Wolf dog shot in head General Chat

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by kcjack, Dec 4, 2008.

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  1. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Wolf dog shot in head

    A Cry Wolf dog was shot in the head for being aggressive

    " I engaged the services of a professional licensed slaughterman and Zsazsa was euthanized with a single instantaneous shot at close quarters through the mesh door. It is certain she felt no pain and had no premeditative knowledge of what was happening."

    I work at a vets does anyone know why this dog wasnt PTS by a vet.

    It has saddened me beyond belief to read this :cry:

    I feel compromised as I know know Charlies kennels are immaculate and the dogs are really well looked after but I cannot agree with this or justify it in any way.
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  3. maryann


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    shocking to say the least!!! why wasn't this dog taken to the vets to be euthenised? shot in the head???? call yourself a dog lover?
    shamefull:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
  4. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    I think there are many many issues to be talked about here, ie why breeding from such an unstable dog is quite a biggy.
    BUT shot in the head all I can assume is a vets call out fee is around £100 and then she would have to be tranquilised before euthanised. Then around £50 to be cremated which I guess is alot more than 1 bullet.

    I have lost all faith in the wolfie dog breeders why cant someone come forward and make it right. On no level can I get my head round this thats for sure.
  5. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    When you are faced with an aggressive dog Julia, you must do what is best for everyone in that area at that time. It was not safe to try and approach the dog, that is clear, if you have never dealt with such an animal you wouldnt know. Imagine the stress and danger to people and the dog if they had tried to handle it. Its clear the breeder was not truthful with the owner, and Im sure this will be addressed. Im not sure why the "wolfdog shot in the head" title, who said that? Did Charlie tell you that?

    When a dog is aggressive, intent on attack, and more so when they are a danger to people, nobody says a word, when dogs like that Pit Bull that killed little Ellie were shot SEVERAL times, or when those that are roaming and percieved a danger are shot at, often by inexperienced police officers do they?

    The dog was bought for breeding and its reasonable to assume that it being a bit wary to begin with was normal, the pups didnt survive, which in fact was a good thing and if the now owner was concerned with money alone, he'd of kept it wouldnt he, managing the situation and continuing to try to make money from it, he didnt though! Its one thing IMO importing dogs you dont know, which incidently were mature animals with full health testing in place, mating them and realising as time goes on the dogs temperament is not sound, than rehoming an NI like JK did due to aggression issues and then mating it regardless!!!!

    I think this was handled responsibly and safely, Id suggest if you have any questions, to get in touch with Charlie, a more open person you will not meet.
  6. Lunakitty321

    Lunakitty321 New Member

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    I don't care how aggressive a dog is...unless it is actively mauling a child, there is absolutely no excuse for this kind of action. If he was afraid of bring it anywhere, then he should have called someone out to take care of it, humanely. That is disgusting and not at all acceptable from someone who is supposed to be a "respectable breeder".

    And you say it was bred from? What the H*ll was he thinking?
  7. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    What would you have done? Have you tried to handle a dog intent on attacking you, a large primitive breed, hold it down safely, clip coat off its front leg, find a vein and then inject it? Yeah ok!!:roll:

    Thats exactly what he did!

    See first point.

    He was thinking he had bought 5 mature bitches to breed from, they come in season once a year, sometimes every 14mths or so and was in season virtually immediately, she was wary but not confronational to begin with, as she became more confident, she became more aggressive.
  8. youngstevie


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    Obviously I don't know the in's and outs, but this happened at a scrap yard here in Birmingham. The Rotti they had turned aggressive, they had the dog warden out who reported not being able to get near it without someone putting thier life in danger, and neither could the RSPCA. It was unfortunately that he was shot by a marksman through the fencing.

    In the years that I worked with animals I have seen what a aggressive dog can do, when a kennel maid was mauled by a dog that turned and that was shot too,but then they had to get to the kennel maid, it was not a sight I would like to witness again I have to say.

    As you say it does seem extreme but I know in the cases I've seen, extreme measures were needed unfortunately.
  9. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    You are correct YS, some circumstances require specific actions. It wouldnt of been an easy decision, and no way the cheapest, but certainly the safest.
  10. MickB

    MickB New Member

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    I have no real issue with the (necessary) shooting of an aggressive dog, but I am concerned why anyone who is not a puppy farmer or commercial breeder would buy FIVE "mature bitches to breed".
    That concerns me much more.

  11. Vicki6344


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    I totally agree with Dawn and YS. Needs must...... sadly.
  12. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Mick, he does breed dogs, never denied it, but a more well run, spotlessly clean place, where dogs have access to paddocks and freedom every day you wont find. He is a commercial breeder, but has nothing at all to hide whatsoever.
  13. maryann


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    you obviously believe what your told... very disapointing BD..... BAAAA BAAA
  14. mishflynn


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    ive seen many horses shot in the head, :( even held one whilst it was done, he was my best friend & i owed it to him to be there :( yes it broke my heart, but it was so so quick.

    In this case probaly LESS stressful for the dog than getting handled whilst it was in a agressive state, muzzled probaly & probaley pinned down. I personally think in this case it was the LEAST stressfull way. Hopefully it was a clean shoot, Quick & over in a heart beat. :(

    Each case must be judged on its own merits
  15. MickB

    MickB New Member

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    I'm sure you are right Dawn, I just have a real problem with the commercial breeding of dogs.

  16. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    I can't see how shooting is any more distressing to the animal than the more usual method of euthanasia, I am inclined to think it is probably more humane.

    All meat animal are killed this way and not through the bars of there home either so how much more humane this event could have been is difficult to imagine.

    Why one needs to import 5 adult bitches of unknown history or temperament to breed in a country where we have too many unwanted dogs of good and known background anyway I at a loss to understand.
  17. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Why dont you tell us the truth then maryann, or as I said in the other thread, would you prefer I reeled a few "facts" out about the NIS and the committe? Dont forget it was Ian Taylor that said about the aggressive rehome JK mated, was he lying and if so, why is his wife still serving on the committe?
  18. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    So do I Mick, I have said that Charlie breeds too much for me, but I honestly have much respect for the man when you can see how he keeps his dogs, are welcome to visit at any time, and have far more freedom etc.. than most of our pets.
  19. maryann


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    so why wasnt this dog taken to the vets to be euthenised???? shot in the head by a licenced slaughterman... my ****!! he shot her himself... why did bob leave? after years of bringing up charlie's puppies?? because she knew how heartless and evil he is. how many litters has he had this year?? puppy farmer to say the least... how many unsuspecting new owners of these wolf hybrids are there? ive seen a bitch on his webcam who has been on a muzzle for four days straight..... and you stick up for him saying he is a reputable breeder!!!!! you need to look at who you are supporting here, you make me sick, dog lovers you are not! :evil: :evil: :evil:
  20. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I ask you again, shot in the head? How can that be? You need to be point blank to do that silly!! Talk about believing what you are told!:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    The bitch with the baskerville muzzle on was the bitch that had the cesarean, she was not welcoming of her pups for a while (quite normal) and now she is, as you see Its amazing how somebody like yourself that claims to know about dogs can honestly believe a muzzle can stay on a dog for 4 days and it can still eat and drink!!! You are providing much amusment for me today Maryann. :mrgreen:
  21. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    There is nothing kind or humane about having a dog PTS at the vets it is only possible and practicable if the dog has full confidence in both the handler and the vet or is too sick to do nothing about it. This dog did not fit these conditions and was dealt with in the best way possible.

    Any other considerations or peoples feeling about the person who made the decision about this does not come into it, in this case it was dealt with in the best possible way. To shoot a dog is no more cruel than to shoot a cow or a horse and I have yet to hear anyone up in arms about that.
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