What are Siberian Huskys like? Questions

Discussion in 'Siberian Husky' started by MistyBlue, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    Oh Louise for heavens sake leave the girl alone. It's like being in the school playground! :roll:
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  3. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Yes I understand that..but Sibes need to get out during the day.. they need to run off their energy or they will use it tearing your furniture to bits...or pulling the plasterboard off the walls..

    Toilet training without taking him outside will never work..(I have always taken my dogs out from day one..never used pads or paper)

    Lots of people that have dogs in flats have access to a shared garden or will take them out for walks during the day

    I would say technically you will be a first time dog owner as you didn't have your dog for very long..and most breeders will ask how long and how old etc.. they will ask why you rehomed him.. I don't think you have learned your lesson, he was rehomed very young so I don't think you experienced much with him..

    Dogs are very trying and can test your patience but you work through things with them.. Dogs are for life..if you take them on then you should follow it through unless its a life or death situation..

    I would live in a tent in the middle of a field before I gave my dogs up for whatever reason..
  4. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Am sure someone will point you in the direction of the ignore button:002:
  5. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    What about food then? MickB mentioned that high protein kibble is a no-no ... ?
  6. MistyBlue


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    well lets hope that what happened to us never happens to you then.

    no flats round here have garden access OR a garden there all new everything is roads & car parks.

    as once again i will say i know that and i am talking 10/20 may never happen years in the future so we will have a garden by then and of course they will go out in it.

    my GSD breeder of which i have known for over 2yeasr now knows all about my situation shes a fantastic person and a great breeder and understands fully.

    well you do not know me so you do not know what i have learned really so you cant comment can you.
  7. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Personally I think its ridiculous!!!

    he was a tiny baby.. he should never have been walked that much on a lead and should certainly never have jogged for over an hour..Poor little pup..no wonder he cried all the time!!

    5 minutes per month of age!!!

    Sibes are also recommened not to be allowed off lead..
  8. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    Ahhh, but then most of the NI threads would be missing! :lol:

    Anyway back on topic...... SIBES! :D:D:D

    I just love these dogs and have done since I was a teenager. However after spending a lot of time looking into them I just had to put them on the back burner. For me if I was ever to own a Sibe I'd have to have a job so I was at home all day to stop them wrecking the house, have enough secured land to let them off safely and enough time to hoover up after them! So far I only have one of these items, I think you can guess which!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    They are definitely a very high maintenance dog, but from what I can see they're worth the effort. :049:
  9. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Louise can be a little acerbic, bless her :lol: ;-) , but I think she has made some salient points regarding owning a husky. Better that than be told that they are wonderfully cute and everyone should have them, no matter how little time they have to walk them, etc.?
  10. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    What you trying to say:shock: I don't know whether to be flattered or offended:lol:

    Uh huh.. and thats what I said too..with just a bit more attitude and a lot more passion (that comes with owning a "difficult" northern breed) BUT they are not a breed for everyone..There are so many wrong owners out there and that is why they get rehomed or passed from pillar to post..

    They hit the teenage stage and most people go.. "ohhhh sh*t" and just pass them on.. thats if they still have them by the time they are 8ish months old and haven't already got rid!!!
  11. MistyBlue


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    what is your problem?

    why are you attacking me? are you bored or something?

    i KNOW they cant be let off the lead for god sake.

    if i say this once more ill scream

    im not being funny but you can serious get lost with your comment on why my dog cried, i did everything for my dog bloody everything in this world and you can shove that comment up your bloody **** for all i care.

    and it wasnt 90 it was 60, 1 mistake on the computer and im a bloodyawful person who abused there dog cos it didnt have a garden, yeh never mind the people who smack and kicke and strave there dogs! i didnt have a garden! i should be arrested!!

    if you keep bloody attacking people will get defensive, you are a awful awful person, i feel sorry for you attacking people you do not know over the internet.

  12. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    bless me..my attitude speaks louder than I do...I am a quiet person really:lol:

    BUt yes... if I were to say.. "yes dear thats fabulous you go and get a husky they are cute little things"

    Then I would be a liar..and I just aint..

    Sometimes the truth hurts,

    Sometimes its hard to say "I really WANT that..but I am not cut out to be an owner of THAT"..

    I would LOVE to have a Clydesdale...but our field isn't big enough to take any more horses so I won't get one..and it would be selfish of me to get one..just because I love the look of them and WANT one..
  13. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Settle Did I say you abused your dog??

    You OVERWALKED it..a pup that age should never have that amount of walking or jogging!!!

    60 minutes walking for a tiny pup is wayyy too much.. and 60 minutes jogging I am surprised the wee thing could walk..

    Its joints were probably screaming..

    Did you not ask the breeder how long the pup could be walked for???
  14. hades

    hades New Member

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    So...You Want a Siberian Husky
    Are you interested in buying a Siberian Husky? Then, you've already heard how marvelous they are. We think you should also be told that they do have their shortcomings, and may not make the ideal pet for everyone who is attracted to them. Siberians are a gregarious lot and need the company of other dogs or of people at all times. If you work all day, or have room for only one dog . . . don't buy a Siberian.

    While capable of strong affection for his family, the Siberian Husky is also very friendly with strangers. So, if you want the fierce loyalty of a one-man dog . . . don't buy a Siberian.

    The Siberian Husky is not a watch dog, although those ignorant of his true nature may be frightened by his appearance. If you want a dog with aggressive guard-dog instincts . . . don't buy a Siberian.

    At least once a year Siberians shed their coats. If you like fur all over the house and in the very air you breathe, then fine. If, however, you value neatness at all times, then . . . don't buy a Siberian.

    Siberian Huskies have a natural proclivity for digging holes in backyards. If you take great pride in your landscaping efforts . . . don't buy a Siberian.

    Of all the shortcomings to be found in Siberians, the most dangerous to the pet owner is their tremendous desire to RUN. But the very first dash that a puppy makes across the road could be his last run, anywhere. A Siberian, for his own protection, should be kept confined or under control at all times. If you are one of those people who think it is cruel to kennel a dog, or keep him confined in his own backyard . . . don't buy a Siberian.

    If you have read this far, honestly feel that you qualify on all counts, and are still determined to own a Siberian, then we take great pleasure in welcoming you to the fold. Join the rest of us in the smug complacency of knowing that we own the most beautiful, the smartest, the most nearly ideal dog in the world . . . the SIBERIAN HUSKY!

    Thought this might be of interest???

    They are an amazing breed!
  15. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    This thread was a question about Sibes, not a reason to hang someones personal dog owning life out to dry.

    Leave it, I think you've upset her enough now.
  16. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Mistyblue - the best that people on here can do for you is be honest. Please don't take it to heart, I too would consider a husky at some point but I read all these posts and take notice because I do not want to be in a position of re-homing a dog. Get that suit of armour on (being the owner of a non-recognised dog I have needed it too :lol: ) and try to take the advice on board. :mrgreen:
  17. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    Lovely dogs, but I feel one who falls foul of people getting purely on the image of the dog rather than what lies beyond the fur. One at our vets, lovely dog but too much for me..and this is from a springer owner, so that's saying something:wink:
  18. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Oh I intend to..am going to bed..My intention wasn't too upset anyone but Sibes are a difficult breed..and they will still be a difficult breed in 10 years time.. It takes a strong person to own one..

    BUT I do want to point out...about the walking..in case someone else reads this and thinks its ok to walk a pup for 60/90 minutes or jog with it for 60 minutes..its not..it will seriously endanger its joints for life..
  19. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    I think thats funny..cos I would never have a springer:lol:
  20. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Sibes aside that is a fair comment and one to be noted. :grin:
  21. Luke

    Luke New Member

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    You know why that is? Cause you have sense:)
    Nah, ESS' are a bit like the Northern Breeds, perfect angels in homes which understand them and can accept and accomodate their needs:)
    Which is water, mud, more water, tennis balls, lots of tennis balls, food and sofas:)

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