NI/Ute Health Problems Health

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by Jo_W, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. janie

    janie New Member

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    No pure bred dogs were used in the creation of the Northern Inuit.. with the exception of the german shepherd (possibly) all the northern breeds were cross breeds before it started.
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  3. Shona


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    I find that very hard to believe, you only have to look at many of them and they do resemble, badly bred, mals/huskys and yes GSD's

    they didnt get those face markings from GSD's or x breeds,
    yes many have black saddles, many look like gsd x's but many also look like mal x's or sibe x's
  4. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    At last!!! someone who was there at the beginning..

    Tell us more???

    Cos that goes against everything we have ever been told and everything that I have ever read on websites..

    Most state....GSD, Mal, Sibe and a few Inuit type dogs(crossbreeds)..
  5. janie

    janie New Member

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    I wan`t there at the beginning.. sorry... just second hand info from 1/2 dozen or so people in the know.. who in turn got their info from people higher up the chain.

    From what i`ve been told in the past, no pure bred dogs were use in the beginning.. they were all cross breeds, anything that looked wolfy. The German shepherd was added for trainability... and from photographic evidence i`ve seen in the past.. looked like pure bred GSD. Don`t quote me on that but this is what i`ve been told.

    It does actually state on one of the factions websites that the dogs used were husky crosses, mal crosses and other northern type crosses... i guess that means that the people in the beginning had no idea what breeds they were crossed with.. it was all about the look.
  6. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    SO you have seen pics of the very first GSD used???

    See this is getting interesting now as no one else has ever said this much..

    So NO mals or sibes were used but mongrels of such.. SO basically and NI is a GSD cross then.. not even a GSD x Mal x Sibe??

    How come the people who say they were there at the beginning feel the need to lie and say they were
  7. janie

    janie New Member

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    I suppose they knew the flack they`d get by using a bunch of cross breeds with no known history.. that`s what i believe anyway. I`ve seen a video of some of Eddy Harrison`s dogs... one looked like a white german shepherd.
  8. ElaiRs

    ElaiRs New Member

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  9. Shona


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  10. ElaiRs

    ElaiRs New Member

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    You're welcome :grin: I especially like the white dog. Bonny animal.
  11. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    BUt are any of those dogs pictured on the Defra thing the ones used to create NI?
  12. ElaiRs

    ElaiRs New Member

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    It certainly looks that way by reading the whole of chapter 16 in the link. Have a read at what is above the pics and see what you think?
  13. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    and the low content dog looks like a black GSD
  14. ElaiRs

    ElaiRs New Member

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    Thats what what I thought when I saw the black one too. Ears and head look like GSD but cant see much of the body from the pic.
  15. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    :grin: :grin: :grin:
    you make me laugh:grin: :grin:
    why do I have piccies of dogs, that I took myself at one of the founders of the breed, that were pure bred???
    I love to hear the 'experts':lol: :lol:
  16. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    We well have asked the "experts" time and again but still not getting any answers..

    SO you were there and seen the original dogs used to make the NI..The original pure bred GSD, MAL & SIBE??
  17. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    yes I have some piccies, I was not there at the beginning obviously, but I bought my original 'Utonagan' before they were even named anything, from her. Rest assured they don't look badly bred to me!!! But hey, I am no expert.
    I met them all, went into them all, and they were all very friendly with lovely temperaments as well.
  18. Shona


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    when I said Badly bred, I clearly stated, a badly bred mal, sibe or gsd, which any x breed would look like, so please dont take my words and make them seem harsh,
    a rottie x will often look like a badly bred rottie,
  19. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    Oh sorry, I thought from what was said you were saying only inferior dogs were used in the breeding programme, I was just saying they didn't look inferior to me. Again, I said I was no expert though. Anyhow, get back to your original conversation, I won't butt in again, just wanted to set the record straight about the predominant usage of crossbreeds, in the early '90's there were still purebred dogs being used
  20. Shona


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    I dont think I personaly made such a statement, but I know that some of the breeders of the foundation breeds have said, that no one would allow there health tested, quality dog to be used in such a way,
    I have to say, IF someone came to me and asked for a stud from one of my boys to another breed I would tell them to go shoot.

    so it makes perfect sence that poss the dogs used were not top quality dog, UNLESS the founders of the breed, bought in pups, ran them on to see if they were of quality, then did the relivant health tests for those breeds, BEFORE using them at stud,, or the same for bitches bought to breed from,

    But as it has been said one of the prominent breeders is said to have a litter BEFORE she health tests {to see what shes going to get } I very much doubt any sibe/mal/gsd would have been tested,,,,,,,, its a case so often of take what you can and hope for the best in the NI breed,

    I truely hope they sort it all out
  21. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    The pictures I took were not at the premises of the person you mean. All the dogs I saw and photographed were owned by the person I bought my Tawney from

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