Wolf dog shot in head General Chat

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Dec 4, 2008.

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  1. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Well there you go, different strokes. Seems Petra saw Corrie as the "best" too and went for her foundation stock from her. Charlie cannot be faulted for buying from her, it does seem she is widely recognised as a Saarloos expert.

    I cant tell you about heamophillia, but I do know he has submitted samples for the dwarfism testing they are doing.
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  3. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Really :-o so just how many litters are being produced then, are we to understand there are yet more litters in addition to the ones below :shock: (this is taken from a free add site easily accessed by Google)
    I note the price for some puppies has risen to £2,000 ...
  4. noekie

    noekie New Member

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    hmmm, came among this topic on my half yearly google rounds, and am sad to read
    Not only sad because the Saarloos (an FCI recognised breed) has been placed , yet again, in a bad spotlight in the uk, not only because so little people seem to know and appreciate the special breedcharacteristics, but also because a bitch has died.
    I beautifull bitch, a bitch coming from a breeder in france where i too have bought my purebred SWH, where the dogs are cautious, some perhaps a little overshy, but definatelly not aggresive.

    Actually, i have known SWD for over 8 yrs, met people, show my dog at dogs shows, talked to breeders, it is extremely rare to have a SWD turn aggresive as long as there is a possibility of flight there, mather of fact, i only have heard of one SWD being shot to death , and that is hear :(

    I don't see how any of the breeding attemps i have seen in the UK sofar will ever help get the breed regocnised, deff not by a breeder who also breeds crosses on the side.. he's as i read from this topic agains inbreeding, but has i guess one dog mate praticually all the bitches.. SWD is inbred as it is.

    very well he will be doing the dwarfism test, maybe also eye-examination, hips and ed scores?
    only, as a responsible breeder, if you see benefits in these tests, don#t you do them before breeding? if doing them after the litters are there .. ahm not a little too late?

    I wish charlie and his dogs the best, have found his website some time ago, and i have nothing against him or the way he seems to be handling his things, but hopes he will take the time to look beyond beauty and wolflike appaerances, take a look at the beauty within, cautious animals, little will to please, not a working dog, but a very versitile familydog, a dog that can join you for days of walking, a dog that is just happy to be with you, do things with you instead of a 'workingdog' for you.

    *btw excuse my english, hope you guys understand, but since i am dutch, my english is deff not my 'mothertongue)
  5. noekie

    noekie New Member

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    purebred SWD will cost you in the netherlands somewhere in the range of 750€ and 1250€, whereas 1250 is 'expensive'

    offcoarse some breeders will than also give you dna proof of parentage, always with fci papers etc.

    Puppies without pedigrees , occuring not to often, only cost like half of that, same as mixes ;)
  6. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Yor English is just fine, welcome to Dogsey.:grin: A pic of your Saarloos would be great! :001:
  7. noekie

    noekie New Member

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  8. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    He's beautiful!! Lovely chap, whats his name?
  9. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Is anyone else thinking of the girl on the loose with her pups its so cold. Is there nothing that cant be done?
  10. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Thats not up to us, and perhaps you should speak directly to Charlie, not on THIS forum. It is cold, but Im sure the puppies will be warm with their mom, hope so anyway.
  11. Shona


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    these pups may not have survived, if any have I would think it wouldnt be the full litter, that said if charlie is putting food out for her to take, it may be a fair bit better for her
    it could also be the way to capture her.
  12. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    I hope your right Dawn as the headcount on these pups dying is not good.
    I asked here as there are people on here that have inside knowledge that arent on CW.
  13. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Its the ones on CW that will be more likely to know though. I hope they will be ok too, given that loads of bitches give birth with no regular food, water or shelter and survive well, I think they stand more than a fair chance.
  14. Sansorrella


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    I think Borderdawn is right and the questions relating to awol bitch should be directed to the breeder, where you will get answers not on an open forum where people can only speculate.

    But, if we are speculating - I would imagine that the bitch went underground to have her pups and thats why there were no sightings until now. If that is the case, then the pups will be safe.

    Thank you Golden Wolf for posting on my behalf, while I was waiting for Azz.

    Thank you Azz for permitting me to post.
  15. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Thing is we speculate about the NIS and TIDA so therefore only fair we be allowed to speculate about Cry Wolf.

    There is no guarentee those pups will be safe at all especially in this cold weather.
  16. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    I don't know these people at all Dawn so can't comment, but will say that just because someone is seen by some as an expert...doesn't mean that their breeding practices are great and their stock is top notch....nto saying that is the case with these people, but we all know breed 'experts' I think who are a little, questionable?

    I trust your judgement on that one though and if they are high up in the breed and very well respected for their dogs and the treatment of their dogs...then great. I still find it difficult to understand why anyone would sell 7 dogs for breeding to a commercial breeder though?? Maybe it's just me.:?
  17. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    Good to see you Sandra x
  18. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    Kc the pups will have a good chance if the dogs are as feral as have been mentioned...
  19. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    Good bloke is Azz. :002: :mrgreen:

    I do hope that the pups are safe....of course it isn't just whether they are safe, it is if they find them and are able to socialise them properly with people that has to be a concern, the first 6/8 weeks are so vital for that. :cry:
  20. noekie

    noekie New Member

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    His name is Amacho Axel de Louba Tar, macho for short.

    My brother just calls him Nacho, cause Macho is everything but a Macho ;)

    (sorry for the OT)
  21. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    It certainly appears Ailsa that this breeder is extremely well respected, and of course we are talking a different Country too, with these dogs living differently to how our pets would live. I think Charlie could of gottten dogs froma more dubious source, but he didnt, he went to the supposed best,a nd took advice and help from her. It didnt work out and he very openly says he has made mistakes and will learn from them.

    I cant answer why somebody would sell 7 bitches, but I dont see isssue with that in iteslf, I appreciate though that others may do. If one is trying to establish a breed in this country, importing 7 would be good start?
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