White NI's General Chat

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by claudeen, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. claudeen

    claudeen New Member

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    White NI's

    Just copied the areas of the breed standard being questiond off the NIS.

    Oval and set at a slightly oblique angle. any colour or colour combination acceptable.

    Pure white or any colour Sable from Grey or Apricot through to pure black. White faces permitted on any colour. Masklike or caplike markings permitted on the faces of any colour other than white. Where white appears on the legs and feet the colour change must be gradual.

    White is just as desirable as are the other colours its just down to personal choice. I thought this had been answered already.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2008
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  3. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    I think it has on a couple of threads TBH . . The Bi-eye question is also answered very clearly in the breed standard as well:


    Oval, forward facing and set at a slightly oblique angle. Any colour or colour combination acceptable.
  4. casandra

    casandra New Member

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    "To most all North American Indian tribes, the spiritual meaning of the color white represents the most holy connection to the Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka, Tankashilah, or by the many other names by which the Creator is known. A symbol of purity, life, renewal, good, and peace. It is a color universally recognized as pure and representing good. White animals, buffalo, wolf, dog, etc are sacred and highly honoured by The People." Quote

    Found this and thought you might like it Claudeen.
  5. claudeen

    claudeen New Member

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    That is so beautiful, thanks for that Carol, I really appreciate it.:grin:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2008
  6. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Thats the "new" standard is it? Can I ask what "caplike" is? I havent heard a reference to that before.
  7. claudeen

    claudeen New Member

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    No its the same standard thats been on the Ni website for quite a while. 'caplike' - will ask!!
  8. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    I think caplike is where they have dark markings around the ears or top of the head but not on the face like a full mask.

    At least thats what Capped means in rats! LOL
  9. cava14una

    cava14una New Member

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    Just what I was thinking:lol:
  10. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Thanks Claudeen, a pic of such markings would be good too. :grin:
  11. claudeen

    claudeen New Member

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    cava14una- I used to have beardies, they are lovely, when I lost them i found it difficult to have anymore as they were so special that at the time I did not think any other would be good enough. I had my boy Balou for 16 years and my girl Cassie for 14, I had them from being 13years to 29, left a massive hole in my life. I chose NI's cos they have the same cheeky vitality, but I don't have the urge to compare them as they are different in other ways. I must say though my NI's are less independant my beardies would think nothing of escaping and taking themselves for a walk down to the river, Otto and Lola would not walk out the front door if it was wide open.
  12. red collar

    red collar New Member

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    red collar
    I've noticed that there is quite a lot of this sort of 'spiritual' hokum attached to the NI and other wolfy dogs.

    When we look at our dogs of course we see the beast beneath the furbaby, but I just find that there is so much more gushing talk of 'the wild' with wolfy dogs, including dogs' names and owners' avatars. It seems to answer a need in us humans but I wonder whether it is entirely healthy for the dogs to be viewed in this way, especially as the breeds seem to have been recreated as opposed to preserved.

    I get the impression sometimes that they are craved as 'props' in the creation of an alternative lifestyle - in the same way as dreamcatchers and crystals. And judging by the quote above a white one is just so much more 'spiritual' than other colours. Is this a good basis on which to choose a dog?

  13. claudeen

    claudeen New Member

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    I think the poster of 'spiritual hokum' (not my words) was just posting something light hearted, please don't turn it into something its not. Implying that I chose my white dogs because of some American/Indian proverb is a little far fetched. My dogs names are Otto and Lola which don't imply anything wolfy or wild.
  14. Insomnia

    Insomnia New Member

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    otto and lola are lovely names that suit them well :)
    to be fair, i dont think of these dogs as any more spiritual than others. some could argue pharoah hounds are linked spiritually to ancient egypt, or many other breeds for other reasons...each to their own i say.
  15. claudeen

    claudeen New Member

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    Neither do I:grin:
  16. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    I agree, you also have Greyhounds being very important to the Celtic peoples, Elkhounds to the Norse ect ect.....
  17. upallnight

    upallnight New Member

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    Hi red collar , I think it's lovely that some people can wax lyrical a bout their chosen breed. I love the look of the NI and it does look wolfie but it has a temperament that is simply wonderful and gentle, not at all like a wolf in the wild. We are all drawn to different breeds for a variety of reasons. Each to their own,
  18. Animal

    Animal New Member

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    Sorry but I just looked at mine and had to have a little giggle at the thought of anything spiritual about them :grin: don't get me wrong I love them to pieces, but the word spiritual, and my dogs doesn't belong in the same sentence :p if only they were more spiritual and serene instead of the gobby loons they are :lol:
  19. Tania

    Tania New Member

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    :lol: hear hear!
  20. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Im told that Claudeens wording is not on the NIS website, but is part of the new standard, I expect it will be up and running soon.
  21. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    In Mals we refer to it as a cap (not caplike). A cap is "colour coming to a point between the eyes" as seen in the photo below:


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