Info & pics please on Springers & Springer crosses! General Chat

Discussion in 'English Springer Spaniel' started by MistyBlue, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. MistyBlue


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    Info & pics please on Springers & Springer crosses!

    Hiya, my partner LOVES Springers! they have never really caught my eye but he has really wanted one since he was a little boy bless him! :grin:

    I keep seeing them pop up everywhere around my town and the more i see them the nicer they are!!
    so i said he can have one in a fair few years time!! so i am looking them up to find out more!

    i have read a few things but thought it would be best to find out from Springer owners, or Springer X owners as he also loves Springer x Labs (We know they arent a breed but he likes them and you can like crosses!! so please No purebred/cross talk here!!)

    Any thoughts advice and pictures of your Springers or Springer X please would be great!
    he loves the liver and white ones! and we see some advertised with 'rare gold and white' is this a real colour!? they were gorgeous!

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  3. morganstar

    morganstar New Member

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    There are two strains of English Springer.
    Theses are the ones you probably see around the most, there either liver ans white or blcak and white and can range in size. (Rare gold is not a colour hun I suspect its either crossed with a welshie or there lying and its liver and white).
    Show English
    These tend to be heavier and taller than the workng strain (although some of them do both jobs like the lovely Isla on here). There ears are longer as well and they come in black white, liverand white and tri colour.
    When rips comes on she knows more than me.
    They need a lot of exersize and the coats need a lot of attention as well, I personally wouldnt consider a cross as you might get the worse traits of the two.
  4. springergirl

    springergirl New Member

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    hi there,

    i have 2 springers at the mo, one who's 11 and one who's approx 6 (he's a rescue). they can be the most loving, loyal and faithful dogs, but if given an inch will really take the mick!!!! so you have to be firm but fair with them. they do need alot of exercise but not as much as some people would believe, and the more you give them, the more they demand it! mine get about 1-2 hours daily, but tire out more with mental stimulation, like scent work, learning new tricks, playing etc. i also go to alot of training classes with sam, and we compete in agility and in the future HTM.

    dont go into it lightly though, as there are too many springers in rescues at the moment. but if you can give them the attention, exercise, stimulation and love they need, they will pay you back 1000 fold! good luck!!!
  5. freddie-frecks

    freddie-frecks New Member

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    I think you wont go far wrong with a springer, i have a cross springer with a cocker and alot of people who i meet on walks say aww hes a lovely springer or hes a lovely cocker, he has both atributes and i couldn't wish for a more loving, loyal, entertaining dog with not a bad bone in his body. im not sure what sort of temprement a springer x lab would have but whatever dog you have im sure youll love it.[​IMG]
  6. MistyBlue


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    awwwwww thanks very much for yuor replys!!

    ahhh it does actually look gold and white in the picture, maybe its diluted?!

    thanks for that my partner lvoes them he grew up in the country (i mean devon in the middle of a field!!) surrounded by these dogs as the local farmers used them! he loves them,!

    wow that is a gorgeous dog you have that beautiful picture! :D

    i will tell him what i have found out! :D
  7. Jem

    Jem New Member

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    I look after a Sprocker Spaniel some times and Shila loves him,
    He is such a happy dog, when i first looked after him for the first week it was hard work as i was just getting used to how much energy he has but the other 2 weeks he was a joy to look after.

    He is now 18 months old and these were taken a few months ago he is called Mutley.

  8. MistyBlue


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    awwwwwwwww he is gorgeous!!! i ma glad you had such a great time with him!

    i lvoe that last pic looks like his saying 'take my pic if you dare'!! lol! :D
  9. freddie-frecks

    freddie-frecks New Member

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  10. maxine

    maxine New Member

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    I couldn't resist introducing you to our Freddie our Springador. He's a rescue dog from Ireland so we know almost nothing about him other than he's terrified of vehicles and men holding sticks. He is a sweetie who thinks he's a Springer when out running in the countryside and a Labrador when chilling out at home.

  11. ClaireandDaisy

    ClaireandDaisy New Member

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    Lovely dogs - what are the Welsh ones like?
    And what advantages are there to the Springer / spaniel cross?
  12. Phil

    Phil Fondly Remembered

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    Here you go - have a job lot LOL - Liver and white English Springer Spaniel (all dogs working type)

    Similar dogs - quite short for ESS but heavier built than some workers. For any ESS Plenty of exercise required plus metal stimulation. Loyal, loving and will do anything to please - even if it's the last thing you want them to do.

    All pictures are Fingal as a pup / adult with different hair cuts.

    Picture 5 is Beau my previous ESS. Very similar.

  13. Krusewalker


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    Even on the driest of summer days, a springer will find a way of getting wet and muddy :lol:
  14. MistyBlue


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    awwwwwwww his gorgeous!!! :D :D
  15. freddie-frecks

    freddie-frecks New Member

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    Aww i love Fingal what a cutie! What a mad hair style 2 i thought freddie had a lot!
  16. maxine

    maxine New Member

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    Having had 2 pure Springers (1 x field and 1 x show) I have to say our Springador is much more chilled out. He runs miles, flat out, just like a busy, busy, Springer when we are out walking. When at home he is so laid back he is not at all like a Springer. His tolerant, laid back attitude makes him the perfect buddy for an exuberant GSP pup.
  17. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    Here I am, only about 4 months late! :lol:

    This probably isn't relevant anymore MB with your recent split and all, but I'll post anyhow! ;-)

    Jacquie covered it pretty well tbh.

    Working type:
    There are two types really, those bred for field trials and those bred as pets or general workers. The field triallers are the smallest of the two and bred especially for trials. They tend to be mainly white only having colour on the head and ears (rytex FT dogs tend to look like this). The general workers tend to look like slightly smaller, less hairier show types. Workers do have more energy and show a higher interest in hunting for everything and anything when out walking, of course there will be exceptions to the rule.

    Show type:
    Again two types. Those that are bred solely for winning shows. They tend to be very hairy, with large ears and the largest of the two types. They've fairly easy going and tend to make easier family pets as a result, although they still need plenty of exercise. The second type is one bred for show and field. They tend to need slightly more exercise than those bred purely for showing, but you get less hair and "exaggeration" thrown in to the bargain. Breeders of these type include Canouan (now in France), Shipden, Debanza and Tryhard.

    All Springers need firm but fair handling and training should start at 6 months old, especially for those with a strong instinct to hunt as you soon find your dog has become a dot in the distance on walks! :lol:

    Workers tend to be a bit fussy with their food and the show types very un-fussy (from personal experience). They do love water so be prepared to have plenty of towels ready at the end of your walk. Springers are also well known for their ability to chew through most things and pull your arm out of your socket on every walk. :lol:

    Health problems that you dog's parents should be clear from:

    GPRA, CPRA and MRD (yearly eye test)
    Fucocidosis (DNA test)
    PRA Cord-1 (DNA test)
    Glaucoma (one off eye test, moving to schedule A in Jan 2009)

    Chronic hepatitis is also now being researched as it is beginning to crop in in the breed.

    I personally recommend hip scoring, although many breeders don't as it's not a real problem in the breed (talk about turning a blind eye!). Breed mean score is 14.

    And here are some of Isla for those still awake! :lol:






  18. morganstar

    morganstar New Member

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    Rips forgot to add ....Springers need dark furniture and carpets lol
  19. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    Oh yes, especially when they can open the back door and jump straight onto the settee after a muddy walk! :shock: :lol:
  20. goddard72

    goddard72 New Member

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    Hi there, this is my first ever time on this forum. My English Springer (working variety) is called sam. He is from the well known Badgercourt Moss and Rytex breeds. He is my first ever Springer and he is a lovely dog with a wonderfull temprament. I hope to work him one day but my training him is somewhat hindered by my lack of experience. Here he is at roughly 4 Months old and 10 Months and 12 Months old.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2008
  21. MistyBlue


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    aww their all sooo gorgeous!! :D love the B&W ones!! only ever seen 1 before!

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