Just wondering if anyone had any idea's what Honey is crossed with? She is 2 so is fully grown...... The kennel told me Border Collie/Lab but I have never seen a collie's tail curl that much! thanks xXx
She looks Collie/Lab but could have unknown parentage in there too, maybe from a spitz breed, I think the curly tail is quite a dominant feature when they are crossbred even through generations, someone correct me if i'm wrong.
collie x lab- screw/cork tail is a breeding fault of a lab (what I have been told).Either way she is gougous. ATD xxx
Thank you for your replies. I thought as much but also IMO I think there is a bit of Baseji in there??? Yes/No???? It's just with the broad head, curly tail and although she can bark, she tends to squeal and yap!!! - don't laugh! My b/f alway takes the mick out of me for thinking it!!! lol! xXx
He he her tail is fantastic! Whilst she is awake no matter what you do to it, it always pings back into that position! But when she is asleep you can do anything to it I know what you mean about the Spitz - Finnish Spitz is very simular
It's not a screw/cork tail ! It's a plume/coil or similar which I would say comes from a Spitz type as it is very dominant throughout generations.
Has she a slightly undershot jaw (bottom teeth overlapping front teeth) if so I'd say pug/whippet! That would account for tail shape, body shape and ears! Becky
That's amazing how could you tell that from the photo! Her bottom teeth do overlap her from teeth!!! The same with my Rottweiler although her is more dramatic and had to have her bottom two main fangs (both baby and adult) taken out as they were embedded in her top gum. Although with Honey this doesn't affect her thank god because Narla was in alot of pain when we got her. Thank you all for your replies They give me a bit more of an idea as to what she has in her. I have to say it doesn't bother me what she is I was just curious And thank you she is beautiful I love her to peices and she is UNBELEIVABLY intelligent!!! I swear she was human in her past life!!! and she is so obediant! Thank you all again xXx
She has a slightly fatter lower lip! :smt002 I stand by my pug cross whippet :smt002 If you look she has similar pug feet too! She goregous whatever so her make up really doen't matter! Becky
our sam (border collies) tail curls a lot as well - not quite as much as she pure bc but quite a lot..... will post a pic when i have time
this is the pic - not the best one sam - she held her tail curled every day - especially when she was trying to be 'proud' gawd i miss that dog