Utonagan Discussions

Discussion in 'Utonagan' started by Discussion Thread, May 15, 2004.

  1. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    :lol::lol::lol: Didn't she always deny that? I seem to remember her telling me that Loki's heritage involved Cap! See what I mean? Who knows what is real and who is telling the truth? (Shrugging icon :mrgreen:).
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  3. Gnasher


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    Of course ... but when Eddie and JK fell out, JK's supply of that what mustn't be mentioned rather naturally ceased, so she had a problem. Eddie told me that JK used more collie in her lines in an attempt to continue her (JK's) newly-named Northern Inuits. I believe this as I think that the NI's have a very definite collie look about them, as indeed do some Utes (remembering Cap's input in two litters). I think my Tai looks quite collie-ish, certainly far less wolfy looking than Ben.

    It is very hard if you have never met people face to face and got to know them well to believe what most other people are telling you is incorrect. I can only repeat what Eddie said to me all those years ago, and despite the fact that she was a wiley old bird ... she had to be ... don't forget she was effectively put out of business by the RSPCA thanks to certain people insisting on advertising wolf cross puppies for sale, against her strong advice. From that point on, everything went belly up for her, the farm fell into rack and ruin, her dogs suffered as a consequence because she was plunged into the ghastly position of being over-dogged, a nightmare for any breeder. The genie had been let out of the bottle, and she was the one left stuck up the creek without a paddle. I have said it before and I will say it again, Eddie was not perfect ... who is? But she loved her dogs and tried to do the best for them, not always correctly. The stress of it all IMO caused Bill's untimely death (her OH) and ultimately herself.
  4. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    How did Eddie know this if they had fallen out?

    I have to say I do not see BC in many NIs but a lot of the NIs I see down here look like odd sibes. I do not think there are any 'registered' breeders in cornwall. We seem to have quite a ew patchy ones down here as well.
  5. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    I have wondered about Rough Collie in Loki ...:grin:
  6. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    I met a Ute, same sort of colour as your Loki but with soft ears. Made me think of a Lassie x.

    Tassle, have you seen any Collie ish looking NIDs either in the flesh or pics? Ref patchy there are NIS patchy NIDs still being produced.
  7. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    I think I block it out ;) I have not seen any in the flesh I would think collie, but in pictures when I analyse you could pick out some collie aspects. I expect the collie has not helped the curly tail aspect ;)

    To be fair the ones down here seem to being produced for money and money alone. The one we rehomed last year, the lady had contacted the breeder to be told she was not able to take the dog back.....I have since discovered that this is becasue she had another litter on the way.

    There were a couple of patchy ones recently, I am not sure they were bred down here. (I know one was not) but the other one was a rescue so not sure exactly where she came from.
  8. Gnasher


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    Because JK lived very close to Eddie :roll:
  9. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    Why the rolly eyes? Proximity means very little I would have thought, if they had fallen out I was wondering why JK would have continued to keep eddie informed of her breeding practices and vice versa.
  10. Gnasher


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    Who said anything about they continuing to keep each other informed? To quote Michael Coleone in the Godfather, "you should keep your friends close but your enemies closer".

    Eddie was no fool.
  11. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    I am afraid all I know about her I have learnt through you - not great I know.

    I guess, if they were not keeping eachother inormed, then Eddie got her info second hand? Does JK admit adding BC?
  12. Gnasher


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    What do you think, Tassle? :roll:
  13. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    The more I find out the worse it seems to be fair. If you feel the need to be sarcastic with people when they try and delve deeper it seems you learnt well from Eddie.

    Lies just keep coming. My only conclusion can be that know one knows, to many lies to many secrets. I wish WW luck in her search, but it seems even when you are told something 'reliable' another account sneaks up from the other side.
  14. Gnasher


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    Well, it was rather a daft question don't you think? The founder of the Northern Inuit is hardly going to admit that there is collie in her dogs is she - I am not defending her btw, just stating facts.

    Eddie was never sarcastic that I am aware of :shock:

    As for the lies, the problem WW has is that wolf crosses of any % were illegal until quite recently, so the term "wolf look-alike was coined" - the old adage "if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, then it is a duck" springs to mind here! So those breeders - eg all (with the exception of Eddie and one or two others) - immediately jumped onto the wolf look-alike band wagon, which IMO was very silly. Far better just to stay schtum and refer to the dogs as husky/mal mixes, which is of course true. The fact that one failed to refer to the third element is NOT telling lies, just witholding the truth :002:
  15. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    Whatever. You believe as you will. I will never believe you i'm afraid, you have given me no reason to. The temprement you talk of is atribbuted to many breeds as are the looks. Your dogs are lovely, as are many others of the same type, but no-one has given me any reason to see them as anything more than dogs.
  16. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Thanks Tassle. I separate what I believe is likely to be true, for whatever reason eg Collie input (certain dogs), I believe is true.
  17. Tassle

    Tassle New Member

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    I think that is all anyone can do - no one knows for sure.
  18. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    I agree and it is a shame. It wasn't long ago in the 'dog' world and there is nothing wrong with admitting crosses were used or 'other' previously un mentioned breeds. My pedigree cats were created not long ago and a cross breed was used in the process. No shame there and this did not prevent their recognition as a pedigree breed. I cannot see how it would've been different for these dogs had honesty prevailed. And accurate record keeping etc of course, but perhaps recognition was never the intention, contrary to what was said seven years (or so) ago when I bought my first dog and I dare say probably a few years before that.
  19. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    lol its funny how gnasher loves the idea of wolf so believes that but pushes collies off to someone else coz they just arnt as cool lol :)

    walks like a duck quacks like a duck so its wolf lol.. like my wolf crosses eh?(my sibes) :roll:
  20. abbie

    abbie Member

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    Totally agree.
  21. Gnasher


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    Not at all - if you read my post, I acknowledge that Tai to me looks very collie-ish. I adore collies, I used to have one, they are gorgeous dogs and I would never ever consider them to be uncool.

    My analogy about ducks was semi tongue in cheek - we have a 2 gorgeous GSDs next door to us, and the bitch looks extremely wolfy and is wolfy in her behaviour. Yet Hal did not look particularly wolfy. I have said it before and I will doubtless say it a million times again ... you cannot truly judge a book by its cover. Although it has to be said that the high% wc's, at least those I have ever met or seen pictures of, do look very wolfy.

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