Things you think are 'wrong' with wolfy type crosses/new 'breeds'? Discussions

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by Alphatest, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Aw hugs Suzi.
    It's best not to dwell on anything, just know what to look for. Just enjoy your dog. VWD is in Loki's lines but he hasn't got it, even though he's most likely a carrier.
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  3. Moonstone

    Moonstone New Member

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    Don't worry I do enjoy the little *beep*:lol: :lol:

    It's just makes me so mad:evil: , that some people think the problems are exaggerated or made up. I can't get my head round it, why some people just ignore the facts.

    This is a young breed/s, it should be a shining beacon on how to breed dogs in the twenty first century. Instead it is a bloody joke!

    Sorry the "no harm" comment got to me:002:
  4. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Im sorry but how dare you suggest that no harm may of been done! :evil: There are people on here whos dogs are LIVING with illnesses CAUSED by the breeding practices of some people, and very likely their dogs carry the same lines as yours does within a few generations!

    Ive had enough of your attitide, literally saying no harm is done because some of the dogs are fine at the moment, I only hope your dog never suffers from what many are suffering from and the heartache of living with it never affects you or your family. :evil:
  5. Daysleeper40

    Daysleeper40 New Member

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    Is this not the one resounding problem? Even if you choose to believe that there are no known health issues because you have no reliable statistical data to prove there is - how the hell is anyone supposed to make an informed decision about future breeding if the peds are at best suspect, at worse completely fabricated?

    What do I think is wrong in this whole sorry situation based on the facts?

    a) A lack of co-operation and too much bad feeling between influential breeders and breed clubs.
    b) Poor record keeping & doubts surrounding the integrity of the peds.

    These two facts alone tell me that there is no reliable source data to research what has happened previously, and the likelihood of now being able to obtain the kind of reliable statistical data needed to etablish the if there are proven health problems in the breed is minimal.

    SO, you are left with no quantitative data to base your facts on. This leaves you with qualitative data that measures intangibles such as peoples feelings and opinions.

    The two "facts" that I have mentioned don't tell me catagorically that there are problems with the dogs themselves, but they do show that you definately can't be sure that there aren't any problems either.

    In these circumstances all you can do is look at the qualitative data available (reports from owners for instance) and base your assumptions accordingly.
  6. Lionhound


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    Thank you :002:
  7. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    They all include JKs dogs, most prolific is Call Of The Wild, [ COTW ], who has been used on his own progeny and siblings from him used on each other on many pedigree`s that I`ve seen, I have`nt counted them but they are all over the net, and more are being posted daily.

    Just seen another in which Shy Lady who was Call Of The Wilds dam was then mated to COTW`s son,[ her grandson ],

    This is how one pedigree looks for one brood bitches line :
    [ ignore the light grey full stops, was the only way I could line the generations up in this format ]

    ................................................................/ Arctic
    ................................./Mahlek COTW -------- Shy Lady

    .............../Mahlek Poco

    ..................................\Mahlek Inuka --------- Luna
    Mahlek Mia.................................................... \ Kizzy

    ................................... /Mahlek COTW ---------Arctic
    .................................................................. \Shy Lady

    ...........\Mahlek Snowdrifter Of Milneys
    ...................................\Mahlek Magenta -------Luna

    For that one, Arctic, Shy Lady, COTW and Mahlek Magenta are also on the side of the bitch which was then bred to Mahlek Mia`s son.

    Then there is the one where COTW appears as GGG four times on one pedigree, a son and daughter of his were then mated on the next generation, and COTW used on that generation on the dams side too, and COTWs son mated to COTWs granddaughter on the same generation so that`s one stud five times within two generations plus his progeny being used together on the second generation.

    This seems to be the norm pretty much :?
  8. ElaiRs

    ElaiRs New Member

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    Flippin heck!!!! I thought my dog's pedigree was bad :shock:
  9. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Indeed and therein lies a problem in itself :?

    It depends - what if those go to corkscrew tails or deformed tails as is seen in some breeds, simply because it is`nt being bred for correctly by now ?
  10. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    Can you tell me if Mahlek Snowdrifter of Milneys had any progeny on that pedigree? Am at the moment following a particular line of enquiry myself as regards the Milneys line, you may be able to answer a question I have been searching for an answer to:lol:
  11. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Yep, on that one :

    Mahlek Mia is Mahlek Snowdrifter of Milneys daughter
    Dark Raven of Mahlek is Snowdrifters grandson.
    Dark Raven was mated to Regenta of Mahlek

    HTH :101:
  12. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    Right, I know where Dark Raven ties into it already.:shock:
  13. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Would it be apt to say "uh oh:shock:" :?
  14. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    Not Champions - but she certainly had some successful show dogs. Is so sad :(
  15. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Very well put, in fact i think you deserve a standing ovation for that post.
  16. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    Not in my lines fortunately phew.....:lol: but have been interested in the Milneys affix because I have only ever found 2 and one of them is in my lines, and was wondering if Mahlek Snowdrifter is related but it doesn't look like that. However I already knew about Dark Raven and that was confirmed to me a couple of days ago that what I knew and what was suspected was correct
  17. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    When utonagans split from northern inuits did they introduce new breeds?
  18. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    Ok, when the split happened there was a dog called Witco. He was the offspring of Tacante and Tara (a GSD). He is in some Utonagan lines. There is boat loads of politics attached to all this, so I won't go into the ifs and buts. The lines mine are from have not got Witco in them at all, however quite a few Utonagan lines do have him in, and I have a picture of him.
  19. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    was he the only outcross?
  20. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    That is certainly the only documented one I personally know of. I have seen the name in a few of the pedigrees that have been displayed, I have seen it as Whitco as well, I am assuming it is the same dog, but then again who knows:shock: :shock:
  21. MistyBlue


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    i think UTs look alot different to NIs

    i prefer them then have longer coats and dont look to GSD-y.... lol.

    looks like they have had something else added to them, but it worked they look more 'wolfy' then NIs do.

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