Aren't these the strangest looking Dobes? Photos

Discussion in 'Dobermann' started by Skyespirit86, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    Breed standards are not the Kennel Clubs opinion, they do not write them they are written by the breed clubs who have the knowledge and love of the breed.

    Bit worrying when someone has strong opinions based on something that is not true. The only input that the KC insist on are matters concerning health.
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  3. fluffybunnyfeet

    fluffybunnyfeet New Member

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    I actually agree with Skyespirit, there is a lot of sense and truth behind those thoughts and statements.

    :044: :044: :044:

    So far from the truth
  4. gemma riley

    gemma riley New Member

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    So if you bred a Doberman you would not follow a breed standard and you would just breed what you liked?
    .....possibly ending up with a dog with teeth missing because you dont really understand what a breed standard is??

    If a dog does not fit the breed standard then it has faults and should not be bred from whether it is KC or not. This is because only the BEST specimens of that breed are bred from and ultimately keeping the breed to the breed standard!

    Nobody (Im pretty sure of it) Thinks the KC are GOD, but they adhere to the rules that the KC govern. Could you imagine that states of some breeds (NI/Ute/BI) if they did not have a solid breed standard with backgrounds that can be traced and researched. It allows DNA testing to be done to rule out medical issues etc etc

  5. Fluffypawz

    Fluffypawz New Member

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    IMO I think the two dogs first featured are lovely! It would be nice to see them in a less "strung up" manner which would help with the length of neck debate I'm sure. They seem well balanced, good examples. Ones I would like to get my hands on to go over. Only my opinion, but I'm sure we can all agree that at the end of the day, it is the interpretation of the breed standards by the person, breeding/judging/viewing the dogs that will determine what a person thinks. The standard is only a guide unless specific things are listed ( ie: height measurements etc as faults).

    Not to start an argument but I assume NI= Northern Inuit and Ute= Utaungan? BI= British Inuit At what point did they become official breeds with standards? I've been away so forgive if I've missed something. I'm sure if we start refering to cross breeds in this manner than we will soon see standards for Labradoddles/Huskamutes/Boxerots and anything else that becomes popular by the general public for a price. My question here is why do people "create" new, shall we say "breeds" in this day and age when I'm quite sure if people were to research what they wanted in a pet and companion they would already find a dog that met their requirements????

    Perhaps a seperate thread should start on this topic as I do believe there are quite a few that own the above mentioned on here??? Let me just stress again, this is not in any way shape or form to start a row with anyone, I just don't understand the reason behind it all.

    Anyway, to go back to the dobes...I've seen quite a few different "types" of dobes throughout the world, from english type, european, and american with ears cropped. If you can get over your personal preferrences and look and the dog without prejudice 9 times out of 10 the basics are the same. It's just the little things, like stringing them up or ear cropping that can ruin a dogs look and outline. Go back to the first two photos and picture them, if you can, with an inch or two less neck length.......... What do you think now?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2009

    PITS+PATTS New Member

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    I think the're superb.ATHLETIC. Has anyone seen that film where a guy trains 6 dobes to robe a bank?i forget what its called now?point is,these dogs have the skills to pay the bills!no pun intended.

    PITS+PATTS New Member

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    I think the're superb.ATHLETIC. Has anyone seen that film where a guy trains 6 dobes to rob a bank?i forget what its called now?point is,these dogs have the skills to pay the bills!no pun intended.
  8. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    The film was "The Doberman Gang"
  9. roxi

    roxi New Member

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    I like their physique's, but not neck and head....
  10. roxi

    roxi New Member

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    Here is a pic of my friends Dobe...I think she is beautiful ;)

  11. Adam P

    Adam P

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    I love dobes, not enough around imo. Just great dogs.

    I wonder about the long neck relating to wobblers in the breed though. Not a vet or medically minded so just a guess.

    Btw anyone seen the doberman gang?

  12. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Wobblers is not confined to Dobes Adam, its also an issue with Great Danes and Bassetts. You hear about it more in DObes as they do admit its there and have in the past x rayed for it, however, because it can be bought on by trauma, its found to be an unreliable way of testing.

    Yes I saw the Doberman Gang.:grin:
  13. Dobermonkey

    Dobermonkey New Member

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  14. Dobermann

    Dobermann New Member

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    Those are very 'american type' dobes, most websites/kennels in New Zealand, Australia and the States have dobes like this. They also tend to show them like that and accentuate the neck/jaw area. I'm no expert but that's what I see when 'looking around'
  15. jaymacv

    jaymacv New Member

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    Around where I live there are few dobes, they aren't exactly popular... The main dog population is staffies, with their *mostly* chavvy teen owners apart from a lovely lady who LOVES the breed...
    Anyway, I have seen a few dobermanns but none look like that :lol: They look like their necks have been stretched and curved... Strange looking dogs those ones.
    And I must agree, I LOVE the stocky ones. :?
    Interesting to hear about the different types...
  16. Dobermann

    Dobermann New Member

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    But I get what she is saying when you look at the difference in the FCI standard......
  17. Dobermann

    Dobermann New Member

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    She is in my dogs pedigree - think 4th or 5th gen :?
  18. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    I live in the UK. :grin:
  19. Dobermann

    Dobermann New Member

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    but people are free to breed as they wish and if they choose to follow the FCI standard more closely then why not - it only serves for function as well as form and if that means it looks more of european type than english/kc then as long as they are breeding for health temprement and conformation that is more in-depth than in the uk, why shouldnt they?
    lots of people are starting to use dogs that do not exactly fit the uk standard but will produce better heads etc which will eventually be contributing to the standard of the uk dobes....sorry not wording/explaining that great!

    Have a look at how in-depth the FCI standard is compared to the KC standard here (or the AKC etc) and people will see what I mean?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2011
  20. Anazense

    Anazense New Member

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    I like them. I grew up with dobes so they were always a breed I wanted but as I got older and learnt about more breeds I seemed to prefer a slimmer dog. (purely going on looks here) So really, for me they are are perfect! :grin:

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