Looking to get a NI General Chat

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by monosyllabic, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Hope all goes well. :mrgreen:
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  3. Cheyenne


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    Yor are wrong there werewolf! If you are ref to the breeders, me being one of them, and one of the dogs being mine, they are NOT affected, but were, unknowingly at the time carriers of epilepsy. When I found out that Breeze was/is a carrier, after she had her secnod litter with me, I did not sell them but re-homed them with NO money given to myself, and I told ALL the people that asked about them inc their new owners of their situation.

    As for Bailey, if you had his ped you would see that the majority of his ped are Mahlek dog's, inc his sire, who also MUST have been a carrier to produce two out of 5 pups with epilepsy!

    I, as Bailey's foster carer would like to ask you to leave him be and let him rest in peace, not just for my sake but also for his prev owners, as I have done with your boy when you asked the same.

    Eddited to say: Thank you for your comments Lucky Star, and for the advise you give me to help me care for Bailey, and to let me know what to expect, I don't think I would have handled things as well as I did that night, the way they sadly went if it wasn't for your input x x
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2008
  4. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Ref Bailey, I will respect your wishes as best I can. Let it be noted:
    Ref my boy, noone has left him alone. As you well know. His body was still at the vets when your friend was making up lies about him and to this day she hasn't given up. It makes me feel sick. Strangers who don't even know me and never knew or met my dog have mentioned a dog called Silver Shadow and the lies she has made up and maintained! That is respecting my grieving, of course it isn't. I cared about that boy more than anyone could ever know, I am not the type of person who cares little for my dogs, or any animal for that matter, I lost a truly special member of my family, so of course it still deeply upsets me and always will.
  5. Cheyenne


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    My friend never made up lies about your your lad, all she did when she got the call from your OH was to ask whether he had been tested for a certain problem since his symptoms were classic. You are the one who blew it up out of all proportion and made a big mystery out of it. We all grieve when we lose our dogs. You asked for people to leave your boy be, I respected that and didn't bring him up again cos I knew your were grieving, all I was asking was for you to give me AND the prev owners the same respect. What ever other people said had nothing to do with me, they are there own person as am I and as are you.
  6. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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  7. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    You are not worth it anyhow Marie, call yourself an animal lover , how many times is Breeeze going to get rehomed? Simply because you cannot use her to make money from her ref breeding:shock: Minimum she will be on home no 5, when she goes this time, I do hope you have her spayed before she goes. They talk about people breeding for financial gain....... Ref the pups you advertised them for sale for weeks and weeks, on your website and at a petshop, so don't make out you gave them away out of the goodness of your heart, you had no choice, even SC washed her hands of that litter, hush hush remember. We exposed that litter on here way before you decided to give them away!!! And do you think we are all stupid you knew ref the possibility of epilepsy because Jane told you via PM as soon as she found out and what did you say 'prove it'! Yes, people Breeze has passed epilepsy on to her pups because her mother has the gene, so don't be telling us that it is Merlin's fault, RIP. If that is the stance you want to take (that both parents have to have the gene) are you saying that Dakota (Breeze's sire) has epilepsy in his lines too?? I guess you are. Not that you have a clue what you are talking about. You didn't even bother going to the talk on genetics. Oh and while we are talking about Dakota you have his puppy don't you, Nanook who had a litter when she wasn't even a year old, oh you are such a good breeder aren't you:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Don't bother answering with more lies. I know exactly what you are like and have no intention of wasting anymore time talking to you.
  8. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Back to your thread Ben, goodluck tomorrow and I am glad you haven't given up on the breed xxxxx
  9. Cheyenne


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    You have obviously misinterpretted my post. I was referring to your repreated accusations about my friend making up lies, not the fact that poor Shadow died so young. and I am so very sorry for your lose.
  10. Cheyenne


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    Point 1. Breeze went from SC to me so no NOT home no 5, the reason I had to re-home her was because her and Nanuq were fighting, as a result of this I had to choose between Breeze and Nanuq. I was unable to do this as a pet owner, so I had to look at it from a breeders point of view, so sadly it had to to be Breeze. As it goes she is in a fab home in Cornwell, going to local farms with her new owner hunting rabbit's, what a life for a NI!

    Point 2. Nanuq was with a man called Lee who is now on TIDA committe, when she had a litter, after being meted at only 12 months old despite me saying she was NOT to be meted, I thankfully managed to get her bk, then later found out that her pups were handed over to the RSPCA!

    Piont 3. YES Merlin had to have been a carrier to have produced epilepsy as well as Breeze!

    Edited to say: With reference to the rest of your post, yes I know you were at the genetics talk so you, of all people, should understand how genetics work and how epilepsy is carried. I was anable to make because me car was and still is off the road!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2008
  11. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    I said I would not post but here goes.

    Breeze used to belong to SC. You were her second home after SC had one litter from her. You then hip scored her and on a public forum said words to this affect' thankfully her hip score is good or I would've had to get rid of her even though she has bonded with my daughter' , I said something like 'why would you have to get rid of her?' and SC said something like 'that is what breeders do'. You then later found out that Breeze had bred pups with epilepsy from her first litter and at somepoint gave the puppies from her litter with you away. Breeze then got rehomed (yeah you didn't know I knew about this one did you!) but came back to you. From what you have said she has now been rehomed again. I hope she has been spayed (though I doubt it ) and I hope she now has a forever home. So from Sc to you that is two homes from you to elsewhere and back that make 4 then away again makes 5 homes.

    Nanook was given to Lee on breeding terms by you and he was along side you on the TIDA Committee.

    Ref Merlin so you are saying that Dakota is a carrier too? If you reasoning is that Merlin and Breeze are carriers then it stands to reason that Flow and Dakota are carriers.
  12. Cheyenne


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    You know that it takes two carriers so what are you getting at?

    You are way off mark with Breeze though, I don't know who is feeding you info but they are totally wrong.

    Yes NANUQ was with Lee when she had a litter without my knolage, as I have already stated :?
  13. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    JK may be a good candidate to answer that! :002:

    Doesnt look good for Mahlek breeding at all if thats the case does it? However thats what a lot have been saying all along, just taking some folk a while to grasp it.
  14. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    It took Flow and Dakota to have a litter of pups with epilepsy , it took Breeze and Merlin to have a litter with epilepsy? Is that what you are saying ? Are you saying that all four dogs contributed to the epilepsy?
  15. Cheyenne


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    Wow you finally grasped it! Yes, and look at how much Mahlek contributed!!!!!!! And how many lines and breeders are now involved, and it get much bigger than that!

    And correction on you yet again blowing things out proportion, Flow had ONE pup with epilepsy NOT a LITTER, and Beeze had TWO pups with it NOT a LITTER as you have stated!!!
  16. Cheyenne


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    Any how I need to go to bed as some of us need to get up early! So will catch up later, good night :grin:
  17. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    So to clarify you are saying that Dakota is a carrier of epilepsy. Thanks Goodnight x
  18. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    See your true colours coming out again. I thought you said I misunderstood you! As if!:roll:
  19. Vicki6344


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    Hope it works out for you Ben. If so, I look forward to seeing the photos of your new addition :D
  20. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Just for the record, I do not believe that Dakota is a carrier or that Merlin was. The implications ref Dakota affects dogs of people who we know on here. Infact a great many dogs as Dakota has been a very 'popular' stud dog. Perhaps that is the intention. Scare Mongering again, disgraceful strategy.

    Apologies Ben, I shall be quiet now but I had to say that as I do not want people with Dakota pups or relatives thinikng it is true or Merlin realtives for that matter and panicking.

    Once again goodluck with meeting your possible future fur kid. Looking forward to seeing pics if all works out well for you xxxxxxxx
  21. arctic.wolf


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    I think you understand exactly how epilepsy is carried as you were at the genetics talk, Marie couldn't get there as her car is off the road. There were plenty of other breeders who 'didn't bother'. And some who went seemed not to be hearing what I heard.

    Excuse my lack of medical terminology, I understood what JS was saying although can't remember the exact scientific words. According to JS epilepsy is carried in a complex way, by more than one gene, and it takes two carriers with exactly the same faulty genes to produce an affected dog, if there is a carrier dog mated to a clear dog you get pups which are carriers or clear but not affected. If a carrier is mated to a carrier you can get affected, carriers or clear. So for breeze to produce affected pups BOTH parents had to be carriers.

    I don't know about Flows pup, but if there was one isolated case of epilepsy it may well have not been genetic as epilepsy can have other causes.

    I am not scaremongering, but the way I see it is any NI has the potential be a carrier as they are so closely bred, and all go back to the same few dogs. It is only when an affected dog is mated with a bitch with exactly the same faulty genes that an epileptic pup could be produced.

    Also, yes Marie let Nanuq go to another breeder, she did not know what was going to happen with Nanuq. I know what happened with Nanuq, and I know what Marie went through to get her back. This other breeders lack of ethics has nothing whatsoever to do with Marie, AND nothing whatsoever to do with this thread.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2008

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