Things you think are 'wrong' with wolfy type crosses/new 'breeds'? Discussions

Discussion in 'Spitz Forum' started by Alphatest, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    I think the big problem here is a lot of people are saying there are health problems & proving it but there is denial by others of this as the (truth & proof) is mixed in with name calling ect, if you cut out all the crap in some posts its quite evident for the (i dont take sides people) to see the proof imo.
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  3. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    OK....another one....Labradoodles....

    I get SO cross when they are sold as dogs that will not shed....maybe I just get the throwbacks that do!

    I went to see a family who had got a labradoodle pup because Mum and son have asthma (sp?).....the seem to have got the one that sheds, they asked me if it would stop as he got older....looking at his coat I would have said no!

    Rant over...;-)
  4. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    perhaps, but it would still be irrelevant. What I mean is, what's the need for all the different types of terriers? Those jobs can be done as well with other breeds

    Not at all. If you do thow them out, can I have them? Kopek just loves to destroy toys, and I can't afford to keep up with him :grin:

    Aw, how could I ignore you Louise ;-)
  5. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    I think one of the issues in the wolfy-type breeds is that in such a new breed, ALL and ANY diseases/conditions should be logged and made public and appropriate action taken to stop breeding from affected lines/animals but it hasn't happened.

    When I got my puppy I was told there were no health issues in the breed. He has very aggressive epilepsy and I know with absolute certainty that his breeder knew about the epilepsy in his lines, yet she still bred his litter. Not only that, but even having learned of his epilepsy, she continued to use his mother and brother in a breeding programme under a new breed name.

    All this I found out subsequently as everything was lied about and covered up.
  6. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    It is relevant..thats what I think is wrong.. there is NO NEED for them to be made..

    I do not agree with any new breeds made up for no REAL reason..simply being bred to be a pet is a ridiculous reason.. there are hundreds of dogs that do that

    It takes a lot for me to throw my toys out the pram..but yeah if it should ever happen you can have them..

    You might be taking that back soon LOL
  7. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Terriers were bred to do a job, the Plummer terrier was designed to do the SAME job as many others and has consequently been ridiculed because of it, it was NOT a necessary breed, but it is in fact a dog that is excellent at ratting and using its nose, was well thought out and has a complete documented history.

    The NI was ONLY thought up after JK was investigated for selling "Wolf Hybrids" not one word of the NI was mentioned before then, they were" designed" to look like a wild animal, come on now, what possible purpose could that serve?
  8. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    Ah now that's the crux. I totally agree, it has to be cold hard facts. There is very little of that in most of the posts.

    What would you consider a fact? I thought the posting of pedigrees was a great idea, at least the proper ones not the ones scribbled on a piece of paper, although they could be useful. But then the suppositions that arose from those pedigrees resulted in some fantastic stories of pure fiction based on nothing more than someone's opinion.

    One man's crap, is another man's fact :lol:
  9. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    There has to be one :grin:
  10. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    What I meant was that it's simply an opinion, not a fact. Anyone can have an opinion, I think Bedlington Terriers look ridicules, and can see no reason why anyone would want one. That's not a reason not to breed them.


    Very likely :lol:
  11. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    It would go a long way imo for JK to do what other breeders of said dogs are now doing & put her hands up, admit mistakes & DNA her dogs. I dont think thats much to ask Efes, do you?
  12. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    Very well put....
  13. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    But there are loads of different types of terriers, most of them indistinguishable from each other, and they all do pretty much the same job. Why bother breeding the others?

    Point taken, so she only started the breed for money, not a very good reason. But most people generally buy a dog because of it's looks, that's why there's so many different types. The King Charles is actually a smaller version of the Cocker, but did you know 40% of them have to be pts because their brain falls out of their skulls. Why continue to breed them? They certainly don't serve any purpose, apart from the way they look.
  14. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Where NI etc is concerned its hard to state facts as no one knows them.. not even the ones in charge
  15. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    I agree, but from what I hear (mostly hearsay admittedly, and not fact in my eyes :grin:) I doubt she ever will.

    This still doesn't prove to me that there is a massive problem with the health of these dogs.
  16. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    Aha. So why are so many posters on here stating there is a massive problem with the health of these dogs as fact?
  17. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    Do you really believe that?

    You can't see a difference in the attitude or temperment of each breed?

    I believe that there are some dedicated people in the KCS and CKCS breed who are tring to rectify the problem. As with many other breeds...there are the few who are just interested in the money.
  18. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    I have to put my hands up & say i have never aquired a dog to 'work'
    They have been pets only, i do like the wolfy look & dont care that they have no 'job' to do other than be a pet, this is not an issue for me.
    What i do care about is the complete disregard to potential health problems in starting the breed, using any old dog so long as it had a wolfy look to get the ball rolling. That is a complete disgrace & how can you have any respect for people with such low morals, it was all about money imo.
    I would like another wolfy looking dog but knowing what i know now who could i trust to buy one from?
  19. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    OK, so maybe there is a bigger difference than just looks, but it's still a serious health issue.

    But as Louise says "What's the point?" why not just stop breeding them, they don't server any purpose. (Just being devil's advocate here)

    I could say the same about the NID/BID, but nobody will believe it on here.
  20. Efes123

    Efes123 New Member

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    That's the same with me, I've always got a dog based on looks and temperament. And getting Kopek was no different. I also agree with what you say about the beginnings of the breed (if they're true!?!). But my beef is with the so called facts about the state of the health of the breed(s). Yes there's lots on this board about un-healthy dogs, but there must be thousands of healthy ones. Until there is proper research done I don't think it's right to brand a breed as unhealthy on so little evidence. But then, this is just my opinion.
  21. liz & kiesha

    liz & kiesha New Member

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    Aha. Your going off topic :lol:
    No one on this thread has posted that so far, that is in other threads. This thread is to be fact based only. Its just started about an hour ago, lets see how it develops. :002:

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