Epilepsy in NI's Controversial

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by Razcox, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    Epilepsy in NI's

    I keep hearing in the dog world about NIs having Epilepsy but there is only one dog i know of that suffers from it (due to bad treatment and abuse not breeding) in the NIS.

    I have also heard that this is from the TIDA breeding from lines with know Epilepsy problems. I have tried going to the TIDA forum with little success (may be comp related not sure what though) so decided yo ask on here. What is the TIDA doing to stop Epilepsy and are lines STILL being bred from with this horrible disease?
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  3. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    Well my NI is from TIDA lines and he is very strong happy and healthy and went to the there show and none of them at the show had epilipsy. You say "keep hearing" ever heard of chinese whispers?
  4. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Sorry this sounds to me like one group taking the opportunity to have a go at another group yet again.
    This topic was recently discussed here and the tread locked ....


    Please note our posting guidelines, number 8 ..

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2008
  5. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    I am not using it to have a go, i have tried to find info on the matter from both sides but i am having difficulty with one website for a group. (See OP) I wanted to to get the facts right from the horses mouth rather then all this hear say. Everyone is always saying there is a lot of secrets with the NI because of the different groups so i wanted to use a neutrel platform to get information.

    I didn't know there was a locked thread on the matter so i will go and have a look. But i do not think the above comments were warranted.
  6. abbie

    abbie Member

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    Yes it is correct and something that concerns and disgusts me. I understand the posting guidelines but this is a valid question and something I wish had been out in the open before we purchased our dogs.

    One of my dogs is from the lines that carries epilepsy. This was known by the breeder before the litter was bred as Sachas mothers litter brother suffers from it. Sacha was from a litter of 3 one of them suffers from epilepsy. The other had her first litter last year and at least one of her pups also suffers from epilepsy. Another of this litter is advertised as a stud dog. This same bitch unbelievably has just had her second litter!!!

    The NIS are not breeding from dogs of these lines.
  7. kcjack

    kcjack New Member

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    I had a few problems joinging Tida so I contacted then through the contact bit and Sandra sent me details with how to log in.
    But it is like saying the KC only promote reputable breeders and are responsibile for every breeder which isnt the case.
    I think the NIS do have a tendancy to circulate rumours regarding TIDA as at the end of they day they are both working against each other.
    I went to TIDA as I didnt like the secrecy surrounding the NIS and the fact if you asked an awkward question you got hung drawn and quartered.
    Katos previous owner was welcomed to NIS and was told Kato could be registered when I joined I asked a few awkward question then JK said Kato wasnt welcome to join but I could stay member, kato was same dog these arent guys I would trust personally whereas TIDA answer all questions.
  8. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    I think you will find the breeders (yes there are more than one) in question are actually on the TIDA committee. If these were breeders that where not committee members and were not approved by TIDA to breed then I agree, although it would still be unethical to breed TIDA could say they were not responsible. However, this is not the case.
  9. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Lets get one point straight, whichever "group" the dogs come from they are all from the same background. Dogs registered with BOTH clubs have the disease in their breeding, and are being used for breeding. Dont turn the thread into a "my club" "your club" argument.
  10. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    This is my point as well, I want to know about this disease in my BREED of dog. The reason i asked for info from a named group was because i don't have any info at all from them where as from the other group i have a reasonable amount of facts. I now want to try and fill in the blanks with out this turning into a 'he said' 'she said' thing.
  11. inkliveeva

    inkliveeva New Member

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    So why can't she answer the epilepsy questions for you ?
    Really you won't find the answers here as we are all treated like mushrooms like you , kept in the dark and fed $h.. !
  12. Malady


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    OK, just my two penneth worth :

    1. HOW do you know that the dog with epilepsy that you know only has epilepsy due to being abused, and not because of it's breeding ?

    2. If your breeders are as good as you say they are, why are you not asking them ?

    3. Why do you think that a dog has more impact on a breed than a bitch ?

    4. If you were genuinely interested in Epilepsy as a canine disease, why didn't you post about canine epilepsy in general and left the 'groups' out of it alltogether ?

    5. If you seriously believe that one 'group' has given you all the correct answers to what you've asked, why are you not on their forum asking this question ?
  13. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    Epilepsy is a horrible disease (my cat had to be PTS because of it) i hate the thought that dogs are being bred with this in there lines on any side of the fence and want to know what is being done about it.
  14. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    Of more concern top me is RESPONSIBLE ETHICAL breeders would NOT use a dog with epilepsy and THATS what this thread is about.
  15. Malady


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    Then you need to ask the breed clubs as that's what anyone one else with such a breed specific health question would do regarding 'what's being done about it' !
  16. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Then ask the person you bought your pup from, I think youll find most NI go back through the same lines.
  17. Malady


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    Unless someone miraculously found a NI somewhere to add to the genepool, ALL NI's are from the same lines !:lol:
  18. Razcox

    Razcox New Member

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    *Sigh* As i have said a number of times, i have one side as a result of another forum and there breeders. I am UNABLE to ask the other side due to problems with the site or my comp. I came on her as a common site and forum for both groups to fill in the blanks. I have said this before in other posts on this thread.
  19. Malady


    Likes Received:
    *sigh* And if you had bothered to read some of the answers you have been given, you will also know that you will NOT get the answers you are looking for on THIS forum.

    How on earth would you have managed before computers existed ? The various groups do have telephones you know !
  20. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    I agree, or within its lines as modes of inheritance are not known and it can crop up later on.
  21. Malady


    Likes Received:
    Then PHONE them up :roll: Seriously, you will not get a response from TIDA On THIS forum as the chairwoman is not a member, It very much seems like you are wanting to spark an argument between the factions again.

    If you are looking for answers from TIDA only, then phone them, seriously what is the problem ?

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