NI/Ute Health Problems Health

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by Jo_W, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. Moonstone

    Moonstone New Member

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    Mack has always had "digestive problems " too, he has a real sensitive stomach, I think I will have a chat to the vets, as I assuming Addisons in Utes too.
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  3. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    It is Suzi.
  4. Moonstone

    Moonstone New Member

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    Linda not very clued up on Addisons, do you think it would be worth getting him tested then:?
  5. boobah

    boobah New Member

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    I would to be on the safe side hun ;-).Wish you loads of luck and hope all is well xxxxxxxx
  6. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    You know Mack best MS. Things like him just seeming "not right" or not wanting to be as bouncy as usual. Getting the "runs" or being sick when there is no apparent reason for it. Not changing his food but him getting the runs anyway, things like that. If concerned by all means chat to the Vet, but to be certain and probably (now) for your peace of min, have him tested.
  7. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Well I am going to be speaking to my vet because Addison's is in Loki's lines.
  8. Moonstone

    Moonstone New Member

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    I think it's best I phone the vets in the morning,as I will just worry about it otherwise;-)
  9. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    Good luck with the vets Suzi, I hope any tests you have get the all clear.
  10. batmandy

    batmandy New Member

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    Hi Sakari has never had any stomach complaints, in fact she has a cast iron stomach. (Well so far). But then i have always feed her Royal Canin, which is what she was weaned on. she has pinched other food and has stolen my JRT food but has always been fine

    Thanks for letting me know what Addisons was

  11. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Well I have asked several times for your opinions on JKs severe inbreeding and thevery serious health issuesin Mahlek dogs and seeing although you generally speak for the NIS seemed strange you have voiced your usual opinion.
  12. sallyinlancs

    sallyinlancs New Member

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    I don't speak for the NIS, I speak for myself. I have heard so many of your 'he said she said' 'horror stories' that I just can't take them seriously any more and haven't done for some time as I PMed you to let you know some time ago.

    If and when I hear of any real, tangible issues that concern me, I'll be happy to offer my opinions on them. In the meantime, I'm not interested in playground gossip and tittle tattle.
  13. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    I put this up on another forum as I have concerns that this "new federation" may be being led by someone who should not be representing ANY group associated with dogs. I would really be interested to know others views as since I have questioned this breeders practices I have since been banned , I just want to know true facts about the breed and balanced views not clouded by hatred for one person, I have no hidden agenda but think it unfair for this person to be giving people a very false impression and if people do decide that "the federation" is the way to go then they should choose who represents it at the top very carefully.anyway here's the post I was banned for please give your views as I feel few had the courage to question what is being said but I am sure there are here it is

    firstly I must thank you for putting up that lovely picture of Merlin.Even though he was only in our family for three and a half weeks we did love him,even though he had NO manners!!
    It was my Chaya that was half Husky,half NI that he was last mated with and we have Bandit,Ember,Kia,Thorne,Raven,Isis,Keira,Ishka,Ronnie and Shaman because of that.
    When I found Merlin on the net as a possible stud dog,the guy that had him at the time asked me if I wanted to buy him instead of just using him at stud as he was having problems getting him to settle.He told me he had him on a breeding contract and that's how I got in touch with sc.
    Now,I spoke to her on a Sunday afternoon.She collected Merlin from Derby that day and on the Monday I collected him.He was in a sorry state,poor thing.I compared Chaya's mother's pedigree and we noted that Merlin and Chaya's closest relations were at least five generations apart,so the breeding would be a good match.
    I have never bred dogs "properly" before,and I felt at the time that sc was kind of a mentor.She told me that Merlin's hip score certificate was in the post but one side was 7 and the other was 16.I said that seemed pretty high for a stud dog but she told me,quite convincingly that because my bitch was sound,then that would even out in the offspring.As a novice breeder,I believed what she told me and we took Merlin home.
    He did gain weight whilst in my care,although not as much as I would have liked,due to us only having him for a short time.
    Not at any point did she ask me to verify my identity,she took my word for it.To be fair,I could have been anyone!
    At the last tie between Merlin and Chaya,my daughter was supporting Merlin.As they came away from each other,Merlin bit my daughter Robyn's arm.I can't be sure if he was still enlarged at this point and possibly thought that Robyn had caused his pain but I wasn't prepared to take any chances so called sc and she arrived that day to collect him.SC told me that she would be keeping him as a pet and having him castrated.
    She was pleased that Chaya and Merlin had mated as (in sc's words) "the NI gene pool needed to be expanded by introducing dogs like Chaya-half NI half husky"
    She called me nine weeks to the day of collecting him to see if we had puppies.I asked her about the stud fee and she said not to worry too much about that.She also told that Merlin had been pts as he had gone loopy due to a brain tumor.
    In the new year,when it was time for the puppies to go,a man bought a puppy back to me 24 hours after he had taken it,demanding a refund as he had spoken to andre and she had told him not to touch these puppies as their sire was vicious.I contacted sc who advised me to take the litter to dogs' trust and I was really upset.I asked her again about the stud fee and she told me it wasn't required.She also told me that andre wasn't to be trusted but sc would not help me to find homes for the pups.I did that all on my own.
    The only person who offered me help was Julie Kelham.
    Even though I did the wrong thing by breeding Chaya with Merlin,she was still willing to help me.
    If sc had got Merlin castrated when she first aquired him,all this would have been avoided and maybe,just maybe that lovely boy would still be running around today.
    Poor Merlin.RIP lovely boy xx
  14. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    Just so you don't get confused this was not my own post but one I came across and felt that questions need to be answered...I don't suppose they will
  15. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Just for the record IMHO any dog that is to be used to breed from should have the correct temprement, type (as close to the breed standard as possible eg colour, height etc) and health. Non of the above should exclude the other. For me the reason for breeding should be to produce good quality, healthy pups that represent the breed to a high standard.
  16. arctic.wolf


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    well you won't get an answer from Sandra as she is banned from this forum

    so who's post is it? it came across as yours on the other forum
  17. suzy1b

    suzy1b New Member

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    I clearly stated that the post was one I had come across on another forum. I know SC wont be giving any answers and I also believe this post to be true. What annoys me is that questions or challenges are not being taken seriously or being ignored this is not a very positive way forwards for a "new federation" People have a right to know what they may be getting themselves into.
  18. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Ali, everyone is entitled to their own opinion on things as we have established before. The above post is genuine as I have seen it on another forum, infact, it was shedding light on something I wrote.

    I do not know who Suzi is but I do know the quoted post was not from someone called Suzi, so I don't see why it should be doubted.
  19. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Good point:grin:
  20. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    So are you ok with Jks very apparent inbreeding whilsy fully aware of health issues werewolf?
  21. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    KCjack much as I don't like talking to you as you have said some very hurtful untruths about my dog in the past, I will answer you.

    Firstly, ref inbreeding it is essential when you start a breed and are breeding to create a type. Secondly inbreeding happens in all dog breeds, whether it is liked or disliked. There are many fake pedigrees being flashed about so as far as I am concerned they hold little credability if their source is SC. Have you met SC? You are very quick to believe things about Julie but far less so about SC, I find this strange. Ref health issues being a victim myself of SCs lies simply to discredit the breed, I cannot agree that there are problems until facts, figures and statistics are shown to me. (Having said that I know of a few of SCs puppies that have epilepsy and I know for a fact that she knew that Breeze was a carrier before she was mated for the second time). It is all very well saying that emails have been received, or phone calls made, in this day and age I cannot believe such things, I want proof. Of course I want to know if there are health problems in the breed, I own three of these dogs and cannot see myself owning any other breed.

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