Annoyed about advice given... Discussions

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by IsoChick, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    Annoyed about advice given...

    This will probably be just me....but...

    When I was having a look round the Boxer benching on saturday (and getting lots of Boxer kisses :lol: ) I overheard several showers/breeders advising people to import dogs from Ireland since they'd be docked, rather than get a puppy from England, as they have to have a tail :x

    I was even next to someone when she said that they'd better get a puppy fairly quickly, since in a couple of years they'd also bring the docking ban into force in Ireland...

    I was pretty gobsmacked really, I can't believe that these people (who the GP look up to a bit) were advising the GP to import a dog. I love my boxers with tails, and although I can appreciate that it will take a while to get used to it, importing a dog isn't going to make the transition any easier....
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  3. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    I do agree Iso. I love seeing Boxers with their tails, all dogs actually. I feel it is how nature intended. But I guess it is a matter of taste.
  4. Hali

    Hali New Member

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    Mixed views.

    If you only heard part of the conversation, perhaps the enquirer was determined to have a docked dog. In that case, surely better to suggest how to get one legally than let them go off & try and find one that had been 'home docked' illegally.
  5. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    I dont see where the problem is, if a buyer wants a docked pup, and it can be imported from Ireland, then it is better for a breeder to recommend a good legally docked pup being imported, (its only over the water) to said buyer being determined and buying a illegally docked pup.

    Talking to some breeder friends of mine, (on Sat) there are a couple of breeders who have been left with puppies from litters, as people still want docked dogs..... a few are no longer going to breed.

    Whether you agree with docking or not, it is proving to be the case people prefer their traditionally docked breeds docked.

    It will take time for tails to become the norm...we will get used to them, but for now, it is still the preference for some , to have a docked pup.
  6. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    That's quite sad for the breed IMO, if breeders are deciding to give up because of the docking ban. They obviously have good lines etc, but to give up over tails....

    I saw some cracking boxers on saturday whilst mooching round the benching, I don't think they'd have looked any worse for having tails. And the few young ones I saw with tails looked great; their tails and tail-set looked the same as Max and Murphy's

    If I had half a clue about showing generally, I'd start showing my 2 so people can see that a tail isn't all that bad! :lol:
  7. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    the reason said people are thinking of giving up breedings are becase they fel they can not sell the pups, as has been proven...being the responsible breeder they are , they will not have litters nobody wants.

    There where 3 pups with tails showing on Sat in bitch puppy, a couple in dogs as well....none of them got placed, some where from big kennels .

    The tail carriage on all of the pups where two where the same....there is a lot of work going to have to be done to get "the" correct carriage of tail...this is another reason why some breeders are leaving the breed, they dont have the heart any more .
  8. youngstevie


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    I love seeing ALL dogs with tails, dobie's, boxers,rotti's they all look so lovely. Anyone notice that the boxer used on Eastenders has a tail ,sooooooooo lovely to see.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. zoeybeau1


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    That's a shame, we have lot's of people on a list for docked dog's and have to agree it's the undocked puppies that breeder's are getting left with causing the said thinking.
    A few year's ago we were told by a good breeder here to import a dog from over the water(england)as that's were the good line's are.
    We did this and now the same breeders don't want one from across the water,we had a undocked bitch for year's she is now in a pet home and is well loved the same as we did tail or no tail.
    I asked a previous buyer who's dog's I alway's look after (3 boxer)If she was getting another boxer would it matter if it was docked or undocked, she said "It has to be docked" her reason behimd this was, a boxer in her eye's dont look like boxer's with tail's, they are changing over 100 years of breeding boxer's to be docked to now being undocked it will take some getting used to, and to be honest i'm glad it's a few years away here yet, our goverment have more important thing's to complain about here in the north other than docking dog's.
  10. Angel20

    Angel20 New Member

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    "I totally agree. People usually buy the boxer because of their loveable nature and temperament. I have had boxers since i was little and have two at the moment (1 docked, Heidi, she is 3, and one bobtail Bobby he is 12 months), i wouldn't change to any other breed just because they had a tail. I don't love my boxers becuase they have a short tail, i love them becuase of their nature and although i have short tailed boxers at the minute, i wouldn't oppose to buying a longer tailed one in the future :grin: x
  11. lovezois

    lovezois Fondly remembered

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    I agree with Hali and Jackie on this one.
  12. morganstar

    morganstar New Member

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    I agree, I've refused to sell puppies to working hoems and recommended a breeder who docks legally and health checks. Not sure how many litters I'll have after this depends how they sell, I've only bred because I want a little girl to show. I've given up taking lists as well, as last time three prospective buyers on my list were also on my friends who breed bron. Theres only two litters due at the moment and we're going to reccomend each other

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