Looking to get a NI General Chat

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by monosyllabic, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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  3. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    You say the health problems are abig issue can you back this up with evidence?

    I think its unfair to put people off the NID with hearsay, if you have evidence then I stand corrected but I havent seen any yet....
  4. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    TBH i think the best thing would be to meet some NI's and there owners. There are some fab people up in scotland who would be happy to met up an talk to you. Not sure how many come on here anymore though. . .:(
  5. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    In some ways I agree with you. What if this poor person had ended up with one of SCs poor dogs, especially one of the ones she has bred with epilepsy, like poor Bailey who passed away recently:-( . Or the dogs she had registered by telling TIDA that they were old lineage NIDS, then months down the line when NIS exposed her and the dogs for being GSDs and crossess, TIDA had to revoke the paper work:shock: What about the poor owners who paid good money for dogs that are now established as crossess:?:

    If you want a NID now TIDA is free from SC as is the NIS you are safe to choose one of their breeders. Of course I would still advise you to reasearch and choose a breeder you are happy with and whos dogs you like. Goodluck whatever breed you decide on.
  6. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    C'mon Suzy even you have to admit ONE breeder doing it does not make the breed as a whole look good.
  7. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    I didn't say only ONE breeder I said that today I had seen info about one there could be 100 for all I know
  8. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Except Louise's post seems to have been deleted!!!!

    I said..(I was the first person to post on this thread)

    That given the current state of the breed I would be putting off getting a puppy of this kind until it sorts itself out a bit..

    LOL I gave up on that..its easier to say "yeah ok" than to explain it all

    Malamute breeders are pretty thin on the ground up here (GOOD ones are anyway)..There are lots of good Husky breeders up here but please research both breeds as they aren't for the feint hearted!!!!

    I never said you did...
    BUT it has become more and more apparent that most NI breeders DO breed from their own dog and bitch..because they are there and because its cheaper (or of course because its accidental)
  9. monosyllabic

    monosyllabic New Member

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    I love the ridge back because of the way they are not the way they look (Size,speed,stamina,will power and so on).
    But i was told the ridge was a form of spina bifida (still not sure if that is true). so just asked some of the breeders and most would not talk to me and the one's that did told me they would not be able to give me a ridgeless dog and told me i was stupid for even wanting one cause they are defected.
    I don't know if that will make sence to you but it just made me feel uncomfortable about the breed.
  10. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    I really dont feel the NIS are any less guilty of bad breeding than Sandra Curry, Julie Kelhams kennels are dirty and disgusting and by buying puppys from these people you are creating a demand.
    And the pedigrees are not all from Sandra Curry there is people who confirm JKs neglect of her dogs and therefore many dogs have been bred form poorly Mahlek dogs.
  11. monosyllabic

    monosyllabic New Member

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    I have had some strong minded dogs before and i think i would be able to handle them but i guess the proof is in the pudding so i guess i better get looking for breeders or even rescues. (i'd rather rehome a dog than buy a pup tbh)
    If you have any sugestions for breeders or know of any rescue places feel free to let me know.
  12. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    I deal with the local cat & dog home and their Malamutes when they have some to rehome.. I ended up keeping the first one and have recently rehomed a gorgeous girly to a fabulous family..

    Alaskan Malamute Club have their own breed rescue..just google AMCUK..

    MickB on here deals with SHWA and there is also the SSHC..

    Beleive me when I say both breeds need serious research before you take the plunge though..

    ANy of the Mal breeders I would recommend wouldnt be up here..I travelled to Lincoln for my boy and he's fabulous..and I would do it again tomorrow..

    DOn't let location be the deciding factor in buying a dog..
  13. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    Well now this person has probably been put off re homing a NI because of all the snide comments I hope you're all happy with that. Not one of you has thought about ANY of the dogs in this, and you're all supposed to be caring animal lovers. You've all seemed to of missed the point totally, and that''s the dogs. Do you really think that the dogs give a sh!t WHO bred them when they're looking for that forever home :evil:
  14. monosyllabic

    monosyllabic New Member

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    Not sure if this is breaking forum rules or not :-o
    I was recomended to checkout Susan Meldrum (Alska) does anyone have any information about this breeder?
  15. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    AND dogs of other breeds aren't??

    The breeders should be taking them back!!! and sorting out their own mess
  16. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Never heard of them...Do they breed Sibes or mals?

    Edited to add..they are NI breeders who use their own stud...on their own bitch..with a year apart!!!

    NO diversity again..and not giving the first litter and chance to grow up before repeating the mating!!!
  17. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    Its so frustrating not being able to PM you! Don't know much about them i'm afraid but i know plenty of other owners.
  18. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    if its who i think then its NI's but will have to check.
  19. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    You've totally missed the point of my post Louise. The OP wanted to know about re-homing a NI, not a 3 page epic about who bred what and why :roll:

    Maybe the same should apply to ALL breeders, regardless of what breed it it, there would be less dogs in kennels if they did ;-)
  20. monosyllabic

    monosyllabic New Member

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    I would still rehome one in a second as long as she was happy in my home and my home was happy with her. I have just been put off getting a puppy. I knew i would have to do a lot of research in to getting a puppy but it just seems like (from what i am being told) that 2% are breeding with the interest of the dog's in mind and the rest are all about the £££

    I would also not worry about traveling to find the right dog.

    WOW since when did finding the right dog become so hard?lol
  21. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Well all good breeders breed giving the bitch a break from a season which is what these people do from what you have said. If they have had a very good litter of course they would repeat the mating, you hear this in all dog breeds and other animals.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2008

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