Wolf dog shot in head General Chat

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Dec 4, 2008.

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  1. abbie

    abbie Member

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    Well I do blame her. You yourself have bred pups with epilepsy because of her.

    She knew before Sacha was born. I will never forgive her for that.

    Please tell me about other NI's with epilepsy that were bred by anyone other than Sandra or you as I don't know of any.
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  3. Shona


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    no but she is the founder breeder of NI dogs, so I would have thought she would have a good knowlage of breeding another breed before launching out and starting a new breed, lets face it, its hard enough getting it right in tried and tested breeds first
  4. Shona


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    Im hoping she will answer that, she is following this thread... :grin:
  5. Shona


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    I dont see the need, im sure she will see the question in good time, she has been open about things, so dont see why this question should be a problem for sandra..or even more so for you
  6. Cheyenne


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    What pups have bred with epilepsy, as far as I know, as I am in contact with the owners, they are all healthy and doing well and are having a great life. If you know that any of them have epilepsy please let me know so I can contact the owner and offer any help I can.
  7. abbie

    abbie Member

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    Sorry Marie if I have got it wrong and will stand corrected, but I had presumed that you bred Bailey.

    If not then may I ask who did breed him as surely his breeder should have taken some responsibility. I remember your post on here asking about collecting him and also seeing how you cared for him. If he was bred by someone else then how sad that they just disregarded him.
  8. Cheyenne


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    Not a problem for me, it's just not my question to answer. I gave you a suggestion, it's up to you if you take it or not :)
  9. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    Can I ask why are these dogs are being bred by other breeders if they are so specialised i asked before but clearly it was missed?

    Sandra do you plan on breeding yours when u get it?
    Do you know a lot about these wolf dogs?
  10. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    If you scroll down the page a bit there is the answer ref breeding. If SC comes back tomorrow, (or later today) she may answer ref her knowledge as that doesn't appear on the website.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2008
  11. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    :lol: :lol: :lol:
    Im sorry i have to laugh my god what is the world coming to everyone whinges about NI's and how bad they are but yet when a new breed appears they jump on the bandwagon to breed that.
    I wonder how many will appear in rescues or are shot over the next few years :roll:
  12. Cheyenne


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    Get your facts right before you start pointing fingers!!!

    My first NI litter is only 6 months old, bailey was 14 months old when he came to me. His breeder was unable to take him, and has offered to pay what it cost to have him pts. Please don't involve him in this, he is not a saarloos and has no place in being mentioned on this thread! Let him RIP please!
  13. Shona


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    thanks for the link, from what I can see, sandra had a few firsts and best puppy at companion shows and open level. I cant see anything for champ level, but Im sure sandra will let us know if this is not the case
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2008
  14. abbie

    abbie Member

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    So I guess he was bred by Sandra then as you haven't answered what I asked. He must have been from Breezes first litter then. How sad another dog dead due to her. Why am I not suprised.
  15. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    You are welcome Shona, I am sure she will xxx
  16. Cheyenne


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    If you look at the BIGGER picture you will see what has really gone on and where the problems have came from. It was going on long before Sandra came along, but it was brushed under the NI carpet, as it still is, and as some peolpe have now seen.
  17. Reisu

    Reisu New Member

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    I can't believe how they're all jumping on you over there just for raising a legitimate concern. obviously having rescue dogs must make you a moron who thinks you're better than them and having four litters from one bitch is all fine and dandy because they say so. and people who breed for the love of the breed know nothing because they are aaaaaaallllll pet breeders making money from their bitch... :roll: :shock: :shock: why else would you breed a dog apart from that you love the breed and want to further it? the only other reason is money that i can see!!
    I had a great amount of respect for Charlie and cry wolf before I read that thread, as a total outsider. It's diminishing now though, they give the impression that they are closing ranks because you dare to question them and therefore you are anti-breeder and to be sneered at, and that is worryingly reminiscent of JK and her cronies :? I truly hope that isn't the case, Charlie seems like a nice, genuine guy from what else I've seen of him. At any rate, you were not rude at any point, wasn't stirring and only stated your opinion, they owe you an apology imo though I don't expect you'll get one.
    Nothing second rate about Kato anyway.. he is yummy :mrgreen:
  18. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    That'd be a yes to abbies question then :roll:
  19. abbie

    abbie Member

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    If that is the case could you please answer my previous question that you didn't answer that was which dogs have suffered from epilepsy that were not bred by Sandra. I am asking this as I do not know of any.
  20. abbie

    abbie Member

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    I think it must be Jem. How sad that she didn't care enough about a dog she bred to not even go and collect it. Marie had to post on here asking for help.

    She offered to pay for him being pts. what a caring breeder :evil: :evil:
  21. sutty

    sutty New Member

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    Sorry Sandra, I stand corrected, Julie didnt have Raven when you took Skye to be mated to Ammik, but, she has never kept 2 stud dogs in the same kennel, can you imaging putting a bitch in season in the same kennel as several entire males, would cause a lot of friction in my book.
    And Marie, remember the convo we had when you phoned Julie, I seem to remember you were ringing her at all hours bleating about the raw deal you were getting from Sandra,this was only in August this year, wish you would pick a side and stick to it.
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