Wolf dog shot in head General Chat

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Dec 4, 2008.

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  1. Cheyenne


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    That would make sense, after all dog/wolves are den animals after all and many survive, breed and rear pups without our interference.

    When I first heard about the bitch that was shot I was horrified and completly dissagreed, however, now I know what happened I support Charlie in what he did. I believe it was the right thing to do for the safty of the people, dogs and pups and the least stressful for the bitch concerned, it must have been a very hard chioce to make.
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  3. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Ive been looking a your website, its EXCELLENT!!

    So Corrie bred your dog then, same breeder as the 7 Saarloos imported to Charlie? I think the temperament speaks for themselves and in Charlies case he has had some very bad luck and has dealt with it in the most responsible way for all concerned.
  4. Cheyenne


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    I couldn't agree with you more, what good would it be to buy just 1 or 2 dogs? wouldn't give you much of a gene pool to work with :?
  5. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    At the same time and from the same breeder?
    Okay, if I was desperate to introduce a breed I may buy 2 tops from one breeder to assess temperament and condition etc, but not 7 from the same place.That's putting all your eggs in one basket surely? I would want to buy from different breeders so that I could breed from different lines and see how each one goes.
    I have to say though, there are a lot of people out there who are very happy with the Sarloos being legal now, I think I would feel a lot happier if individuals researched and worked together to source and raise the best possible breeding stock, rather than one man who has payment plans making it his job to introduce the breed and have them mainly in kennels.... and then decide to cross breed them..is that his plan?

    To start a breed in a country there is no point in starting with poor breeding stock surely (and given the sound of the temperaments of the dogs bought in, they don't sound typical of the breed to me.....but I know very little, just what I've read.)
    If the people are the best there is....I just find that very difficult to believe and I suspect that the very best that there is would not sell 7 bitches to a commercial breeders....I certainly wouldn't sell them my best.:cry:
  6. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    Bad luck? Dawn do you really believe it was just bad luck? It sounds more like bad judgement to me ? The most responsible thing he could have done was to admit what had happened when it happened rather than lying to all of his supporters until it was leaked.
  7. sutty

    sutty New Member

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    So, what will happen to these 7, sorry 6 'mature' bitches when their breeding days are over as CR clearly states they are not young bitches and that is one of the reasons he mated them all, how many more litters is he hoping to have from each one?
    Clearly, as a commercial breeder, he wont be keeping them when they can no longer produce , as semi feral they cant be rehomed to families can they?
  8. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    But Martin himself stated that he only knows what is on the CW website. With respect, if people read that a pregnant bitch has gone missing, they will speculate - and as dog lovers they will worry for her safety and for her pups.

    I worry about this too.

    I maintain that the dogs should not have been bred from so soon after coming into this country. The trauma of being uprooted and travel was enough. I am glad to hear that, in retrospect, Charlie would now do things differently. It was about poor judgement, not bad luck, and I would expect more from an 'expert'. I am not an 'expert breeder' but I would not have bred from those girls so soon, regarless of when, or how often, they came into season.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2008
  9. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    But thats you!:mrgreen: I wouldnt export ANY dog of mine, but I wouldnt condemn those that do. the "de Loubar-Tar" kennels is one of the best in the world, these bitches were selected for breeding qualities, its really not for us to speculate as to why they were chosen.
  10. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    What good is that if Carlic has been put to more than one of them? :?
  11. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Yes bad luck, if the bitch wasnt aggressive none of this would be ranted over would it? :002: He was advised by the breeder, she came here too, bad luck is what I see and thats my opinion.:001:
  12. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    Why not though?
    They were selected for breeding qualities? I'm guessing that means that they have been proven to be fertile and are of an age to have a litter?
  13. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    :lol: We may have to agree to disagree again Dawn! :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:
    I don't see breeding from a bitch that is semi feral before she has settled as being bad luck...poor judgement yes, not bad luck...
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2008
  14. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    Is it just me but,7 bitches at varying degrees of feralness for want of a better word, how exactly could health tests be done...did CR visit his brood ? see the paper work ect ?
    I have to agree with ramble here too in that 7 from the same breeder could ultimately create more problems ...
  15. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    If charlie is breeding these 6 bitches with only 2 studs isn't he reducing the chance of expanding his gene pool?x
  16. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Makes me think will we end up with the whole Mahlek problem again?
  17. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    of course we will, another wolfy type band wagon x
  18. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    This is what i dont understand i have looked through the website and it is very informative but if you are trying to breed out the NI by crossing it then thats up to you BUT the whole point of doing it is because the NI are supposidly ticking time bombs but surely if you are breeding a lot of bitches with a small amount of studs wont you have the same problem but in more dogs?

    Or am i looking at it wrong? I'm not having a go im just trying to understand better x
  19. Sansorrella


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    Carlic is not the sire of all the litters by any means and Charlie is not the only breeder with Saarloos in the country. There is quite a diversity of breedlines, making a good foundation for the breed here.

    Charlie has already admitted making an error of judgement with regard to breeding these bitches so early and has suffered the consequences of it.

    As already mentioned on this thread, these are a specialist breed which need a unique level of understanding to get the best from them and not having them from young is a major disadvantage.
  20. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Not knowing the ins and outs as I was not there, I would say a professional should of been called out ref the dog, unless it was about to attack someone and there happened to be someone there with a gun who seized the moment to protect the said person, this however, was, I guess, unlikely to have been the situation.

    In General : If NIDs were such 'walking time bombs' any reputable, ethical, dog loving person who believed so, would not breed from them either to another NID, or to be crossed with any other breed, that is my opinion based on common sense and decency. Having said that, I have not looked on the CW website for some time so I do not know what the owner states as his reason for crossing the dogs or if he states a reason at all.
  21. gemma riley

    gemma riley New Member

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    Shame that a group of people with an already bad reputation have decided that they are the experts for this breed! Im sure the original creator of the breed is happy that it has gone this way :shock:
    What a shame that this beautiful breed is at risk of being exploited and ruined from people that cannot even be trusted to breed crosses properly :roll:

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