Utonagan Discussions

Discussion in 'Utonagan' started by Discussion Thread, May 15, 2004.

  1. Gnasher


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    I spoke to her on the phone a few weeks before she passed away, and although I am not sure - Lyn would confirm - but I thought she was in touch with her as well much more recently than 2 years before her death. Lyn has a lot of Eddie's paperwork and records I believe.

    She was going to come and stay with us she said to me and dictate all her pedigrees, lines etc. (I do shorthand) and we were going to go through all her paperwork and get everything sorted and down on paper for posterity. To my eternal sadness this never happened, what a shame :cry:
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  3. Ben Mcfuzzylugs

    Ben Mcfuzzylugs

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    do you guys have fotos of the collie-ish and non collie-ish looking lines, I would love to see what you are meaning
  4. Gnasher


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    I haven't Ben and I'm not sure whether the lady who has would be prepared to share them, in fact I know she wouldn't!
  5. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Without being rude :grin: - why does anyone care anymore? After everything?

    There is no mysticism or wonder anymore - just confusion over pedigrees, dogs used and health problems, such as my lad's epilepsy. We all love our dogs but personally, I just class my dog as a cross these days because, let's face it, that's what he is and I'm sick to death of the deference given to the people who started - and ruined - these dogs.

    Just my opinion, of course, and I don't mean to offend anyone.
  6. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    By this account there is Collie in the NID, back then. Which makes sense ref the 'type' of some of the dogs old, and even now, I have seen it pop up.
  7. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    After what? I bought my dog in good faith and like most people believed what I was told, right down to how the NID was on the verge on KC Recognition. Now I know different. I am probably more curious now to separate fact from fiction. I would love to know the ins and outs of my dogs ancestry. I don't see why I shouldn't be curious. I also don't think it should be greatly difficult (though it is), because we are only talking of going back 18 years or so.
  8. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    Ps Lucky Star, no offence taken, we are all entitled to have differing view points xxx
  9. Gnasher


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    There is - Eddie herself told me that when she and JK fell out, JK no longer had access to Eddie's lines, but was forced to use further collie input to continue her breeding programme.

    I have no idea whether or not this is true - I was always inclined to believe it because it was Eddie herself who told me, but I am not so sure. The "collie" look ... especially in the NI's ... could have purely been the result of a dominant gene from darling old Cap who was by all accounts an excellent sheep dog.

    I personally think that NI's have a far more consistent look than the Utes ... and that look to me is very "collie". To me there seems to be more of the long coats, which I love, and far more variety, which again points to less inbreeding ... although Eddie herself, much to my horror, did at least two father/daughter matings that I am aware of.
  10. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    After what? After ... is there wolf or not, is there collie or not, who bred which dog, which pedigree is right, which person bred which dog, which health problem is likely to come up, which dog had epilepsy - and which was really disclosed - which dog was in bred, which breeder lied, which breeder used other breeds, is there malimute or not, ...

    why did my breeder lie, why was everything hidden, why did I pay a huge amount of money for a dog that is of questionable herritage (as goes for a lot of these dogs else nobody would be asking the questions) why are health problems hidden ....?

    The answer ... I suspect ££££££££££££££££££££££.

    Ask and question away - as I have done - but the real answers are never really forthcoming. Hence my current postion.

    But good luck to you anyway.:grin:
  11. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Just to add - and I know that this will go down like a lead balloon - my dog is just one poor bugg*r that has paid the price for the fantacism that has surrounded this breed and I hold myself just as responsible as I hold others for buying into it initially.

    Sermon over.
  12. Gnasher


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    In Eddie's lines there is wolf :002:
  13. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    I feel more knowledgeable now, even though there is still much unanswered, than I did before. Since I got a Ute x , and started looking at the Ute side, more reliable info seems to have been 'uncovered'. Thanks for your input Gnasher xx
  14. Gnasher


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    'tis no problem!
  15. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    I meant in Gnasher x Still not convinced about the wolf input, though I do know Eddie used to refer to the pups as 'cubs'. I would like something more concrete before I accept the wolf input. No offence meant to you there Gnasher xx
  16. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    I did, of course, mean to write malAmute, not malImute in my previous post.:blush:
  17. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    there may or may not be...i still think not!!..seen her so called wolf crosses she imported...defo not wolf crosses and the storys behind them dubious(as always) re the pure wolves in the barn...nice urban myth that! ;-)
    i agree ww..gnasher wants to believe it so she will even if it doesnt all add up :roll:

    and anyone can call a pup a cub! :roll:
  18. Tupacs2legs

    Tupacs2legs New Member

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    i agree n.i's have a more consistent look but to say n.i's look collie like is funny...its the utes that do..and more importantly its your dogs that do Gnasher lol.
  19. Heather and Zak

    Heather and Zak New Member

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    I have to agree I think the Utes look much more collie like.
  20. Heather and Zak

    Heather and Zak New Member

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    Yep all part of the sales patter.
  21. werewolf

    werewolf Member

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    We are talking about older NIDs of about 9 years and previous, though you do see the odd one now.

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