Wolf dog shot in head General Chat

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Dec 4, 2008.

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  1. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Can you address my questions re: Luz Werewolf. You talk of actions speaking louder than words, I agree, but it reflects my questions about the current NIS secretary.

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  3. Cheyenne


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    WW and abbie, Sandra and her dogs have nothing to do with this thread, grow up and lets get back on topic!
  4. abbie

    abbie Member

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    I believe what I see for myself. I have visited the kennels you mean on several occasions and seen no reason at all for concern.

    Believe me Dawn if I hadn't been happy with the dogs I would have had no problem saying so.
  5. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Heaven forbid that they decide to go down the Sarloos route as well then, especially given what's already happened.
  6. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    No you are way off track, what I admire about Sandra is she admits her mistakes and is moving forward in a positive manner, not like somebody else who hides away and is responsible for the deaths of many many dogs due to her disgraceful breeding practices and STILL takes no responsiblity for it!:evil:

    I allow nobody any luxuries Nes, I speak as I find.

    I understand though that you think Luz was wrong to breed Brodie, cos even if she didnt rip Luz's ear (which im told she did) she was said to be aggressive to dogs and couldnt be homed with children, speaks volumes for the ethics of the NIS committe doesnt it!!
  7. Daysleeper40

    Daysleeper40 New Member

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    Sorry to quote you out of context but I think your above statement answers my question - if I am understanding correctly you do feel his overall breeding practises are "wrong" for want of a better word, but within the framework of these practices he has done nothing "wrong" in this instance.

    Isn't that the definition of congnitive dissonance? :?
  8. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I agree totally.
  9. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    I cannot speak on what I know nothing about, other than what you have told me that is. I can just give you my opinion, agressive dog in my opinion should not be bred from.
  10. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    No you misunderstand, I dont disagree with his breeding practices, his dogs are in excellent condition, kept beautifully, health tested and very well exercised, what I disagree with is how many puppies he breeds.
  11. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Dawn, I have seen elsewhere SC admit that she had litters from Merlin without him being hipscored, as her bitches were in season and she didn't want to wait a year, that when he was later scored his score was 29 and she felt this wasn't high but too high to breed from...... (work that one out). You did not utter a sound yet later on the same forum you outwardly disaproved of an NIS kennel which had a litter (in 2006) and then scored the female who score was 21. Can you see why it is looking as if you are biased against the NIS? Forgive me if I am wrong but that is the vibe that is coming from you.
  12. abbie

    abbie Member

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    How can they all be health tested when some of them are apparantly feral and people and even a vet cannot get close enough to put one of them to sleep?

    Do you really think dogs escaping, accidental litters and one of them being missing and it not being known where the pups are or even if they are alive or not. These pups could be ill and nobody would know. How can you call that being kept beautifully?

    I have to agree with you on the well exercised though. Obviously when his kennels are so easy to escape from the dogs have as much exercise as they like!!
  13. spirit

    spirit New Member

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    Hi I'm new to this so if you could bear with me but i'v been reading the forum on here and cry-wolf and wanted to say something about this if i could.

    This charlie bloke has been envolved with animals for many years and has been breeding know for a while and yet i wonder what sort of man (boss) tries to pass the buck for his actions on a young girl????
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2008
  14. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Ill say once more, Sandra did wrong and ADMITTED it, I have admiration for people that can do that and move forward to put things right, I have MAJOR issues with those that dont!

    Biased against the NIS? Well with breeding practices like JK's and Luz's you bet I am!
  15. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Whatever you say Jane, you are so two faced Im finding it difficult to converse with you on any level. Re-reading the PM's you sent me, its incredible to think you are the same perosn.
  16. abbie

    abbie Member

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    I have seen nowhere where Sandra has admitted to what she has done and deliberately bred with full knowledge of what she was doing.

    As to her moving forward and putting things right. That is something that in my opinion will never happen.
  17. Daysleeper40

    Daysleeper40 New Member

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    Right - got it.

    I'm not trying to incite you here I'm just struggling to see how you are able to rationalize the two beliefs that:

    a) This man breeds too many puppies for your liking.
    b) He has done nothing wrong by importing seven bitches and breeding from them as soon as he did.

    I appreciate that he may have good intentions and you feel that the health testing / conditions he keeps his dogs in etc are of a good standard. That doesn't mean he's infallable to mistakes and to whole-heartedly state that nothing has been done wrong just seems a bit counterproductive to learning from the situation IMO.
  18. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    But Dawn, the way she has said it is not as if she is admitting guilt. She is simply saying this is what she and why she did it! eg vets advice??? and her not wanting to wait another year, as she would be missing out on a few quid I expect. You think they are valid reasons to breed from an unscored dog, I do not think you do and I also do not think you truly believe that an admission of guilt has been made.
  19. abbie

    abbie Member

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    Dawn you didn't answer my question.
  20. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Must say it seems like the Cry Wolf forum are not so welcoming to my questions and I am a bit surprised at Charlies personal remarks.

    This will be some of these bitches 4th mating and I dont care who dislikes me will never agree with it.

    I am not anti-breeders just anti bad ones.
  21. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    :shock: me too...and subsequent answers :cry:
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