! And she even finished the sentence with a sarcastic "der!"
  19. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    So there must be a reasonably high incidence of HD within this kennels lines then.
  20. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Oh nice to see a breeder passionate about her breed!!!!

    The morals of an alley cat?? No the alley cat has more!
  21. ingi

    ingi New Member

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    Hi this only my second post on here, my first got a bit of a contravercial reaction........
    What is the main difference between an NI and a Huskamute (other than the bit GSD) ?????
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