Wolf dog shot in head General Chat

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Dec 4, 2008.

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  1. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Don't speak for me.

    I have no idea who Charlie , or the other is, nor am I interested.

    My post responds the way the dog was PTS..and whether it be humane or not.

    Granted the majority of people will never come across an animal who has been PTS this way..but it happens, it is not barbaric it is as humane if not more so with certain animals then a injection.

    As for normal every day pet dogs , no it would not be necessary... but maybe as in this case it was.
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  3. Moobli

    Moobli Member

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    Does anyone have the full story on this? I have no idea who this breeder is or why the dog was shot, but would be interested to hear the full facts.
  4. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    PM'd you ........
  5. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    Have to say I am very sad to be reading about the dog being shot, most of us here with a consience would not stand back and watch our be loved pets being shot...that said in some circumstances I do believe shooting an animal could be the most humaine way...
    Gotta ask oneself wheres the love for these animals. ok the kennel looks spotless the work that they do to keep it that way is great but I have seen a dog on the web cam shy away tail and ears down when charlie had entered the kennel to clean it, if the dog was pleased to see him and been used to being petted ect it would not have responded in that way, we can only see what they want us to see and read what they want us to read, and listen to what they want us to believe...
    Just hope it was instant and she didn't suffer at all, run free girl, hope you didn't die thinking all humans were like the people who killed you.
  6. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Sorry dear, but at 8.54 I was not on line I was at the Vets! :mrgreen: I dont log out.
  7. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Thank you for the PM's Maryann, however I cannot answer you when I am not here can I??

    Im sorry you dont understand the basic genetics of dogs, and cant grasp the fact that you cant see a dog will need a cesar before its mated, nor that giving birth is not possible when a cesar is performed. Ill find you a few links if you like, to help you out?

    Meanwhile the NIS is as big a shambles as it always was, what JK says, you do!! Laughing stock.
  8. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    A few point which leave the NIS in the gutter.

    President, sorry, "Breed advisor" :mrgreen: has 2 cruelty convictions against her.

    Secretary bred from a bitch at under a year old, mated to said "breed advisors" dog, in full knowledge, no health testing etc.. just a baby, first season, and despite being told about seasons on here when asked, carried on anyway, DISGRACE!

    Mated again, then rehomed because she was possessive and aggressive and couldnt live with other dogs and not children, but sound enough temperament to breed 2 litters from. One dog from first litter now needs rehoming because of aggressive tendancies, yet we were supposed to believe that it was mating her the second time that made her nasty!! :mrgreen: Classic!

    The same president (breed advisor) who mated her dog to a bitch that had only weeks earlier been re homed because it was showing aggression.

    Hows that for starters on the people supposed to be promoting ethical and responsible breeding within the NIS???:002: :001:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2008
  9. Lunakitty321

    Lunakitty321 New Member

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    You know, if this had been jk, all these "sheep" would immediately turn and say how horrible it was. It concerns me that this dog was treated more like cattle than a dog. And Maryann, you said they lied about it? Why would anyone try to hide something that was humane? and if those webcams are running 24 hours every day, how was it that they were able to shoot a dog without anyone noticing? Sounds like they are not as open and honest as they claim to be
  10. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Why dont you contact Charlie yourself LK and ask him? Google cry wolf kennels, you will find it no problems.:grin:

    You appear not to understand just how dangerous dogs can be, can you please explain how "you" would PTS a dog intent on attacking you?
  11. Lunakitty321

    Lunakitty321 New Member

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    As I don't agree with guns at all, I would call out someone from the humane society, who have the ability to tranquilize a dog. In which case they can be PTS when they are out. I take it that the UK does not have these types of programs?

    If anyone here were to be caught shooting a dog, regardless of reason, there would be a lot of legal issues.
  12. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    No we dont have those programs here at all. Vets wont come out to an aggressive dog, there are very few with dart guns anyway. The best and safest in this case was a gunshot. It is not illegal to shoot a dog here, humanely.
  13. Hali

    Hali New Member

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    In the case of a highly aggressive dog I think it is sensible for all concerned to shoot it rather than try and have it euthanised.

    That doesn't mean I am a supporter of this breeder. There are other things I have been reading about these kennels that I don't like, but then I don't like any commercial breeding of dogs.

    Personally what I do think is irrelevent is the 'the NIS is better than him'/'he is better than the NIS' arguments (to me this just sounds like 'my dad is bigger than your dad') and imo doesn't add anything useful to the thread.
  14. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Do you know whats really sad I get stopped all the time and asked "wow he is stunning where is he from" or can you recommend a breeder. And across the whole spectrum NIS, TIDA, CRY WOLF and non listed ones I cant.
    The lies surrounding wolf look alike dogs is a disgrace.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2008
  15. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    After having to be with an injured horse on the beach when it was shot, I can say that it is more humane than people think.

    Imagine trying to get to, and muzzle, a people-aggressive dog. Then imagine trying to administer a lethal injection to it, whilst it is still trying to attck you.

    I'm fairly certain that dogs who are caught attacking people are shot by a police marksman, not towed off to the vets....
  16. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    You are very right Iso, if people knew what a really nasty dog was like they would have a shock!! You are also correct about the attacking dogs in public, remember the Akita? Nobody moaned then and it took about 3 shots to kill it!!

    I think its just the thought of shooting a dog when we see them as fluffy pets.
  17. arctic.wolf


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    totally agree

    IMO I don't see how a humane shot is worse than an injection

    and I do think that it was right to have this aggressive dog euthanized
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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  19. Lionhound


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    I personally have no problem with the humane shooting of a dog. I am lucky to have only had to have 1 pet PTS, my beautiful Rosie cat, and I can honestly say that being injected at the vets was quick but was not pleasant. So I think, without knowing all the facts, that to muzzle, dart ect a dangerous dog is no better and may be worse.
    As to the rest of the situation, I dont know this breeder but dont feel comfortable with the whole situation.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2008
  20. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    I'm afraid I'm inclined to agree with these points. I think the bitches were bred from far too quickly after being imported only in July and being "quite feral" - and without their background being known and properly assessed.

    I'm quite shocked as I see another pregnant one somehow escaped and may have given birth somewhere but nobody has been near her?:-(
  21. Angel44

    Angel44 New Member

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    Having been with horses that have had to be put to sleep, both with the gun and lethal injection, I would have to say that in my opinion the gun is more humane and far quicker.

    We rescued a Rhodesian Ridgeback about 18 years ago that was very nervous and aggressive. We did our best to rehabilitate her, but after many months she became far worse and we had no option but to put her to sleep. She was so aggresssive we couldn't go near her, so had to put food down full of acp tablets. Even once she had collapsed she still struggled to try to get away from us. The vet injected her, but missed the vein numerous times due to the struggle. With hindsight if I had been given the option of a single shot for her, I think I would have thought it the better option.

    Death is never nice and us having to make that decision is even less nice, but sadly we have to do it sometimes :-(
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