Greyhound racing industry breeder disposes of puppies that wont chase! Controversial

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by Jodie, May 12, 2008.

  1. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    That's rather a sweeping statement dont you think :shock:

    Agree completey, if the use of animal organs helps research and the training of vets it can only be a good thing.

    That may be due to the fact Doctors only treat one species

    Vets treat many species... so that fact alone will add up to the masses of bodies you mentioned.
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  3. Aunty Amanda

    Aunty Amanda New Member

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    I suppose it may be to some. But thats my opinion as stated and one I will stand by until pounds aren't stacked up with hundreds of unwanted dogs.

    But its masses of greyhound bodies? Or are there more than one species of greyhound that you know about that I don't??? :grin:
  4. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Dead dogs, and pet owners is what I read.... not just greyhounds;-)

    And as for it being really necessary , ofcause it is, as I have stated there are many different species of animal, vets have to have a little experience of the anatomy of all.... and they can only do this by practicing on dead animals..

    Same goes for farriers, they need to practice and reserch on the real thing.
  5. Malady


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    I think you have to ask yourself what kind of dogs are these pounds filled up with ?

    Most are full of crossbreeds DDs, mongrels and the few Peds, but rarely have the Peds come from Ethical breeders, which you hear rarely about.

    So yes it is a sweeping statement, to render all breeders unethical !
  6. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    What a strange thing to say, slamming all breeders now. :shock: So are we only allowed to have dogs that end up as strays or ex racing greyhounds then? I mean most of the people on here for a start have bought their dogs from "ethical" breeders (Ill call them that :002: ) are you saying these people are not ethical in their breeding practices at all? Where are people "allowed" to buy their dogs from then? if they want to do it right I mean?:roll:

    Just because you have a gripe with one part of the Dog world, doesnt mean the rest of it is wrong too does it? or is it you have a problem with breeding dogs full stop?
  7. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    In one Branch of DT alone at least a third of the dogs they had in at all times were ex-racing Greys, according to the manager there it was the norm for them and most of their other branches too.
    Wonder where their breeders were, the one who were supposed to responsibly rehome, and where the regulators were - the one`s who turn blind eyes to it every single day and do nothing to stop those who overbreed at such a disgusting rate just to try to get a winner here and there.
    Nuff said :?
  8. zoeybeau1


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    I have to say, if the dog's are healthy and can have a home as a pet, then why are'nt they given that choice rather than being pts and then used as experimental being's.I would agree we need more fund's into reseach medical or veteniary,But to take a healthy yearling dog what ever the breed and pts because the owner/breeder can't be bothered to look into finding him/her a home then I have to say I am disgusted.
    You may rember charlie my wee deaf puppy last year, the vet wanted to put him to sleep, and I found him a home, he is doing great.
    Why can't they if they have grey welfare at heart behind the racing industry just set up a home system to find unsuitable dog's homes, I'm affraid I'm on the side of Spot here,(shock):shock: :shock: ;-) but I don't think racing should be banned its the same as horse racing in a word, they retire them to stud or out to new homes.
    Just one other thing, if this is all true there is more than one breeder of grey's and to tar them all with the same brush isn't on in my book.
    (There run's for cover.!!!!!!!!)
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    The horse racing industry is not far behind the Greyhound industry... the number one fact is making money... and far more than the GH industry..

    I am a huge fan of Horse Racing, but it also needs to clean its act up..

    Failed race horses can also expect the same treatment as the GH... they are bred in their thousands (world wide) and only a handful of them will make the grade....and very few are re homed.

    It is extremely difficult to rehabilitate a failed racer...(dont get me wrong some can be brought around) and go on to live good lives, but most dont get the chance.

    It is unlikely they will be retired to stud...MOST male racehorses are gelded

    Stallions dont make the best racehorse...specailly the jumpers... think " Red Rum" and the like, he and others great horses where geldings.

    Also most flat races are knackered by the time they are 3/4 dont forget they race them as yearlings.. well before they have developed properly... and the lucky ones will stay sound and earn a few quid for their owners.

    There are some stallions /mares that are retired to stud, but they will be the successful ones, but for most if they cant be re homed, they are "dog food"

    Would I ban the sport, absolutely not, I love it, I have friends who own racehorses, and there is nothing better than a day at the races...

    Does the sport need cleaning up, absolutley, just the same a Greyhound racing.
  10. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Mmm cant agree with tht about Horse racing. Whilst it is the highest rated as far as money goes, I dont think there are anywhere near the problems that face Dogs. A mare will have one foal, a Greyhound can have 12 puppies, that in itself is the main issue.

    Most national Hunt Racehorses are gelded, most flat Horses are entire at 2 and 3, those raced afterwards (handicappers etc) will probably be gelded. Probably only 20yrs ago a colt would be retired after its 2yr old career or 3yr old if it was a classic Horse, but nowadays, they are running at 5 and 6! Older Horses are frequenting the top races and stayers are running at 9 and 10!

    There are a lot of provisions for ex racers, most owners who dont keep them, will donate to have them retrained at places like Greatwood etc.. I dont doubt there are some Horses that get a bad deal, for for most they are kept and cared for in impeccible conditions and treated excellently. I am very fond of Horse racing, have been interested for about 15yrs or more, 2 of my friends works for top flat trainers and I can assure you, what the Horse need, it gets! :mrgreen:
  11. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Sorry Dawn, should have made it clear, I did not mean in quantity of stock produced , but the principle, is somewhat the same , producing stock for the sole purpose to race, and not all owners / breeders will be caring ones... just like in dogs, some ethical ones some not so .

    Of cause a bitch will produce far more puppies than one mare..

    But there is also a seedy side to it Dawn... just like GH racing, there is the good and the bad in both worlds.

    But they are the lucky ones, but as we know horses are delicate creatures, and many fall by the wayside, either through injury or not making the grade..... these are the ones who`s future will be in doubt. Horses are expensive animals to keep, and the unscrupulous will not pay out to keep a horse that will not perform for them.....

    Have you ever been to a horse market (not nice places) failed races go for £100/£200 , and some will end up in the pet food chain.

    Isn't that the truth... an acquaintance of ours, owns one the top stud farm in our area, and owns one of the top flat races in the country (retired to stud )... believe me, those horses, live the life of Riley... their need are first and foremost..

    But there is also a seedy side to it Dawn... just like GH racing, there is the good and the bad in both worlds.

    I do agree many will have been owned by caring owners, (like some of my friends) these will be retired out to pasture, or in some cases like you say go to retirement places..

    Another friend of mine, she has had to many to count, those that are still alive , live the life of riley, she has a young filly in training at the mo, and had a very successful (gelding) flat racer, all her horses have been gelding other than this filly.

    I am 100% behind racing, but it is not all whiter than white... the good ones get the best of care, the ones that fail , dont all end up in retirement homes.

    Many end up as PTP races (national hunt) some end up in hunt kennels (dog food) and a few will be able to be rehabiltatd to the hobby horse.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2008
  12. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Yes, I dont doubt some get a bad deal, and of course money is the sole goal, but its not like in dogs, nowhere near the numbers.

    Been to Horse markets yes, can pick up a bargain! ;)

    I think also with horses they can have a good life post racing and be retrained for many displines, unlike the Greyhound who will become a pet. Ex racers can become dressage, jumping, eventing, hacks, hunters etc...

    Im not sure where you live but I board a dog for a jockey who works for Reg holinshead in Londgon, is that the place you mean? he is a trainer, not a stud farm though.
  13. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Not many do well hunting, (to fiery) some do well as PTP`s though , there is a top Eventer at the mo who was an failed racer..yes they do do well (some of them) in other disaplines..

    Reg Holinshead is the trainer who has trained all my friends race horses, she goes back with him for many many is his daughter /wife ?? cant remember , who helps out with GH rescue, I know she had tried to get my friend to take some in over the yrs.

    The other is a different one, they are a huge stud/training yard... have you heard of "Mind Games".
  14. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Mind Games, thats going back, he was a really tough Horse, trained by Jack Berry I think? Didnt he remain entire?
  15. zoeybeau1


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    There you are Dawn
    I used to work at national hunt yard's years back now.
    And have to agree lots of them live in luxury even compared to the lad's.
    One trainer I worked with you weren't allowed to kick the horse if he dug his heel's in, and wouldn't move.
  16. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Ahhh thanks ZB, that the fellow!! Getting on a bit now, but looks fantastic!!!
  17. bajaluna


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    Have to strongly dissagree with this 90 percent of the worlds polo ponies are exrace horses if they dont want to run they are perfect for polo and most will hit the polo field within a month of coming off the track,they are smart enough to need a reason to run,we apart from breeding 8-10 mares a year activley purchase and retrain race horses into jumpers, polo, dressage it is much easier to retrain a tb than everyone thinks,in fact we are sending 2 of our homebreds to the track to run for a couple of years before starting them on polo
  18. spot

    spot New Member

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    Dawn do you know something that those in the industry dont know? Acorrding to the owners (soon to be ex owners) of Walthamstow - its not the case.

    I think you might of missed my response to this regarding the abuse I have witnessed going the other way, have never seen any physical abuse from protesters - can you tell me where this happened as I know the protest movement would never condone this.

    as you said you've only been to the track a couple of times I wonder if you are only hearing a biased side of the story?

    Actually I asked how you would feel about someone having 200 border puppies on the premises at the same time. Not if it was done - just how you felt about it and to show me some reputable breeders who do it?

    Yes I do have a problem as I think it cannot be good for any breed or for the dogs involved.

    I dont see where anyone has said putting to sleep dogs and using there organs is totally wrong. What we do disagree with is the putting to sleep of perfectly healthy young animals you have over bred to make money of without any attempt to rehome them

    You are perfectly happy participating in something that you know has very dark and cruel side - that could said of the same people who watch or know about dog fighting rings IMO ok they are not fighting the dogs themselves but knowing about it and doing nothing is tantamount to being actively involved. why dont you do something about it if you have knowledge of what goes on ?

    No body says a word???? There have been numerous threads, petitions, protests etc etc. Many on these boards are actively involved in discussions regarding puppy farms and bybs - do their voices not count?

    Our local DT had a whole block used soley for dumped greyhounds.

    I think thats what we've beens say ZB, when a dog is pts for medical reason or old health and the owner agrees then yes that dog should be used.

    Thats great news so glad you didnt go along with the vet

    :shock: :lol: The industry is just that - an industry and until the greed thats involved to just breed more and more welfare will always be second if not third or fourth.

    Of course there is more than one breeder - unfortunately there are many more breeders just like this one!

    Now come out come out where every you are.
  19. galty

    galty New Member

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    Re your last post

    One point.

    Have said in the past a lot of what you come out with is propaganda,

    Your point that your local DT has a whole block for Greyhounds, can you answer.

    Size of block how many dogs

    How many blocks

    Any other blocks housing one breed

    % of greyhounds housed in total of other breeds

    Any other breeds more than Greyhounds.

    FACT not Properganda taken from the plight of Staffs and there crosses.

    Battersea last year took in 2667 staffs a third of their intake.

    Dogs Trust has noticed a dramatic increase in the number of Staffs and Staff crosses.

    Mayhew last year had a 45% increase of Staffies.

    These are facts that have been stated, not nice reading but FACTS not Propganda.

    The Greyhound has At least£1.5 million supplied by the Industry being spent to try to find homes .
  20. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Spot, did you know Dog fighting was illegal? Has been for many many years. IMO if ANYONE knows about Dogs being fought its their responsibility to let the authorities know about it, otherwise they would be breaking the law too. Greyhound racing, breeding, selling and PTS of the Dogs, as unpleasant as it is, and in many eyes morally wrong, is NOT illegal in any sense so comparison is irellevant. A more relevant comparison would be 200 puppies on one premises, as this seems to be the thing you have referred to before, but of course thats not illegal either is it?
  21. spot

    spot New Member

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    The block held about 20 dogs and nope only greys in there, you are absolutely right about staffies but Im just not sure what the fact that staffies in rescue have increased is to do with greyhounds in rescue?

    I didnt realise it was a competition to see how many of a breed can go into rescue!

    You tell everyone that Im a liar and its all propoganda, so prove it answer the question you yourself posed and both myself and someone else ask you to answer as you are part of the industry

    Its all very well you quoting rescue numbers of staffies - rescues are very good at keeping records - how good is the industry at that because surely these numbers should be known!

    Fact is they cannot or will not give those details out - Im still waiting for a response to both phone calls and emails, they said they would get back to me its been over a month since I contacted them and have sent them reminders.

    So maybe you can tell us - prove it that there are no greyhounds in rescue (cuz Im sure all the greyhound rescues out there will be mighty relieved they can shut up shop).

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