History of the Greyhound - discussion Discussions

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by Patch, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. spot

    spot New Member

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    Do you have any statistic regarding the amount of greys bred and the amount kept by the owners or returned to the breeders as opposed to those past on to rescue or simply disappearing.

    It just seems strange that there are so many in rescue yet apparently they all have caring owners or breeders?

    Maybe I am tarring them all - but then are you not doing the same to show breeders - all show breeders regardless of breed?
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  3. I-mac77

    I-mac77 New Member

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    Unfortunately the true statistics about the amount bred to the amount kept by owners, but they will be low. But that isn't the breeder, that is the human race. Breeders often breed on behalf of someone else. And I've know quite a few breeders that if there is a reject pup, they find a pet home for them. (Unfortunately that doesn't go for all of them), and they are the ones that you hear about. Unfortunately there are many owners of racing greyhounds that only want the racing dog, nothing more which is why so many end up awaiting rescue homes. Then are several retired greyhound trusts who are very selective on who can rehome an ex racer. They are a very easy breed to look after, but still the greyhound rescue centres won't let many who come through their doors have a dog.

    There are also other owners that get hooked on the dogs, so will own several racing dogs at any given time, so may home one or two themselves but will want the others put up for homing at the end of their career.

    I think that the majority of racing greyhound breeders do care for the pups they rear but they are often never the owners of the pups, or the bitch. This is were breeding differs from all other breeds. I have to say I agree with Lurcherlover, Show Greyhound breeders are only interested in the look, if they were interested on the reasoning for the breed in the first place, then there would be little difference between a show grey and a racing/coarsing grey. This isn't to say that this is the same for all show breeders, but that is just the way it has gone for show greyhounds.
  4. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    I thought this was a discussion on the history of the greyhound?
  5. spot

    spot New Member

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    And part of that history is the abuse, overbreeding and cruelty that these dogs have to suffer or is that a no go area?
  6. I-mac77

    I-mac77 New Member

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    Yes that is true. Part of the history of the breed is the seperation in type between racers and showers. But we shouldn't discuss the rights and wrongs of racing :D
  7. galty

    galty New Member

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    With all respect any disscusion on Greyhounds you bring this up.

    Do you have first hand knowledge or do you fall for the LIES of Tony Peters of Greyhoundaction.

    Would be nice to discuss Greyhounds with out your biased POLTICS
  8. galty

    galty New Member

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    You have THREE differant types of GREYHOUNDS.

    Show hound........ almost extinct, one main breeder left

    Coursing hound..... with the ban on coursing will be extinct soon.

    Racing hound.........First developed in the 1920 from the coursing hound breed for speed, coursing hound breed for stamina.

    You can trace the greyhound ped on a site mentioned back to the late 1700, well before the KC
  9. I-mac77

    I-mac77 New Member

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    Is it not the case that often Racing Greyhounds and Coursing Greyhounds are often the same, just been raised differently. The coursers I have known have all come from racing stock, but brought up to have stamina?
  10. galty

    galty New Member

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    The Racing dog is breed to win the Derby which is 480M, so speed is needed.

    Some racing dogs go coursing and back to racing in the summer, in my experance very rare.

    In the ninties a Coursing champion was used on a few racing bitches(Newry Hill) to produce more stamina, he had a nice few pups on the track , most 6 to 8 benders.

    In the end its down to blood lines and coursing champions are not used if rarely, so the three great coursing blood lines will die out.
  11. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

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    This is my first post and you will find 'I say what I mean and mean what I say'
    How can you possibly discuss the history of the greyhound without including the inherent problems of greyhounds bred for racing. This has to be the most over bred and exploited breed in the UK and Ireland. The wholly independent All Palriamentary Group for Animal Welfare (not Greyhound Action) concluded last year that nearly 14,000 greyhounds surplus greyhounds are produced annually by the racing industry and STILL the Irish farmers are subsidised by the EU to breed racing greyhounds. The fate of the surplus healthy greyhounds have been exposed by this recent article, where greyhounds are slaughtered, yes slaughtered, it cannot legally be classed as euthanasia because the greyhounds were healthy!
    A greyhound bred for BAGS (bookmakers afternoon greyhound service) racing costs £200, it is purely a 'unit' and is unlikely to have more than its value invested in it, in terms of welfare. ie vet treatment or humane euthanasia. Pure commercial mathematics. The APGAW report also concluded that for every puppy that makes it to the UK tracks one puppy is disposed of. This isnt politics, its fact.
    As for the abuse..........

    Thoughts welcome please.........
  12. galty

    galty New Member

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    Hi JODIE

    Thread was about Greyhound History but still.


    About the John Oconner pratice the greyhound clinic at the Ockenden complex, about suppling spare parts"Organ donations"
    Its hard to prove that they where healthy dogs(Have to agree some were)because even the RSPCA cannot say they where healthy because a vet said they needed to be PTS and only a nother VEt can say this vet was wrong.

    Tried to watch your link on you Tube ,could not get it to play but did read a couple of comments that it was a Biased(POLITICAL) bit of propaganda.

    Ps Think that this might not be the case with you, but have on other sites when confronted others they have rejoined with another name to back themselves up.
  13. galty

    galty New Member

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    As have asked before, can with get back to the history of THE GREYHOUND and not have links to something two months ago.

    Thank you
  14. I-mac77

    I-mac77 New Member

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    Well said! Let the discussion of rights and wrongs of racing be the topic for another discussion!
  15. I-mac77

    I-mac77 New Member

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    I know of a couple of people that were really keen on coarsing, they always chose racing stock, but raised them with stamina in mind! But I would agree that coarsing champions would be used by coarsing specialist, but I would still argue that they are in fact similar dogs to racers, just raised differently. I think a racer or a coarser could have a litter of pups that could do well inthe opposite field, whereas neither are likely to succeed in the show ring, and likewise the show dog will not succeed in either coarsing or racing!

    I expect the great coarsing blood lines will now be intorduced into some racing lines :)
  16. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

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    Hi Galty
    Just my last word on this......The APGAW report cannot be classed as political propaganda, because it was an All Parliamentary Group (from different parties) the racing industry submitted figures and 'welcomed' the report's findings.
    Enjoy your discussion..i'm off to start a new thread.
  17. spot

    spot New Member

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    And with all respect back is there a reason I shouldnt? I thought discussion and opinions were open to all?

    Maybe your right and it is all lies and no healthy greyhound is pts either humanely or not or even put into rescue! Cant help wonder where many disappear to or where all those in rescue come from.

    Actually yes I do have first hand knowledge and one of those is lying at my feet now.

    If you dont wish to hear my opinions, views or about my dogs you can always put me on ignore.

    I couldnt give a hoot about politics its the dogs I care about.

    Then can I ask if you think this is not case why you even mention it?
  18. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Admin here can easily identify multiple accounts and those who do it are banned.

    It`s absolutely valid to have the current situation regarding racing brought into the discussion, [ as said arlier in this thread ], because after all it`s a huge industry centred around the breed but lets keep the discussion sensible among us here guys :001:
    Educating on the rights or wrongs of the industry don`t get taken seriously when a discussion starts to appear more about the people discussing it than the reason for the discussion - the breed and the individual dogs.

    Starting a new racing specific thread was a good idea at this point in the discussion I think, so I`m linking to it here plus an older Racing discussion thread so that the two topics can be kept separate but points raised in either thread can be referred to easily by readers / contributors :grin:

    Complimentary thread :
    Do you think commercial Greyhound Racing should be abolished?

    Older discussion thread :

    Racing Greyhounds

    Hope that will help keep this thread informative and educational regarding the Origins of the breed while still furthering the continued discussion regarding how the Breed is used in modern society :001:
  19. galty

    galty New Member

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    You started a thread about the History of a "DOG"

    People contributed to it.

    Then spot brought up a politic view.

    You then supported her/him????, second page.

    But thanks for giving links to another topic which all the tree huggers can contribute to.

    CAN WE GET BACK TO TALKING(as said by another)about the History of the most suprime dog in the world, in fact the only true dog in the world (Whippets included)all the rest should be banned.
  20. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Spot brought a valid moral viewpoint to the discussion and did so in a polite way - moral does not mean political - politics and morals rarely go hand in hand.

    My supportive response reflected that, and the reasons why it is something potential owners of Greys should consider, particularly temperament, [ with regards to what racing Greys are bred to do in terms of what can sometimes be very problematic regarding cats, small dogs, and wildlife ], and the rescue side of things, for which those temperament and training elements are important considerations in deciding on a Show type or Racing type, as well as the fact that the racing industry is indeed directly responsible for horrendous numbers of the breed ending up in bad situations - something the breed has inherited as a result of their purpose of origins, so is therefore legitimate to have been brought up in the discussion.

    I linked to them in order to keep this thread on track or at least to continue in the respectful way it had been approached by, [ most ], posters.

    This comment being a good example of less than helpful and certainly not constructive input - its the sort of comment which leads people to conclude arrogance and disregard of the welfare of the dogs involved, not really the way to gain support for racing, but a very effective way to put people off it so I`ll happily give you marks for doing that ;-)

    I`ll just skip past this bit, which I suspect most other contributors will also do as its a rather silly statement to make on an all-breeds dog lovers forum :lol:
  21. galty

    galty New Member

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    To the quote you do not want to reply.

    Yes my footnote was wrong as I am against censorship.

    But the statment I made that Greys/whippets are suprior, are based on two main points.

    If you took a greyhound to a vet and he tested its T4, any other dog would be put on a drip, greyhounds normal.

    If a dog needed a blood transfusion, vets would use a greyhound(Oxegen levels are higher plus between 60% to 70% of GH blood can be used on all other dogs with out a match)

    In the 80/90 if a gh was given a normal anathgistic(sp) by a vet who did not no the breed, the dog died, safer ans., where delevoped and vets better educated.

    A side note When the RGT announced that 6 hounds where sent to a top Vet training hospital to be blood doners, all the idiot tree huggers complained by saying that QUOTE have not these poor dogs not suffer enogh.

    Thats my reason for saying that GREYHOUNDS/WHIPPETS are a superior dog.

    Prove me wrong PATCH

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