History of the Greyhound - discussion Discussions

Discussion in 'Greyhound' started by Patch, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    History of the Greyhound - discussion

    What are the historical origins of the Greyhound Breed ?

    Polite discussion welcomed :grin:
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  3. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    This is quite a comprehensive piece, please feel free to discuss any points which may have more accurate / more up to date information on what`s considered by some to be the oldest Purebred Breed in the World :grin:

    From : http://www.greyhoundexpressions.org/history.htm
    Brief History of the Greyhound

    Centuries of breeding have resulted in the most remarkable breed of dog known to man ~ the Greyhound. The Greyhound’s streamlined body is that of the ultimate canine athlete, which has not significantly deviated since ancient times. Greyhound or Greyhound-like canines have appeared throughout the centuries in artistry, pottery, literature, and within the tombs of the ancient pyramids. The exact historical origin of the Greyhound is unknown. Its origin has been thought to be Africa, Greece, Middle East, or Turkey. We do know that the Greyhound’s historical lineage is greatly rooted in ancient history dating back thousands of years, making the Greyhound the oldest purebred canine. Some say the Greyhounds date back over 4,000 years ago.

    Throughout time Greyhounds have been bred for one thing ~ speed. Greyhounds are a member of the sighthound family and primarily hunt by eyesight, as opposed to other canines, which use scent. Greyhounds have the ability to see distances up to ½ mile away. Another characteristic of the sighthound is the instinct to chase. Greyhounds are noted for reaching speeds up to 45 mph in three strides. Collectively, throughout history these attributes made the Greyhound an excellent and well-adapted hunter.

    There is much speculation as to the origin of the name “Greyhound”. Contrary to what some may think, the word Greyhound does not come from their color. In fact, there is no real “gray” Greyhound. The closest thing to “gray” is a “blue” or “steel” color, and actually it is not very common. Some believe it stems from the word “gazehound”, which is another word for sighthound. Other possibilities include from the word “Graius” or “Grecian” meaning Greek, the Latin word “ gracillius” meaning slender or slim, the old British word “grech” or “greg”, meaning dog, or “hundr”, meaning hunter. Whereas, others assert the name simply implies “great hound”.

    Regardless of their exact lineage and name derivation, Greyhounds are one of the most unique breeds in the world, recognized for their elegant appearance, grace, gentleness, agility, and speed. The sight and silhouette of a Greyhound running, full speed, muscles contracted, legs stretched is a rare beauty in respect to the rest of the canine world. These remarkable creatures have been a symbol of pride and respect for many great civilizations. The following are just some of the impressions the Greyhound has made throughout history.

    The first evidence of long, lean canines resembling the Greyhound appeared in temple drawings in the city of Catal-Huyuk in Turkey. The temple drawings dating back to 6000 BC depict a Greyhound-like canine assisting a hunter.

    Around 4000 BC, now Iran, a funerary vase was made and beautified with the depictions of Greyhound-like canines.

    Greyhounds were the most valuable possession of the Egyptian Pharaohs, adored for their speed, grace, elegance, and loyalty. Cleopatra and King Tutankhamen had Greyhounds. Figures of the Pharaoh’s Greyhounds were often carved into the walls of their tombs or mummified along side their masters. In ancient Egypt, the birth of a Greyhound was often second in importance to the birth of a son. Entire families would mourn the passing of a Greyhound by shaving their heads, fasting, and weeping out loud.

    The first mention of any canine breed in literature dated back around 800 BC. In Greek literature, a book called “The Odyssey” told a story of a man named Odysseus who left home for 20 years. When he arrived home, the only one who recognized him was his Greyhound “Argus”, who was only a puppy when he left home.

    The Greyhound is the only canine breed to be mentioned in The Bible, Proverbs 30: 29-31.

    During the Middle Ages, Greyhounds nearly became extinct due to famine and disease. Fortunately, priests and clergymen took special care to protect the Greyhounds, and later bred them for nobleman.

    Around the year 900, the King of Wales ordered that the punishment for the killing of a Greyhound was the same for the killing of a human ~ death.

    In the year 1014, King Canute enacted the Forest Laws, stating only persons of nobility were permitted to own a Greyhound.

    In Britain, Greyhounds were appreciated for their well-adapted ability to hunt and course. Also, in Britain the ownership of a Greyhound was a symbol of pride and nobility. Hence, the popularity of the Greyhound grew very popular among the elite.

    Greyhounds eventually made their way to the United States in the late 1800’s to help control the jack rabbit population. In 1912, marked the birth of the mechanical lure. It was not too long after the first track opened in 1919 in Emeryville, California. In the years to come, Greyhound racing would flourish as a spectator sport.

    The modern day Greyhound still retains all the attributes that made it so treasured throughout the centuries. Greyhounds are known for their gentleness, patience, and sensitivity. They have personalities that tend to want to please their families and a tendency to bond deeply with their family. Greyhounds are one of the most loyal companions. They are extremely intelligent and have the ability to acclimate to their new home very quickly. Greyhounds are very clean and do not have a “doggy” odor like most other canines. Some can live in harmony with other pets such as birds, cats, small animals, and other exotic pets.

    Greyhounds make the most wonderful family companion and are good with well- mannered, considerate children. Sharing your life with a Greyhound will change your life in every way. They will provide you with a lifetime of enrichment. Through proper care, love, understanding, patience, and encouragement a Greyhound will learn to trust, love you, and form a bond so strong it will last a lifetime. Despite their previous life as a racer, Greyhounds have become valued, beloved members of the family.
  4. mse2ponder

    mse2ponder New Member

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    theres one on a 3000-year-old Egyptian painting!
  5. mse2ponder

    mse2ponder New Member

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    Oh dear Patch.. your post seems a little more comprehensive! Does anyone know when they were first recognised by the KC or how far back a pedigree can be traced?
  6. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Mmmm well show Greys and racing/coursing greys are so different we could be discussing two different breeds!
  7. mse2ponder

    mse2ponder New Member

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    i've read somewhere that they have one of the oldest pedigrees but it doesn't say how old.. so it would probably be before showing would it? i don't really know.. has the breed always been split or did it happen more recently?
  8. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    Well the KC has been around since 1873 and has records of shows going back to 1859 so technically if a greyhound was registered back then a modern greyhound could have a pedigree spanning over 150 years. However, rather worryingly on the KC's site it states that pedigree was of little importance back then :roll: so I would be dubious of the accuracy of pedigrees that far back, in fact until DNA profiling is introduced that could be said of a few pedigrees today!
  9. mse2ponder

    mse2ponder New Member

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    that is strange.. so there was more emphasis put on the breed standard then? i suppose people didn't bother recording pedigrees before there was an actual need to.. if it looked like a greyhound - it was a greyhound?
  10. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    The KC at that stage was merely set up to regulate the showing of dogs but they did set up in 1880 the method of recording dogs by name as today as there were rather a lot of bobs/spots/vixens etc which caused confusion, again another reason for possibly dodgy peds, after all which bob was it!
  11. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    If you would like to give comparisons of any main differences, that would be great :grin:
    It would be interesting to see how / when the differences became prominent and could be of help to people who want a Grey in terms of what to bear in mind when researching and considerations in this regard for adopting a rescued ex-racer for instance :grin:
  12. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    Well I've just dug out my book of 1893 (ish) and there seems to be a difference in type even back then although they were all classed as greyhounds.
    One has a very deep chest and high tuck up whereas the other two have a flatter chest a lot longer in the loin and not so pronounced tuck up.
  13. mse2ponder

    mse2ponder New Member

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    It said on a Show Greyhound Rescue site that "show greyhounds have a slightly different conformation from the racing dog, being on the whole, larger and with 'flatter' sides". Its very interesting to know as i'd love to get a rescue hound when i can and it helps to know about the types in a 'split breed' obviously.. It was also interesting that the Show Greyhound Club, due to not having many of their own hounds to rehome are supportive and generous towards some of the rescues..
  14. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    Here are the piccies in my book.
  15. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Last one looks more like a Whippet!
  16. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    Just posting copies of the piccies that's all!
  17. mse2ponder

    mse2ponder New Member

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    ooh they're lovely.. old plates are fantastic arent they? here's a painting dating to around 1320 in Charlwood, Surrey. it's not the best quality, but the shape of the hound (bottom middle) is unmistakable...

  18. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Yes I know, I was just saying it in response to what you had said, i.e how different they were.
  19. I-mac77

    I-mac77 New Member

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    I think that I have read somewhere that in the 1800's Bull terriers were added to the breed to create the racing greyhound we have today :D

    Having seen Jade against a Show hound you can see a real difference in their make up, plus in my opinion the show grey wasn't as good at running :D

    I've had quite a bit of involvement with the racing greyhounds but very little to do with show type! I know the racing type have been around since Victorian times, and coarsing type racing was held back then I believe :D
  20. spot

    spot New Member

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    The real difference between show greyhounds and racing greyhounds? Show greys are mostly bred by breeders who care about their dogs, racing greys are bred by those who care about money - simple really

  21. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    A very important point Spot.
    When considering a breed as a companion and looking at the physical and temperament traits of Show type and racing type, I do think its important for people to aso think about the purpose of the breed and the ramifications of it for the dogs, the racing industry in particular being one which has a very dubious record in terms of welfare.

    Hopefully, through a discussion about the origins of the breed, the original purpose of that breed, and the modern Greyhound of today, whether Show type or race type, by including the moral implications specific to the breed it might all go toward helping prospective owners to very carefully consider the ethics of the breeder they may buy a pup from or to hopefully consider a rescue ex-racer or one in need of rescue because it never `made the grade` in the first place.

    Thank you Spot for bringing in a most relevant angle for readers to think about :smt001

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